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The U.S. Economy Today


Submitted By Booboo44
Words 536
Pages 3
The U.S. Economy Today


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………Page 2
Data Trends………………………………………………………………………….Page 2
Fiscal & Monetary Policies….…..…………………………………….…………………………………Page 2 &3
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..Page 3
References…………………………………………………………………………..Page 3

Introduction We will take a look at today’s economy in the 2014. Discuss current trends such unemployment, inflation and the GDP. How do fluctuations in these trends affect the U.S. economy? What fiscal & monetary policies should be used to assist or improve our current economic situation? Lastly, what phase is our economy in today a depression, recession or expansion phase?
Data Trends According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) our current unemployment rate as of September 2014 is 5.9%, which is showing a slow steady decrease over this last year. The current GDP is 4.6%, which is showing a increase from the first quarter that was at -2.1%. The current inflation rate is at 1.7%, which has fluctuated from 1.6% in January, then had an increase in June up to 2.1%. All these factors play a role in the economical well being. For Example if the unemployment rate continues to decline and the economy reaches full employment. This will promote consumers to purchase more goods and services, because their disposable income will increase. The aggregate supply and demand will both increase, which in turn will increase the GDP. Unemployment or employment of the economy has a multiplier effect that can lead to either full employment, recession, or depression (Quiggin, 2013).
Fiscal & Monetary Policies Fiscal policy is the government making changes in their spending and taxes in order to achieve full employment. Monetary policy is a central bank that makes changes in the money supply to influence the interest rates and assist

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