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Summary of Indian Camp


Submitted By thereseriis01
Words 478
Pages 2
Summary of Indian Camp
Two Indians stood waiting at the lakeshore. They are transporting Nick, his father and Uncle George. Nick's father is a doctor, and explains to Nick, that they are going to the Indian Camp because an Indian woman is very sick, while the Indians work very hard, rowing the rowboat. After the boat trip through the mist and darkness they reach the destination, and the young Indian pulls up the rowboat. Uncle George gives the two Indians cigars as thanks for the trip, he smokes a cigar with them.

They follow the Indians, who carried a lantern, through a soaking wet meadow. They went into the woods to follow a trail that ran into the hills. They walked around a bend and a dog came out barking. Ahead where light from shanties. An old lady is holding a lamp in the doorway of a shanty. An Indian woman is lying on a wooden bunk inside. She has tried to give birth to her child for two days, and all the older women have tried to help her, but unfortunately without success. The men went further up the road to avoid the noise that the pregnant woman is making.
The pregnant Indian woman had a husband, who recently has cut his foot very badly, with an ax. As some water is heating up Nick and his father have a conversation. The father tells him, that the woman is in labor, and that everybody wants the baby to be born. The woman screams in misery, and Nick can’t handle the screaming so he requests his dad to give her some anesthetics, which he can’t cause he has not brought any.

Nick’s father explains to Nick that babies are supposed to being born head first, but if the baby is lying reversed it can cause trouble, and he might have to operate on the soon to be mother. The dad started to operate later that day. While the pregnant woman is undergoing the Caesarean, three Indian men and Uncle George hold her still, it turns out the be a boy.
The doctor

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