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Starbucks Interview Assignment

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For my assignment, I contacted my uncle, Mr.Neoh for making an interview appointment. He is fifty years old this year and has twenty more years working experiences. I selected him as my interviewee as he has wide ranges of working experiences and exposures especially he travelled a lot locally and abroad. Basically, he has no preparation required since the interview was mainly on his career path achievement towards his success. We arranged the interview session at Subang Jaya Starbucks coffee shop on 11thJune 2017 at 2 pm. We carried out the interview almost two hours and it made me realised that career path is not easy. At the beginning, I started with a common question, “Where you working and what are your position?” He responded that …show more content…
I curious that why he left Alcatel as it was definitely a long period! He shared me his experience steadily but his eyesight was blurred with tears. “I was thinking to work until retirement. However, Alcatel business was not doing well and the company started chopping off employees. I realized that I should leave if I managed to find a new job. I have no choice” (Neoh, 2017). From his sharing, I remembered Willianson once said that “We do not remedy the previous by lodging there; we remedy the previous by living fully in the present-day” (2013). I found that even he was a technical manager with interesting working ethics and environment, but he had forced to quit the job that he had relied on for 15 years and eventually found a new …show more content…
We may think about good personality are definitely helpful in career advancement. However, they are not absolutely the key factors in your career. You build up determinations to pursue your dreams. Nowadays many people think about job quality and satisfactions, instead of career path advancement. So the working world is evolving from time to time, and for me the most important thing is to sense for change based on you would like to get from your working life” (Neoh,

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