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Statistic Research


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Research Questionnaire
RES 341 Research and Evaluation I
University of Phoenix

Statistics Questionnaire
Workplace flexibility covers a variety of approaches—the scheduling of hours worked, such as nontraditional start and end times and compressed workweeks; the amount of hours worked, such as job sharing, phased retirement and part-time work; and the place of work, such as a satellite location or home, according to the report. Please complete the following questionnaire to assist us in gaining a better understanding of you and your scheduling needs.
Ordinal Questions 1. How much would an alternative schedule make you happier? a. Very Much b. Not too Much c. Only a little d. I like my schedule the way it is 2. How long have you been an employee of UOPX? e. <2 years f. 2-5 Years g. 6-10 years h. >10 years 3. When considering a job offer, please rank the importance of the following (Please fill in your rank order using numbers 1 through 5 with 1 being the most important): i. Positive working environment ___ j. Salary ___ k. Benefits ____ l. Vacation time ____ m. Challenging workload ___
Nominal Questions 4. What is your education level?

1 - High School or lower
2 - Some College
3 - College Graduate
4 - Some Graduate School
5 - Master's Degree
6 – Doctorate 5. How many Children of you have? 1. None 2. One 3. Two 4. Three 5. >3
Interval Questions 6. Of the following: rank the schedules 1-5, with one being most preferred to 5 being least preferred. n. M-F 8 am-5 pm ___ o. M-TH 9 am- 8pm ___ p. T-Fri 9 am-8pm ___ q. M/F 8 am-1 pm, Tues-Thur 8 am- 7pm ___ r. M-Th 8 am- 6pm, Fri 8 am-12pm ____

Read the following statement(s) and then rank them 1-5, with one being most likely, 4 somewhat likely, 3 no opinion, 4 being not likely and 5 being most definitely not. 7. An alternative schedule would make a more productive employee _______ 8. An alternative schedule would allow me more time see potential students _____ 9. An alternative schedule would prevent me from taking more time off work ______ 10. An Alternative work schedule would relieve some stress in my life. _______
Ratio Questions 11. How many hours a month (on average) do you take for vacation to complete personal errands? ______ 12. How many hours in a day would you be willing to work to have an additional day off a week? _______

13. Was there a schedule you prefer that was not listed? Is so, list that below. Day | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | IN | | | | | | | | OUT | | | | | | | |

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