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Strategic Management Process


Submitted By ahoward28
Words 511
Pages 3
Strategic Management Process
Angela Howard
August 28, 2013
Glenn O’Steen

The primary components of the strategic management process are environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control. Environmental scanning is described to be “the monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the corporation” (Wheelen, 2010). Environmental scanning is usually used to classify strategic influences that will control the future of the corporation. Strategy formulation is the act of rising long-term tactics for the future of a company by using the company’s strengthens, and weaknesses, for the efficient management of environmental opportunities and pressure. Strategy implementation is the putting in action of the strategies formulated by a corporation.
Lastly, evaluation and control includes the monitoring of corporate activities and performance in order to compare the actual results, to the ones that are set as goals. Strategic management helps a company sustain long-term performance. For companies that do not practice strategic management, it is very hard to attain and to sustain long-term performance. Most companies when they have finally attained a high performance level will soon experience a decrease in their performance. Strategic management will help a company understand, and realize that the environment around them is constantly changing, and evolving. It also helps a company focus on the strategies that are important and beneficial, which altogether helps in building a better understanding of strategies in regards to the corporation.
Strategic Management Transportation is known to be an essential tool when it comes to a business, but transportation companies such as British Airways is also corporation that uses strategic

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