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Spanish in America


Submitted By carmel741
Words 486
Pages 2
Department of Spanish & Portuguese

Name_____________________________________________________ Composition Number ______________


CONTENT 20-18 EXCELLENT: Knowledgeable. Substantive. Thorough development of topic. Relevant to assigned topic.
17-13 VERY GOOD: Very good knowledge of the subject. Very good range range. Good development of topic. Relevant to topic, but lacks certain detail.
12-9 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Good knowledge of subject. Adequate range. adequate development of topic.
8-5 FAIR TO POOR: Does not show knowledge of subject. Non-substantive.
Not pertinent. 4-0 INADEQUATE: Not enough to evaluate.

ORGANIZATION 10-9 EXCELLENT: Excellent flow of ideas. Ideas expressed clearly. Outstanding stated. Succinct. Excellent sequencing. Cohesive.
8-7 VERY GOOD: Ideas flow fluently. Main ideas stand out. Well-organized. Logical sequencing.
6-5 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Somewhat choppy. Loosely organized but main ideas stand out. Logical but incomplete sequencing.
4-2 FAIR TO POOR: Very poorly organized. Very difficult to read due to lack of organization.
1-0 INADEQUATE: No organization. Not enough to evaluate.

LANGUAGE USE 35-33 EXCELLENT: Excellent range of structures and
(GRAMMAR/LANGUAGE functions. Includes complex constructions. No errors of agreement,
FUNCTIONS) tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns. Meaning clear.
32-26 VERY GOOD: Very good range of structures and functions. Attempts complex constructions. Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns. Meaning not obscured.
25-20 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Effective use of simple constructions and language functions. Problems with complex constructions. Several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, but meaning seldom obscured.
14-19 FAIR TO POOR: Major problems in simple/complex constructions
And language functions. Frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns. Fragments, run-ons, deletions. Meaning confused or obscured.
13-0 VERY POOR: Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, and language functions. Dominated by errors.

VOCABULARY 30-28 EXCELLENT: Excellent and sophisticated range for the level. Use of rich and extensive vocabulary. 27-23 VERY GOOD: Very good range for the level. Effective word/idiom choice and usage.
Appropriate vocabulary for the level.
22-17 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Adequate range. Occasional errors of word/ idiom form, choice or usage, but meaning not obscured.
16-12 FAIR TO POOR: Limited range. Frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice or usage. Meaning confused or obscured.
11-0 VERY POOR: Essentially translation/. Little knowledge of Spanish vocabulary, idioms or word form.

MECHANICS 5 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: Demonstrates mastery of conventions. Few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, accents
4-3 GOOD TO AVERAGE: Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, accents but meaning not obscured.
2-1 FAIR TO POOR: Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
Accents. Many typos. Meaning confused or obscured.
0 VERY POOR/INADEQUATE: No mastery of basic conventions. Dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, accents. Too many typos.

Points Version 1(70%) Points Version 2 (30%) Total Composition (100%)_______

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