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Submitted By NguyenThiTuyet
Words 24958
Pages 100
Unit 1: The Weekend 2. Let’s Listen 1.
A: So how was your weekend, Don?
B: Well, I wanted to go dancing with my girlfriend but she was too tired to go out.
A: So what did you do?
B: We just stayed home and watched TV.
A: I had a great weekend.
B: What happened?
A: I met this really terrific girl and I think she likes me.
B: Really?
A: Yeah, we’re going out next weekend.
B: All right!
A: What did you do last weekend?
B: Umm, I spent most of the time at the gym.
A: How come?
B: Well, I plan to enter a bodybuilding competition next month.
A: Gee, I didn’t know you were a bodybuilder.
B: Yeah. Want to see my muscles?
A: So, what was your weekend like? B: Not very good. My brother came over. A: Yeah? »
B: Well, he’s got three young boys. I spent all weekend playing computer games with my nephews. Now I’m exhausted. A: I’ll bet!
A: Did you have a nice weekend?
B: Mmm . Not too bad.
A: Did you do anything special?
B: Well, I saw a really good movie.
A: Who with?
B: Oh, I don’t think you know him. It’s this really good-looking guy I just met.
A: Did you have a nice weekend, Teresa?
B: It was okay.
A: So what did you do?
B: Well, I met some friends on Saturday and we rented a video.
A: How about Sunday? Did you see the World Series on TV?
B: The what?
A: The baseball game.
B: Oh. No, I was too tired. I slept most of the day.
A: You’re kidding! You missed a really great game. 3. Let’s Listen
A: So how was your weekend?
B: Oh, I went to see that new science-fiction movie downtown.
A: Oh, yeah? How was it?
B: Boring. I think I fell asleep in the middle of it!
A: What was your weekend like?
B: Awful!
A: How come?
B: I went to the beach for the weekend. But it was cold and wet the whole time.
A: Oh, yuck!
A: So, what did you do over the weekend?
B: Oh, I stayed home and

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