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Tamadun Islam


Submitted By simeon22
Words 1670
Pages 7



McDonald's is the world's leading fast-food company by sales, with about 32,000 restaurants serving burgers and fries in about 120 countries. (There are nearly 14,000 Golden Arches locations in the US.) The popular chain is well-known for its Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, and Chicken McNuggets. Most of its outlets are free-standing units, but McDonald's also has many units located in airports and retail areas.

McDonald's is proud to offer a wide variety of high-quality, great tasting menu options. The restaurants offer substantially uniform menu consisting of hamburgers and cheeseburgers. The menu includes the following

Big Mac Quarter Pounder with Cheese Filet-O-Fish Several chicken sandwiches French fries Chicken Mc Nuggets Salads Low-fat shakes, Mc Flurries Sundaes. Cones Pies Cookies Soft drinks as well as other beverages

McDonald’s restaurants compete with international, national, regional and local retailers of food products. McDonald’s competes on the basis of: • Price • Convenience • Service, by offering quality food products.

Its competitors include:

• • • • •

Burger King Wendy’s Hardees Taco bell and KFC


• • •
• • • •

SWOT FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Leader in the Quick Service Sandwich Industry, Brand Recognition Strongest International Presence and Highest Worldwide Sales Real-Estate Holdings Easily Recognizable Product Variety of Sources of Income Franchise Business Model

• Continuous Struggles in Offering Value-Priced Items and Expensive Items

• High Employee Turnover Rate

• • • • Growth in Global Food-Service Industry Initial Public Offerings

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The Abaya and the Women Beneath It Souza Leão Jensen 170588-3218 Characters: 22. 050 Introduction Dubai is claimed by many to be the centre of the Middle East, and by some, of the world. Connecting many countries, continents, cultures and people Dubai is a very cosmopolitan place that combines old tradition and religion with modernity, innovation, pioneering and extravagance. From the old traditional souks to the new modern malls we see people from all over the world, dressed in many different ways. It is sometimes easy to spot where people come from, especially if they are wearing a traditional costume for their culture. The locals of Dubai and the surrounding Emirates are called Emirati and the official religion of the United Arab Emirates is Islam. The traditional dress of the Muslim woman from the UAE is the Abaya, a kind of maxi dress or robe, it is long, has long sleeves, it is loose fitting and in the UAE it is generally black and simple, it is made of very thin fabric to make it cool in the scorching summers of Dubai and the surrounding Emirates. Muslim women in different parts of the world wear different garments, but all with the same purpose, to cover the body and not show the shape of the body, but in Dubai there is a large number of women in the black Abayas. There is a great contrast between the tourists, wearing tank tops and shorts revealing a lot of skin, and the Muslim women covering up their entire body, and some even their faces. There are many misconceptions, assumptions...

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...Chapter: 1 Introduction 1. Introduction As mandatory requirement of the Bachelor of the Business Administration (BBA) program under Eastern University, this report entitled – “Business Strategy”, a study on Fareast Islamic Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Insurance is a growing business in Bangladesh and has more and more scope to develop the economy of Bangladesh. In this report, we have tried our best to introduce the company and show their background, company policies, financial condition, performance and various analyses. 1.2 Objectives of the Study The report is the part of the Insurance sector that we are studying in our BBA course. The objective of the report is to present the practical view about the “Insurance Practices in Bangladesh”, that provides facility to the ends of the Individuals and to transform our modern social order. 3. Scope of the Study The scope of this report is limited to overall description of the company, its services and its financial performance analysis. The scope of the study is limited to organizational setup, functions and performance. Since FILIC is still its growth stage in Bangladesh; it has go to long way to achieve its destination. The report will mainly focus on what criteria FILIC maintaining before insuring and their claim settlement process. The will also emphasize on the financial ratios. 1.4 Methodology of the Study Selected Subject Matter We have...

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