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The Silent Killer


Submitted By James8482
Words 354
Pages 2
The Silent Killer

With today’s high paced way of living we don’t find the time to eat right and exercise and realize how our bad habits affect our health. The number one killer we have today is heart attacks. So what is a heart attack, well it’s when the heart does not get enough blood supply to fully pump which in turn results in no new fresh oxygen for the muscles and eventually will kill muscle tissue. Symptoms you would feel during a heart attack would be pain and discomfort in the chest and arms, sweating, nausea, extreme weakness, anxiety, and rapid or irregular heartbeats. During a heart attack, symptoms can last up to 30 minutes or longer and are not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin under the tongue(which is a prescribed medication to treat or prevent attacks of chest pain). Some people have a heart attack without having any symptoms also known as a silent myocardial infarction, most common among people with diabetes. For any heart attack quick treatment is crucial, every second can mean life or death. At the first signs of a heart attack, call for emergency treatment (9-1-1). The best time to treat a heart attack is within one to two hours of the first onset of symptoms. Waiting longer increases the damage to the heart and reduces the chance of survival. 99 percent of heart attacks are preventable, our goals in life should be to get more physical, just moving 30 minutes a day is bare minimum but recommended. In order to exercise more one needs to eat much more healthier. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a great way to get started and next would be to cut out all the bad food like fast food, fried and greasy food, and foods high in sugar. And another habit to cut out is smoking. Smoking is really bad for any one’s health, it brings on a long list of diseases. To cover it all heart attacks take a lot of lives every year and they all can be prevented by

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