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The Real Eve


Submitted By thaithao
Words 648
Pages 3
Soc 105

Sunday Oct 5 2014

“The Real Eve”

“The Real Eve” was the documentary, which was about the root of human, the ancestors, which was explain where we came from, and why people all over the world like African, Asian, or European were so different from skin, hair color, or our appearances. Based on the evidences –hand drawings, human bones –which were found by the researchers, they predicted that Africa might the place where human was first discovered.
About 150,000 years ago, before B.C, people knew how to hunting and picking fruits to survived. Due to the weather changed and other external factors, they had moved to other places around the world where they found new ways to adapt to the new changes and environment. For example, because of the reasons such as not having food or weather changing, people from Africa moved to Yemen and India later. The scientists believed that it was the first immigration in our history of human based on what they found on the cave through pictures of hand drawings and stoned tools. People continued to immigrant to another places because of the harsh conditions and lacking of food. Scientists found that because of the sea level was at really low, people from Yemen and Africa could be able to walk across the sea and moved to the new continent. At there, they had to faced with natural disasters such as volcano, earthquake, new animal attacked like snake cobra, they had developed the new ways to survive by catching fish at the ocean. By living at the sea and due to the growing of population, the second immigration was made by across to Malaysia and Australia. This time, they knew how to built the boat as a transportation to help them made a success across through the sea. Because of the differences of environment between the new continent and Malaysia and Australia, they needed to adapt to the tropical rain forest island’s weather, which was called natural adaption or collection adaption. Times to times, the developing of human being and other contributions, the population has been growing from places to places around the world. People seek and moved to the new places due to the harsh conditions at where they were living.
According to the researches, people –Asian, European, and African –were original linked to a black woman who lived 150000 years ago. But the question was why we –people now had different hair and skin colors, appearances, languages. To answer the question, the scientists believed that in order to survive, people had to adapt to the new changes and environment. Their body had developed and changed to be fit into the new places. For example, when you moved and lived in the place where the weather was so hot and drought, your skin would be changed to dark color in able to protect the body from sunray. People had changed to survive. Moreover, when the condition of living was so hard, many people would die and only people who survived was the ones could adapt to the new changes –which was called collecting adaption.
In conclusion, the ancestor of human might come from Africa based on the information and evidences, which were shown on one hours thirty minutes movie. The researchers had come to the conclusion that although we had developed languages, skin and hair colors, appearances, ect,, it was the fact that we came from Africa. Based on many reasons such as food, changing weather, illnesses, natural disasters like volcano explosion, the evidences of people were immigrants to other places, hand drawings, human bones, stoned tools –which were found on the cave –made us believed that we were original from Africa. And another important thing to help us in the researches was the DNA, which was a contribution to find out what genes people were come from.

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