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The 95 Theses Essay

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The 95 theses were made up October 31, 1517 by Martin Luther. Martin Luther went to the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. When he approached the Church he nailed the 95 theses on the door. The 95 theses are also called revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. The term “Protestant” was first seen in 1529 when Charles V revoked a plan that allowed the ruler of each German state to choose if they would enforce the Edict of Worms. In the 95 theses Luther wrote about the excesses and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. He mainly wrote about the indulgences. Indulgences are certain ways or reasons you can get into heaven. Purgatory has some ties to indulgences. Purgatory is the holding place according to the Catholic. …show more content…
Even though they were banned many church members traveled to purchase them. Some of the church members returned back to The Castle Church with their indulgences. They took the pardons to Luther. They claimed they no longer had to feel ashamed for their sins. Luther had so much frustration with this practice, so it led him to write the 95 Theses. So, that’s how the “95 Theses” came about. The spreading of The 95 Theses happened because the printing press or what we call a printer was invented. The printing press also helped the spreading of it because it helped him make more copies instead of writing The 95 Theses a million times to have enough copies. Once they got very popular they were translated into many different languages. One language was from Latin to German. A copy of them made their way to Rome. People in Rome began to convince Luther to change his tune. Luther refused to be silent about his writings. In 1521 Pope Leo X banned him from the Catholic Church. In the same year he still refused to be silent, even though the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Germany who issued the famous Edict of Worms declared Luther as an outlaw. That means he is giving anyone permission to kill

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