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Strange in Soc


Submitted By jiminloves
Words 569
Pages 3
Things that I Find Strange in the Society Society is the place we live in together with the people we deal with. Only as a part of society can we can study, communicate, obtain experiences and learn to overcome difficulties. As our society became wider, we have acquire the things or habits that people have contributed to the society. Although everyone is unique, society shapes the lives of its people. While living in a society, there are a lot of things we can see in the action of people that seems natural but, in fact, isn’t. Among the things that I find strange that is happening in our society is about education for success. A lot of parents would say to their children to go to school and study hard to get good grades because that will be their way to find a safe and secure job and be successful. Parents want the children to go to school to properly educate them. They also say that through education, we could earn desirable amount of money and make our lives easier. To be successful, one must go to school and educate. That’s what they are trying to make us believe. If the purpose of going to school is to educate ourselves, then why can’t we just go to library or read anything that will educate us for success? Not all people become successful because of education. There are a lot of people who were able to achieve success in their own way other than going to school. Bill Gates, a college drop-out, is now known as a successful man not because he go to school, but because of his excellent ability, skills and intelligence that made him reach the top. Just because college graduates tend to earn more doesn’t mean the college caused that to be the case. Another is that when a girl cry then she is considered by other people who have seen her to be a victim of something that hurt her causing the girl to cry but when a guy cry, the people or friends would see him as a weak person who got easily affected and acted like a girl. There are guys who cry because they are being sincere or that things got out of control already. A guy who cry doesn’t mean he is already weak, he is just being a normal person who has emotions. Another is that when a marriage happens when two people love each other unconditionally. But then, not all marriage happen for the same reason. There are other people who marry a person for their own benefit. Like for example, each of the persons handle company and in order to merge their company, they prefer marriage for both of them or for the heirs to make their companies become one. There are also people who are getting married because they are obliged to for the reason that they will become parents soon. Not all people accept marriage for love. Other people just marry a person for acquiring the benefits or consequences they get. The main point is that things may not always be as what they appear to us. We may have seen things that are very familiar to us but sometimes we failed to see the other side of it. Once we learn about sociological perspective, we started to see strange things in a familiar situation

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