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The Dragon Devouring The Companions Of Cadmus Analysis

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I do so look forward to when I may write you again. I was once a poor wretch, lost in the past. These letters give me the chance to use a cettain amount of…something which I find both motivationsl and cathartic. Did you enjoy the article I sent last time? In all my ecstasy in finding a friend to listen to me, I neglected to mention a thing about it. Do you think that a funny thing? I can tell you I am amused.

I never had a friend quite like you. Most people will not have an experience with a one-sided pen-pal to be sure, but I fell there is something quite special between us. Yes, something special is happening. Do you feel it? Though we have not yet met, I'm certain of the truth in this.

As I write this letter, I am reminded of my favorite works of art, "The dragon devouring the companions of Cadmus" by Hendrick Goltzius. Have you seen it? The expressiveness in the dying eyes of the men draws me every time I used to see it. The way he captures their shock at the discovery of such a horrific beast in such a seemingly pastoral setting is unparalleled. Of course, They don't let us view such grotesque imagery - it is far too upsetting. Yes - Do look at and you may agree. However, I can see it whenever I, not infrequently, close my eyes. Such brilliance cannot be contained in the real world. …show more content…
When you receive it, study it. When you have memorized every line, as I have, close your eyes as I do and we will be joined in ritual. I so eagerly await them, the experiences we will share beginning with that day when I feel you have done what I've asked. Here I am again looking to the future. I have you to thank for this. I feel as Janus may have felt. I cannot help but wonder if Cadmus felt this way,

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