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Strategy and Planning


Submitted By deelarsen
Words 1236
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Strategy and Planning


Strategy and Planning
Business, an ever changing game for the existence of service providers and product innovators. Competition is steep in most cases, and as quickly a distinct product or service is introduced, the market floods with the same, better version. The environmental climate in business fluctuates, political and regulatory landscape changes whether conducting business in the US or overseas. From small neighborhood business to global business, there is no avoidance from these impacts, and the overall objective is simple; to grow, to profit, and be competitive.
A business must have a roadmap, a set of guidelines to provide direction. This is “the plan”, a strategy of an organization. Having a solid strategy can be the game changer for the success of a business. The strategy maps out the objectives and goals which align with the organizations vision. The following discusses the three types of goals, and suggests why these goals are important to the strategy of an organization. The content will discuss types of planning as they are important to the strategy, as well as examine elements and factors involved in creating an effective strategy.
Three Types of Goals Goals may be defined as a set of steps to reach on common goal. However there are types of goals which are used to achieve specific objectives, and designed for each level of hierarchy. There are short term goals, goals which are intermediate, and the long term goals. In business, planning includes Strategic, Tactical, and Operational goals. Whatever the term, goals are the means to an end, the steps to take to meet one objective…the finish line. According to Kinicki (2016), “goals are arranged in a hierarchy known as a means-end chain because in the chain of management (operational, tactical, strategic) the accomplishment of low-level goals is the means

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