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The Fate of Gods


Submitted By samasare64
Words 395
Pages 2
The Fate of the Gods

Iliad considered as a masterpiece at all levels, Homer combines literally devices in his books to create a vivid image for the reader there by evoking the readers’ emotions. Homer set the scene by giving vivid details of every important warlord and the gods in the battle. Homer includes the role the warlords and the gods play in the battlefield at every stage. Not only does Homer characterize individual roles in Iliad, but also symbolizes the individual’s achievement in the battle by. Gives the details roles the gods play in the battle, which keeps the reader focus on the central conflict. In Iliad, most of the scene depends on the individual’s character decision including the gods. From book 11, it can be seen as Zeus, the head of the gods controls the progress of the battle by first raining blood on the Achaeans causing them to panic. In retrospect, Zeus sends Iris to deliver a message “Hector, son of Priam, Father Zeus Has sent me here with a message for you. As long as you see Lord Agamemnon storming to through the ranks and laying them low you should hold back and order other troops to engage the enemy” (p204, 220) , one of the Homer inclusion indicating the war inspired by the gods. The relationship of fate and human keeps the reader focus and in suspense as the wall of the Greeks is doomed to fall by Poseidon and Apollo. The fall of the war justifies Homer uses of prophecy to progress the plot of the poem personifying the involvement of the gods. In book 11 and 12, Homer vividly reminds the reader that Zeus has chosen to give Hector great glory. As Zeus promised to give Hector glory, Zeus continually poured rain on the wall until the wall wash into the river. Overall, the fate of human can be intervene by the god as Homer exemplifies in Iliad. Zeus being the head of the gods should remain neutral rather than favoring Hector to

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