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The Effects of Study Habit on the Academic Performance


Submitted By raine01
Words 548
Pages 3
Individuals are really different; thousands would love to study at night before going to bed, while thousand others will love to study at dawn. Late night is normally quiet and you are unlikely to be disturbed by anyone. Besides you have longer hours to review all your notes and works unlike the dawn when you will have to race against time. A thorough review at night will help you remember the whole thing you have learnt while the hesitant studying at the dawn is highly prone to forgetting. This is true for a particular group of people.
This is entirely against the theory of “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. Waking up the whole night to study for exams is sure to affect your health. Late night study is less productive as the mind loses concentration late at night. Lack of sleep affects your daily life. It weakens the strength of the students and you can lose focus during the examination. It will also lead to serious memory impairment, thus making no use of the hard work and study. Research has suggested that sleep and good memory are bed fellows. Burning midnight oil harms more than it serves. The researchers say that at least a good night sleep within 30 hours is needed to remember a new task later. Science has also said that teen brains work most effectively at night. However, the scientists concluded that a good night's sleep, which includes both slow-wave and REM (Rapid eye movement) sleep, produces the most effective performances. What matters is not late night studying or early dawn studying just before the exams, but it’s about how you benefit yourself through any type of reading. So long as it benefits you, you can continue with the particular style of studying, but one should take care that his/her health is not deteriorated as health is the supreme here. You

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