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Thank You For Arguing Summary

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Jay Heinrichs’s Thank you For Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Rhetoric, teaches the reader on how to persuade. From offence, to defense, and any other form helps the reader advance to a professional form of debate. He teaches about rhetoric, Aristotle’s three rules of persuasion, and gives real world examples of types of persuasion, from movies to politicians. Jay Heinrichs, the author of Thank You for Arguing is a New York Times bestseller. The book has been translated to 12 different languages and currently has 3 updated versions. His book is used in many different colleges, from Harvard to community colleges. Heinrich talks about many layers of an argument, which in every chapter he defines. His book can appeal to any type of person by providing the reader with different methods from both offence and defence.
Thank You for Arguing brings back the lost art of rhetoric, invented by the Greeks, which helps the one that uses rhetoric, understand the world and help improve their life. He defines decorum, the three rules of …show more content…
Turn the Volume Down. Heinrichs teaches the reader how to manipulate an audience with various techniques, which are easy to use and not that hard to turn the audience for your favor. I feel like these techniques are the easiest for me offense wise. Heinrichs explains how to turn anger in an argument into an amenable situation. He teaches the reader methods and tools on how to appease a heated debate with passive techniques, which can calm the audience. His techniques are simple, with a bit of childlike techniques, such as blaming your fault to the thing you caused, playing up your misfortune to have people sympathize with you, and being witty and bantering with your audience. This chapter is meaningful because it shows that sometimes you don’t have to be sharp and controlling, but you can also be childish and show a bit of your humane

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