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Spss Factor Analys


Submitted By bbbataa
Words 304
Pages 2
Factor Analysis Steps….

In order to get the results of factor analysis, you need to handle with main following steps:

1. Open Data File: (.sav file)—SPSS data file.

2. Click on Analyze ( Data Reduction ( Factor ( Select the (items) variables from the panel and move it to the right panel in the “Variable box”. (See Figure 1.1)


3. Click on Descriptive ( Check: (See Figure 1. 2) ✓ Initial Solution ✓ KMO & Bartletts ✓ Anti-image ( Continue [pic]

4. Click on Extraction and then [Methods: Select “Principle components”]( Check: (See Figure 1.2) ✓ Correlation Matrix ✓ Unrotated factor solution ✓ Number of factor “type 1 in the box” ✓ Scree plot (optional) ( Continue

5. Click on Rotation ( Check: (See Figure 1. 3) a. VARIMAX b. Rotated Solution c. Max Iteration 25 ( Continue

6. Click on Options( Check “Sorted by size” (See Figure 1.3) ( Continue ( OK


Evaluation Criteria of Factor Analysis

✓ KMO > 0.5 ✓ FL > 0.6 ✓ Eigen value > 1 ✓ Explained Variance—“Cumulative” > 60% ✓ Communality > 0.5

*****Warning, you will never delete more than one variable at the same time*****

Reliability Analysis Steps…

After you have done with factor analysis steps, rest of formal items will be using to get the results of reliability stage. Please follow the main instructions:

1. Click on Analyze ( Scale ( Reliability Analysis ( Select the (items) variables from the left panel (but you do need to make sure that the items are the formal results of factor analysis steps) and move it to the right panel “Items box” (See Figure 2.1)


2. Click on Statistics ( Check: (See Figure 2.2)

✓ Scale if item deleted ✓ Correlations ( Continue( OK [pic]

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