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The Teddy Brothers By Steven Ganson Analysis

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Pages 3
"The Teddy brothers adventures through infinite space".

Written and Artistic Mediums by StevenGanson

With special guest, " Rodney the raccoon ", and Leo the leopard".


A long, long time ago. When dinosaurs, and huge serpents roamed the earth. Teddy bears were the most intelligent life forms, on the Planet earth at that time. Earth was a paradise at that time, but all of that was about to change. This planet was so beautiful, at that time and no one would have believed, that all of that was about to change. for a giant killer comet was headed toward the, " plants earth.

#1These are the Teddy brothers. 'Caleb Teddy', 'Ted Teddy', 'Fred Teddy', and, 'Dean Teddy'. And their friends, 'Rodney the raccoon, and, Leo the leopard. …show more content…
#3 They all ran as fast as they could toward, "
"Steven's River".

#4 When they arrived at the river, the saw, "The great gator", screaming, and ," Kid cactus", pointing at the sky. "It's a comet", they all screamed. Now they were all terrified. And Fred said," hurry grab your things", and they all ran for the safety of, "Beartropolis". The biggest and most advanced city in those times.

#5 Before they arrived in Beartropolis. The Teddy brothers", and their friends could see the comet getting bigger, and bigger. As it was now passing Saturn

#6 They arived at," Beartropolis ".

#7 The comet was so big now, " Fred Teddy said,"hurry let get to space exploration sight so we can leave earth.

#8 The,"Teddy brothers" were,"Astrobears"', and Fred beig the captain ordered everyone to board the space craft and they blasted off. The left earth just as the comet hit and exploded. While leaving earth Rodney a Leo looked out of the window and said ". "What a beautiful

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