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The Hero's Journey: Film Analysis

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The Hero’s Journey has been used in cinemas ever since the beginning of films. Laurence Coupe states that the Hero’s Journey had a patter that “was threefold: departure, struggle and return – or, to use Campell's terms, 'call to adventure', 'crossing the threshold of adventure' and 'return with elixir', Every film uses those three parts; separation/departure, initiation, and return. These there sections are shown in two movies; Divergent, which was released in 2014, and The Princess Bride, which was released in 1987. The first section is known as the separation or departure. This is when the hero has a call to adventure, but they refuse the call. Later on in the story they accepts the call and cross the threshold with mentors and companions to help them along on their journey. Divergent follows each point of the separation/departure very closely. Beatrice has her call to adventure when she goes in to take her aptitude test on …show more content…
Westley must climb the Cliffs of insanity in order to reach his first trial. Once he gets to the top he has to sword fight Inigo, who is one of the best sword fighters. He is able to defeat Inigo without killing him. He them runs into Fezzik, who is a giant, in a hand to hand combat. He is able to choke Fezzik until he blacks out. His last trial is Vizzini, who he kills in the battle of the wits by tricking him into drinking poison. He is reunited with Buttercup who for the first time realizes the man that has been trying to capture her was Westley all along. The king capture Westley and Buttercup makes an agreement that she will marry the king if he lets Westley go. He agrees, but doesn’t let Westley go and tortures him to death. Inigo and Fezzik rescue Westley and bring him to Mircal Max who brings him back to life. Westley, Ingio, and Fezzik become his companions and they invade the castle. Westley is able to defeat the king and win Buttercup

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