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The Effects of Power and Politics on Goals in General Control Systems


Submitted By sameradil406
Words 922
Pages 4
The Effects of Power and Politics on Goals in General Control Systems
The organization that I am applying my analysis on is General Control System (GCS) Corporation. GCS is a large company specialized in the field of engineering control system services. It supplies many governmental and private organizations with computerized control system and provide technical support and maintenance services. The company has ten departments and around five hundred employees. GCS started as a research center with a manager and a few engineers. It expanded to a professional company that works on governmental engineering control projects. After ten years, it grew up to become a bigger company specialized in advanced control systems.

The problematic
The most problematic in this organization are the Coercive Power and bad internal politics. Managers with coercive power make things difficult for people. Most of the employees want to avoid making them angry. As a result, they try to get the job done on time without involving into a discussion or any suggestion about it. In addition, management does not allow disagreements out of insecurity or arrogance. There is limited or no leadership performance feedback. Recruitments, selections and promotions are based on internal political agenda, for example hiring friends to guarantee personal loyalty at the expense of other highly performing and more qualified employees. Stock options, bonuses and perks are not fairly linked to performance. Budgets are allocated between business units or departments based on favoritism and power centers rather than actual business needs. Impacts of Power and Politics
Management team spends most of their time on fire fighting, which affect goal setting. People go to work with many goals, not just one unified goal. These goals invoke conflict and competition among workers for the

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