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The Biological Model of Human Development


Submitted By crissanda
Words 1166
Pages 5
Are Humans Causing Global Warming? Crissanda Heflin SCI 207 Mrs. Sarker October 10, 2011

Global Warming 1 Are Humans Causing Global Warming?
The recent warming of our planet has several apparent causes. In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change stated, there is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributed to human activities ( Green House Gases Green house gases act as a blanket locking in heat emissions affecting the earth’s climate. Human acts such as; burning fossil fuels and energy for deforestation is large contributors to an increase in green house gases. Humans are pouring carbon dioxide (CO2) in to the atmosphere much faster than plants and oceans can absorb it. This has been going on for years and because of the build up of emissions, it is impossible to prevent global warming. Deforestation Deforestation causes extinction in certain species. Humans are a species and we depend on other species for our survival. Land use directly leads to species extinction (Turk, J & Bensel T 2011 chapter 4). Humans should reserve biomes and aquatic zones because life is dependent upon it. An interruption to these zones causes a depleting effect creating irreversible lose of important organisms. Extinction is a natural selection process

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