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Social Motivation


Submitted By smclachlan
Words 1214
Pages 5
Social motivation Psyc104

Aggression and violence

* Why do humans hurt one another? aggression is a fundamental social motive * The role of learning and modelling people become violent by watching violence, if children see a lot of aggression they become aggressive which is called social learning accounts * Bandura argued (1980) children come into the world who are innocent and their learning from parents, siblings, television and they conducted the BoBo doll experiment sat them behind the window watching an adult bashing this doll and playing and some adults were very violent and others were gentle and the children were then allowed to do whatever they wanted with the doll the children who saw the adults aggressive with the doll mimicked such * Greitemeyer and mugged (2014) meta analysis of 98 studies of 37,000 people, found significant, positive relationship between violent video games and aggressive behaviour Social learning problems * Doesn’t explain the origins of human violence * Why have humans behaved aggressively throughout history and across cultures? * Why are humans attracted to violence, even though they fear it * Is human aggression learned (social learning) or instinctive or both?

“instinctive” accounts * Aggression as instinct: * Darwin-aggression functions to assert power and dominance * Threat and appeasement displays
Freud and Lorenz * Freud the ‘death’ instinct hurt people they love * Lorenz- “on aggression” proposed a “fighting instinct” * Aggression is a healthy, adaptive instinct but needs appropriate channelling * Catharsis- purifying discharge, gets rid of aggressive ‘energies’

Instinct theories: problems * No evidence for aggressive energy reservoirs inside people * Catharsis doesn’t work violence breeds violence

Current thinking

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