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Submitted By jbutto
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The Attraction Institute
The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0


Provided that all content and links are left intact, and that proper attributions are made to the bastards who wrote it.
---------------------------------If you like this book and want to know how to take it to the next level, check out it’s sequel:


How to Attract Women Without Lying

(Click here)

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The author has published this document as a set of personal opinions.
While attempts have been made to verify the correctness and reliability of the information provided in this publication, the author and Attraction Institute do not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contradictory information in this document.
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The information contained in this document is not intended as advice, legal, medical, spiritual, political, hypothetical, financial, ergonomic, therapeutic or otherwise, and is provided for amusement purposes only. You are highly encouraged to seek the advice of a competent professional when applicable.
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Thank you.......................................................................................................................................................... i
How to get the most out of this book............................................................................................... iii
The Foundations............................................................................................................................................ v
Prolouge: How to realise your full potential.................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1
Seduction Version 3.0................................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2
How to become the Man of her dreams........................................................................................ 6
Chapter 3
What you haven’t been told about becoming a natural.......................................................... 15
Chapter 4
Why tring to develop confidence is making you nervous....................................................... 24
Chapter 5
Why trying to be Alpha is preventing you from being Alpha................................................ 30
Chapter 6
Why doing affirmations is bad for your congruence.................................................................. 35
Chapter 7
Is trying to be high value keeping you low value?.......................................................................41
Chapter 8
Escape Plan: The secret backdoor to confidence, value, and status..................................... 45
Chapter 9
Why trying to eliminate your limiting beliefs is only making them worse....................... 50
Chapter 10
Why learning pickup is preventing you from picking up women......................................... 56
Chapter 11
The ugly truth about approach anxiety............................................................................................. 62
Chapter 12
Is learning things to talk about making you run out of things to say?................................ 69

The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

Chapter 13
Is learning qualification preventing you from naturally qualifying?....................................... 74
Chapter 14
Is learning calibration making you uncalibrated?........................................................................... 79
Chapter 15
The most pointless question you will never answer................................................................... 84
Chapter 16
And now, you have a choice to make................................................................................................ 91
Chapter 17
The real foundations of attraction....................................................................................................... 97
Chapter 18
How to become a confidently attractive Man.............................................................................. 109
Chapter 19
The art of effortless attraction.............................................................................................................. 113
Chapter 20
How easy do you want this to be?..................................................................................................... 123

The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0


This book has been written for one reason and one reason only – To fix a problem.
I still remember being 16-years old, standing in the corridor at my best friend’s house party, watching the girl of my dreams – the girl I had pinned all my hopes on, the girl I thought was the answer to all my problems, the girl I would think about day and night and fantasise about how great our future would be together – follow my best mate into his bedroom with and close the door behind her. And worse than that, I remember feeling completely powerless to do anything about it.
I didn’t know what to say or what to do or how to act or how to make her see me as more than just that nice guy who’ll listen to her problems and make her pain go away.
I didn’t know how to get her to look at me with those puppy dog eyes.
I didn’t know how to get her to touch me in any other way than a polite hug when I felt sad.
And more importantly, I didn’t know how to meet any other women so that I could stop relying on her to feel good.
Even the idea of approaching a woman I didn’t know was enough to make me completely freeze up with anxiety, let alone actually doing it. And don’t get me started on flirting or seduction…
The pain of standing in those bars and those house parties, wishing and hoping that something would change, was very real and very debilitating and has had very real long-term effects on my life... This is why this book was written – No one should have to go through that.
No one should have to stand on the sidelines, feeling powerless and weak. No one should have to feel frustrated and stuck because the solution just feels too far outside their grasp.
No one should have to feel inadequate and useless because they don’t know what to do.
And no one should get stuck with mediocre answers that don’t provide any real solutions and in fact, just reinforce the core problem that’s responsible for their lack of success in the first place.
I wrote this book because I wanted to give back. I wrote this book because I wanted to make a difference. I wrote this book because I wanted to make sure that every guy who spends his days and nights, standing on the sidelines wondering if he was just born without some chromosome, could get a real, long term, simple solution to his challenges and barriers.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

And by reading this book, you’re helping me do that. So thank you for helping me fulfill that goal.
I’m sure that if you take the time to logically consider the ideas and concepts in this book and open your mind to a new way of finding real and powerful solutions to the challenges you’re facing, then you’re going to find the real, long term solutions you’ve been looking for.


The Attraction Institute

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I want you to think of the biggest sticking points you’re facing in your so-called “game”.
They may be not knowing what to say to women, wanting to improve at a faster rate, not being able to escalate, getting stuck in the friend zone, being frozen by approach anxiety, having low confidence, phone game, or any combination of the above.
Whatever they are, keep them in the front of your mind as you’re reading this book.
Keep asking yourself: how can this book help me solve my problems?
This is important.
Why? Because there are two ways you can read this book and the one you choose will determine how much you get out of it.
The first way, and the one that most guys will use to read this book, is to read through this book asking: Is this book right or wrong?
They’ll open it up with all their dating and seduction ‘facts’ firmly in the front of their minds, scan through the relevant chapters looking for ideas that prove that what they know is right, and then get frustrated and even angry when they see that there’s nothing in here for them.
But worse than that, they’ll walk away, still struggling with the same problem, still thinking that they just need to read more and watch more DVD’s and take more overhyped, 3 day, intensive boot camps and internalise or practice or suppress their desires, thoughts, and feelings long enough to get a drunk and gullible woman to sleep with them, without ever seeing that there’s an easier and simpler way.
Then there’s the second way, and the way that only a small percentage of commited, open-minded, inquisitive guys will take.
They’ll read through ‘Seduction Community Sucks’ asking: How can I find a real solution to my problems? They’ll open it up with their personal challenges and issues stuck firmly in the front of their mind, constantly searching for a real solution that means they don’t have to lie and pretend and fake their way into a woman’s bed.
And best of all, because they’re willing to challenge the standard surface level, fake-it-till-you-makeit mentality and look beyond the same rehashed ‘Band-Aid’ solutions currently available, they’ll find the real solution they’re looking for.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

The reason this is so important is that ‘Seduction Community Sucks’ isn’t like any other book.
You’re not going to find the same inadequate, short-term ‘quick-fixes’ that litter other PUA manuals, reorganized into a different format.
What you’re about to read is something completely different.
You’re going to see the real core of your lack of success with women, how blindly following surface level, fake and manipulative PUA advice is never going to fix it, and the only thing you need to change to start having the kind of success that you’re looking for.
And if you just read through this book trying to confirm that everything you know about picking up women is already correct, you’re going to miss it.
In fact, you’ll probably hate this book because it won’t agree with anything you’ve read (but funnily enough, will probably agree with everything you know on an intuitive level but haven’t been able to put into words).
So, before you start this book, ask yourself a question: What do I want to get out of this?
If you just want to confirm everything you’ve already read in 20 other PUA handbooks about how to pretend to be the kind of Man that women desire (but hasn’t gotten you the results you want), then that’s totally fine. It’s a necessary part of everyone’s journey (and something I went through myself), but I highly recommend you put this book down now because you’re just going to waste your time.
But if you’re ready to move on from hollow band-aid solutions and find something that means you can attract high quality, in demand, confident women without having to sacrifice your morals, beliefs, or personality, and are looking for a REAL solution, then definitely read on.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0


Any philosophy is built upon a series of assumptions. Every single one. It’s not possible to develop a philosophy without them.
Some people can’t see this because they claim that their assumptions are ‘truth’ and ‘real’ and ‘fact’, but I’m not that naïve.
I’m quite happy to admit that the way I see the world is just one way of seeing the world and that I make very wide and sweeping assumptions in my reality.
To help you understand what those assumptions are, and to avoid any potential confusion, I’ve written a full list of them here:

The 10 Truths of The Attraction Institute
The reason I’m posting it as a link and not as content in the book is that as I discover more about my reality and how I see the world, I’ll be updating that list to make sure everything is spelled out clearly and simply.
Take some time to read through them and understand where this book is coming from. It’ll help make sure you don’t end up with extra confusion.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0


What does it take to become a confidently and naturally attractive Man?
What does it take to live your life without having to worry about what people think?
Is it really possible to finally deal with the internal bullshit that’s preventing you from letting out that amazing, confident guy you have inside you 100% of the time?
Are you fed up of being limited by insecurity, fear and nervousness? Great. Me too.
I promise you that by the time you finish reading this book you’ll get a massive kick-start towards living the kind of life you want.
I remember when a few years ago I discovered the world of dating advice. Which was great, because before then, I’d always been way too much of a “nice guy” around women.
And that really hurt my results. Or more correctly, lack of results...
So after reading up some dating tips and pick up techniques I decided that I needed to be more teasing, more cocky funny, more “alpha male”.
And you know what? It kinda worked! I got some girls to laugh, some girls to give me their numbers and a few girls to get intimate with me.
Then I met “the one” - an amazing girl I fell for. She was the quintessential girl-next-door type. A classic delicate femininity and strong chick persona all rolled up into one.
So, after 25 years of being a hopeless “nice guy”, I went through a phase of “learning game” and finally got “that girl.” I wanted to keep her. I thought about marrying her.
Then, in January 2008, on New Year’s Day, I lost her.
I’m going to skip the boring details, as the relationship was complicated … but the sum total of it was ­I picked her up using my new fragile “game” persona...
…but I had no idea how to *BE* with her. So she left me.
See, when I was with her, I had alternate personalities. Half the time I was the same old “nice guy” of my past, the guy who women saw as a brother and a friend.
I was terrified of showing too much of that part of me to her, because it’s the part of me women


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never felt attraction for. I feared that if she saw too much of “me”, her attraction for me would dissolve. So the other half the time, I was the game playing, cocky, distant guy who flirted with other women, didn’t always listen to the needs of my girl, out of fear of “supplication”. Which was my newly adopted pick up persona for creating “attraction”. So, in the relationship with this girl, I was a mixture of both people - the old and the new.
Kinda mixing and matching and hoping for the best. I was stuck in my head all the time, more concerned with “generating attraction” than being myself and letting out the awesome guy I had inside me. Looking back at it now, I can see how our relationship must have been a total headfuck for her.
She got to a point where she had enough - and left me. And so a beautiful, smart girl I came to call my best friend and my lover was gone.
In December 2007 I was full of hopes and dreams about a future with this girl. In January 2008 I was by myself again.
What do you think I did after she left on that fateful New Year’s Day in 2008?
I laughed.
That’s right. It may be hard for you to believe, but I remember it like yesterday. Seriously, we parted and when she was no longer in sight... I laughed.
Here’s the reason I laughed: by leaving me, she also gave me a biggest gift that she could.
She taught me that if I want to be with a woman of her calibre, anything less than 100% real me isn’t going to cut it.
If I wanted to connect with and keep amazing women, there would have to be no acting, no pretending to be someone I’m not, no techniques, no hiding behind layers of “game”.
Instead, I had to become the kind of man who was living a life of purpose, integrity and principles for myself, not to get women.
I’m not going to kid you - there was some real EMOTIONAL trauma in losing that girl. There were a few tough months of loneliness.
I missed the warmth of her company, her piercing intellect and her laugh.
But I never once worried about what I would do, how I should go forward, or whether a great woman would be in my life again.
I viewed her loss as an opportunity to become a real and authentic man. I mean, I had some “pick up skills” to go out and pick up a girl, and be dating again in no time.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

Sure, I was rusty from not being “in field” after nearly a year in a relationship, but I could shrug off those cobwebs quickly. But I had a feeling that there was more to it than learning how to pick up women. And that using more women to feel better about myself wasn’t going to fix my problems.
What’s the point of picking up more women, if that’s not ME picking them up and the REAL me is too afraid to show myself around them?
What’s the point of picking up women if I’m only using their company as a barometer of my worth?
I wanted to transform as a man. I wanted to truly have something to offer women. I wanted to connect with women, not just use them for attention and validation. I wanted to be complete inside and attract women from a place of giving - rather than be incomplete inside and try to seduce women from a place of lacking.
Luckily I was newly single, so I had plenty of time and space to figure it all out – and how things have changed.
I’m on track (rather than being scattered and all over the shop), living my purpose (rather than just living to meet other people’s standards), dealing with my shit (rather than blaming other people for my problems) and living up to my full potential as a Man.
It was around that time that my friend LoGun stumbled across some pretty weird and paradigm-shifting stuff that helped me go even deeper and see what was really happening behind the layers. I was, like, “lay it on me, I’ll be your guinea pig”. And the rest, as they say, is history. The word quickly got out and guys started to come to us for advice.
Which was great - we loved sharing - but we very soon found ourselves doing inner game coaching almost full-time. We had to start the Inner Game Forums, where we could share our best stuff with guys who were also passionate about transformation.
I could go on and on about how this amazing community of men who are dedicated to dropping the games and tricks, getting real, dealing with their inner barriers, realising their potential and meeting cool, fun girls, and how much it’s growing to this day, but that’s a whole other story.
Right now, you’ve got a little bit of reading to do.
So, over to you, LoGun.

Steven McConnell
Sydney, Australia
June 2010


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0





hist you’re sitting at your computer screen, at home, or at the office, wherever you are right now, there’s a change going on in the Seduction Community and the world of Men’s dating advice. It’s been brewing for a while now, but more and more people are realizing something so painfully obvious that it seems strange that it’s taken this long to gain momentum:
Learning to pick up women is not the best way to become confidently attractive and to pick up women.
I know it might sound weird, but by the time you finish this book, it will be plainly obvious to you as well. Here’s how it first came to light.
The Seduction Community has been through several major trends in its short history.
Early pioneers of the Seduction Community focused on observing the behaviors of naturally attractive Men and imitating them.
They recorded their actions, listened to their stories, watched thier body language and imitated them in bars and on streets around the world.
They even went deeper to developing theories about WHY these actions and stories worked and started developing their own actions and stories as well!
They went out, practiced, rehearsed, deployed, and implemented, night after night after night.
No bar or coffee shop or street corner was safe.
And you know what? They got results!
Their ability to decipher and manipulate the social structure, and their understanding of evolutionary psychology was second to none.
Men went from having no clue about how to get those women they’d always desired to have a tonne of information at their disposal.
After months and months of rote memorization of routines, methods and techniques, guys were able to start applying them on some of the hottest women on earth.
Their weaponry was developed to such a level that they had a technique to combat every possible scenario. And if they didn’t, there were forums of guys willing to pass on the answer they read in another eBook or saw on a DVD set.
There was literally nothing that was out of their reach. Girls in bars, on the street, in book stores, at bus stops, they had tools to hit on girls wherever they went.


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

This was where they started to notice something very interesting – the power of state.
They noticed that when they were confident, feeling good, and in the zone, they didn’t need lines and tricks and methods and structures, and could attract women by doing whatever they wanted.
This is where the second wave of the Seduction Community started to develop – Inner Game and
Natural Game.
Instead of staying on the surface, imitating actions and stories, guys started to look at what was going on behind the tactics.
The studied the mindsets and belief systems that allowed naturally attractive Men to break all the rules and structures and still get the results.
Concepts like “Cocky Funny”, “Treating her like your bratty little sister”, “Vibing” and techniques to destroy your approach anxiety started to emerge.
Instead of focusing on lines to pick up women, they developed and internalized mindsets that allowed them to seduce even the most intimidatingly beautiful women.
And once again, it worked! Guys were able to play more naturally, freely, and openly with women, without relying on canned structures to constrict their behaviors and still get results.
But after a while, a small but vocal group started to emerge from the crowd: they were guys who wanted more.
You see, the problem with both Structured and Inner / Natural Game is whilst they can get you results; the results are temporary and hollow because the tactics are temporary and hollow. They’re a fake facade designed to attract gullible women who can’t see through the shallow games.
Sure, you can fool shallow women into believing that you’re someone you’re not long enough to to crawl into your bed and keep you warm at night. You can use strategies and methods to trick drunk and horny women into coming home with you. But those results are only going to last as long as you can keep the game up.
As soon as you relax, as soon as you let your guard down, as soon as you start to let her in and see the real you, she’s not going to be interested any more.
And even when you do get success, it’s not real success. You haven’t achieved anything great because you haven’t done anything. If a woman is hanging out with you, it’s only because of the mindsets you’ve borrowed, the stories you’ve learned, and the tricks you’ve stolen. You’re not going to wake up feeling fulfilled, happy, and free. Everything is shallow and surface level and it leaves you feeling shallow and surface level.
And this is when the third wave of the Seduction Community started to emerge: Endgame.
Guys became sick of having to pretend, to be fake, to hide who they were and what they really wanted from life and attracting shallow women who only liked them for the guys they pretended


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

to be.
They wanted real attraction with confident, strong, and beaufitul women who liked them for who they really were.
The third wave of the Seduction Community is all about getting real.
Instead of learning how to pretend that you don’t have insecurities, guys are learning to move forward and create the exciting and rewarding lives, regardless of their insecurities, and then watch them melt away in the process.
Instead of memorizing other people’s exciting stories, guys are learning how to overcome their fears and live lives that give them exciting stories to tell.
Instead of developing their qualification skills, guys are developing real and concrete standards so that they naturally and authentically qualify.
Instead of honing their ability to lead, guys are working out what they want and going after it, so they naturally and effortlessly lead.
Instead of learning how to fake it, guys are actually making it.
The most interesting thing about this transformation is that naturally developing these skills and personality traits doesn’t come from focusing on ‘How can I pick up women?’
You can’t naturally qualify if you’re stuck in your head wondering how you can get her to like you.
You’re never going to lead if you’re terrified that she’s not going to follow.
You won’t have fun and exciting stories to share if you’re just waiting for women to make your life fun and interesting.
What guys have discovered in this third wave in the evolution of dating and relationship advice is that in order to make the deep and real change to become a confident and naturally attractive guy, something deep and real has to change.
This is the essence of Endgame. Instead of learning to mask the needy, frustrated, and unattractive parts of their personality behind layers of tricks and techniques, guys are stepping up to the plate, confronting their barriers and personal challenges and getting them out of the way so that they can be real, honest, and authentic, and have women attracted to them for who they really are.
Now, at this stage some guys jump in and ask - “Are you saying that other ways – the first and second waves - don’t work?”
No, of course not. On the contrary, there are plenty of success stories out there to prove that they can work.
What I’m going to show you is the new path of Endgame and how it can take you through your


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Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

journey in half the time and with a quarter of the effort and get your twice the results of the first and second wave.
And, more importantly (to me and to the guys who have so far embraced this, at least), is that your success with women will come from a place of deep authenticity and personal growth rather than from shallow games and masks.
Sure we all want to have more sex, hot dates, cute girlfriends and so on.
Underneath it all though, there is something else. It’s about truly getting all that success, not because of all the Man you’re pretending to be, but BECAUSE you’re actually that man.
It’s about getting real with women, and seducing them from a place of authenticity and honesty - by offering them a gift of your seduction.
It’s about becoming real men of power and purpose in a world of rudderless lost boys looking for a place to park their man-parts so that they can temporarily feel better about themselves.
It’s for men who want more sex, but who don’t measure their sense of self by their ability to get sex. So, as you can see, this stuff is not for everyone. However if you feel like this is your thing, I’d love if you stuck around.
Right now, I’m about to debunk many Seduction Community myths about opening, qualification, banter, sexual tension, rapport, leading, escalation, and closing…
Then I’m going to debunk the myths of approach anxiety, confidence, and what it truly means to be needy. And then, once you’re 100% clear that the old ways of pretending to be the kind of Man that women want to be with aren’t going to give you the long term success you want, I’ll show you the
ONLY (Yes, there’s only one) thing you need to change to be able to stand strong in front of even the most intimidatingly beautiful women and seduce them like a real Man.
Enough teasing though. Let’s do it :-)


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The Attraction Institute

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The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0


ow you understand exactly where this book will take you and the foundations it will build upon, it’s important to understand exactly why Endgame is the fastest and most rewarding way to naturally attract beautifil women.
And to do that, it’s important to ask a very simple question: Why are you REALLY reading this book? What are you REALLY looking for?
Do you just want one quick trick to stop you feeling anxious every time you think about approaching that girl at the bus stop or do you want to have her give you inviting looks every time you walk past so that anxiety isn’t an issue?
Do you really just want the perfect opener or do you want to be the kind of Man that she’s constantly scheming to find ways to get him to talk to her?
Do you want to memorise stories so that you don’t run out of things to say or do you want to be the kind of guy that she’s constantly working to keep the conversation going because he’s just so attractive? Do you want to learn intricate and tricky ways to get her to give you her number or do you want to become the kind of Man that she’s trying to find ways to give her number to?
Do you want to discover clever tricks to make her pick up the phone when you call or do you want to become the kind of Man that she is so attracted to that she wraps her phone and takes it into the shower so she doesn’t miss his call?
I know which one I want, and I’m guessing that you want the same thing, too.
Why? Because that’s the dream. It’s not to learn tricks to pretend. It’s not to memorize routines on how to fake your way into her pants. It’s not to internalize tactics so that you can hide your insecurities behind a complex series of walls.
The dream, the vision, the long term goal of every guy who finds the Seduction Community is to become the Man of her Dreams.
Not to be able to come up with a solution for every possible scenario that you find yourself in, but to be the kind of Man that doesn’t need to come up with solutions because the problems don’t happen. When you’re the Man of her Dreams, you don’t have to come up with ways to approach her because she’s waiting for you to approach her.
When you’re the Man of her Dreams, you don’t have to constantly come up with new and interesting things to talk about because she’ll be the one who wants to keep talking to you.
When you’re the Man of her Dreams, you don’t have to think of clever and new ways to get her


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Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

number because she’ll look for an excuse to get your number.
So that’s where we’re going to start this conversation – How to become the Man of her Dreams.
According to the Seduction Community, the path to becoming the Man of her Dreams is simple: change yourself to fit her standards.
All you need to do is work out what women want, then develop those characteristics and traits, display them in front of women, and you’ll be sorted.
And the logic behind it sounds right, on the surface…
If you, as you are, right now, don’t have randy and excited women lining up to unzip your fly and devour your manhood, then in order to get them drooling and dripping wet, you need to change who you are to fit their standards.
Logical? Yes. Effective? Well… think about it like this:
You’re strolling down the street on a Sunday afternoon. The warm spring air is just starting to cool as the sun starts to lower itself over the tall skyline of the city-scape. The last fingers of light are reaching across the pavement, lightly clinging to the mums and dads and professionals and shoppers as they stream past you in a casual, disorganized manner.
Then, through the crowd of oncoming pedestrians, you see her.
At first, it’s just a glimpse of her hair flowing out from behind a large, burly Man carrying far too many shopping bags for one man to carry.
Then, it’s a glimpse of her delicate shoulder, poorly concealed behind her colorful summer dress.
And then, for some obscenely perfect reason, the crowd parts and there she is, standing just metres away, beaming a radiant smile with her eyes firmly locked on you.
You know, without even having spoken to her, that this is the woman of your dreams.
There’s something about her… Something magical, exciting, real, radiant about her that you just can’t put into words. This is the one you’ve been waiting for.
You want her; more than you’ve ever wanted a woman before. You want to touch her, to kiss her, to ravish and devour her.
So how do you do it? How do you become the Man of her Dreams?
You have to start by knowing what she’s looking for. You can’t be the Man of her Dreams without first understanding her dreams. And knowing the kind of Men she dreams about starts by knowing what kind of woman she is:
Take out a pen and paper and write out your answers to the following questions:


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Your first step is to describe her physical appearance:

-Is she tall or short or somewhere in between?
-Is she model-skinny or Latino curvy or athletically toned or somewhere in between?
-Does she have red or brown or blonde hair?
-Does she have blue or green or brown or grey eyes?
-Does she have fair or dark or caramel skin?

What does the woman of your dreams look like? (If you don’t know the answer to this question, it’s ok. You can skip it and not miss the point of the exercise)
The next step is to describe her hobbies and passions.

-Is she sporty and fun or quiet and relaxed?
-Is she excitable and alive or calm and directed?
-Is she outgoing and talkative or is she quiet and reserved?
-Does she like to knit or watch movies or dance or sing or run or paint or rock climb or fish or just sit around talking with her girlfriends?

What is the woman of your dreams passionate about?
(If you don’t know the answer to this question, you can skip it without missing the point of the exercise) And the final and most important question you need to consider about the woman of your dreams is: how does she live her life? What characteristics and personality traits does she have?

-Does she rely on other people to do things for her or is she empowered and indepen- dent? -Does she live her life according to what other people tell her she should do or does she have her own independent vision and live according to that?
-Does she lie to try and manipulate people into doing things for her or is she open, honest, and authentic?
-Does she blame other people for her situation in life or does she own what she contrib- utes and take responsibility for her life?
-Does she need other people to make her feel good about herself or does she draw her sense of value from within?
-Does she blame other people / objects / events for her emotional responses or does she own her emotional responses and work to create the kinds of experiences she wants?
-Will she change who she is, how she acts, and what she does, just to get the approval and validation of someone or will she live her life on her terms, regardless of what other people think because she knows that it’s the right thing to do?


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What kind of personality characteristics does she have?
(Unlike the others, this is a question you need to answer if you’re ever going to work out exactly how to become the Man of her Dreams)
Good. Now you know what kind of woman you really want. But that’s not the whole point of the exercise. This is about becoming the Man of her Dreams. So what kind of Man does the woman of your dreams dream about?

- What kind of Man do you think she wants in her life?
- What kind of Man does she chat about with her girlfriends?
- What kind of Man does she hope and pray will walk into her life?
- What kind of Man ticks all her boxes and gets her lady parts all tingling?

Forget the looks (because you can’t control those), forget the hobbies and passions (because to be honest, just skip right to the last and most important question): what kind of characteristics does he have? -Does he rely on other people to do things for him or is he empowered and independent?
-Does he live his life according to what other people tell him he should do or does he have his own independent vision and live according to that?
-Does he lie to try and manipulate people into doing things for him or is he open, honest, and authentic?
-Does he blame other people for his situation in life or does he own what he contributes and take responsibility for his life?
-Does he need other people to make her feel good about herself or does he draw his sense of value from within?
-Does he blame other people and things for his emotional responses or does he own his emotional responses and work to create the kinds of experiences he wants?

And most importantly:

-Will he change who he is, how he acts, and what he does, just to get the approval and validation of someone or will he live his life on his terms, regardless of what other people think, because he knows that it’s the right thing to do?

Can you see why the Seduction Community can never help you become the Man of her Dreams?
Answer this: What is the basis of every Pick up Artist technique? What is the foundation of every method, tactic and skill? What underlies every theory and system? What is the pathway to becoming the Man of HER Dreams?
Change yourself so that women will like you.


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You, as you are right now, are not attractive enough and if you’re ever going to attract women, you need to change yourself to meet their standards so that women will like you.
Will following this advice make you into the kind of Man that the woman of your dreams desires?
Is she sitting at home waiting for a needy, shape shifting chameleon to call?
Does she head out to the bars and clubs at night, desperately hoping to meet a guy who’s willing to sacrifice his personality, morals, and standards, just so she’ll come home with him?
Will living your life in this way get her panties all wet?
And no.
And you wonder why the cute brunette that sits behind you in class still isn’t paying you the kind of attention that you want.
You wonder why that smoking hot, blonde bartender isn’t following you around the club like a puppy dog who hasn’t been fed for a week.
It’s really that simple. By changing yourself so that women will like you, you’re ensuring that you are not the kind of Man they want to be with.
Your lack of techniques, tactics, methods or skills aren’t preventing you from attracting high quality, in-demand women. The simple fact that you’re changing yourself so that women will like you more is. “Why?” you ask?
Because when you’re changing yourself just so that women will find you more attractive, you’re making yourself dependent on a positive response to feel good about yourself.
Your whole success criteria is defined by whether or not they laugh, play, touch, and kiss you which makes you needy, clingy and outcome dependent.
Instead of being able to give her the gift of excitement, happiness, passion, and adventure, you’re making her the prize.
Have you ever spent time with a needy person? Maybe your little brother, maybe the guy at school that no one liked, maybe it’s that girl at the video game arcade that just wouldn’t leave you alone.


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What was it like?
Did you enjoy listening to them embellish their stories, just to try and impress you?
Did you enjoy having them hang on every word and laughing at inappropriate moments to try and get you to like them?
Did you enjoy having them follow you around like a puppy dog whilst not really contributing anything to your life?
Did you enjoy having them ask needy and validation seeking questions?
Did you enjoy having them check in with you every other minute to make sure they were doing the right thing?
Did you enjoy having them agree with everything you said out of fear of being rejected?
And you wonder why women aren’t attracted to you…
The simple reason that the Seduction Community can never help you become the Man of her
Dreams is because the Seduction Community doesn’t solve the real problem.
It’s not for a lack of trying to help, or wanting to help, it’s simply that they don’t know how to help you. The reason women aren’t attracted to you has nothing to do with your lack of skills, knowledge, or techniques. The reason women aren’t attracted to you is that you’re needy, clingy, and outcome dependent around the women you’re attracted to.
You want them in your life. You NEED them in your life. And the way you’re trying to get them into your life is basically assuring that you never become the kind of Man they actually want – changing yourself so they like you.
What I’m saying is that if you really want to start having beautiful, real, open, fun, and amazing relationships (where you don’t have to pretend, be fake, or lie) with high quality women, you have to start from the right place.
And that ‘right’ place is becoming the Man of YOUR Dreams.
You can’t be the Man of her Dreams by trying to be the Man of her Dreams - because the Man of her Dreams doesn’t try. He just does.
He isn’t living for anyone else.
He’s not looking outside himself for answers, he’s not reading rules on how to respond when a woman says ‘Have you read ‘The Game?’’, he’s not trying to find tricks to manipulate other people’s


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responses, he’s doing what he knows is right.
I know it seems logical to just act like the Man of her Dreams, but by doing that, you’re actually creating a lose / lose situation.
She loses because she doesn’t get what she wants - a Man who has the balls to stand on his own two feet, to do what he wants, when he wants it. A Man living his adventure, his life, and taking control of his world.
She ends up with a weak, fake, inauthentic boy who’s willing to sacrifice who he is and what he stands for, just in the hope of getting some action.
You also lose because you’re missing out on a real, long term solution and you’re condemning yourself to a life stuck in your head, desperately trying to convince people to spend time with you because of the person you’re pretending to be.
Is that the way you want to live your life?
I know this seems counter intuitive - becoming the Man of her Dreams by not trying to be - but it’s the path to achieving personal fulfillment.
You get what you want.
She gets what she wants.
You create a win / win situation.
You get to live your life on your terms.
You get to express who you are, what you want, have an amazing time on that journey regardless of how people respond to you, and fill your life with incredible people who love and respect you for who you are.
She gets to be with a strong, confident, and powerful Man.
She gets to be with a Man who is completely happy and free, who can make her laugh and smile and feel appreciated from a place of authenticity and love, who can be that powerful and stable rock in her life, without ever needing her to validate or praise him, just so he feels good about himself. Now the point of this isn’t to tell you not to change. It’s not to tell you to stay the same and just see what comes your way. It’s to get you to focus on the most important person in the equation: you. This journey has to be about you becoming the kind of person you want to be. It has to be about becoming fulfilled and happy, regardless of how women respond to you, not just because some girl you’ve never met before touched your arm and laughed at a joke you read on a forum.


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That’s the secret to getting the results you want. That’s the core of Endgame. This journey has to be about you living your dreams, your desires, your principles - on your journey. If you make it about her, then you’ve already lost.
Let’s say she did choose to spend time with you because of the Man you pretend to be. How fulfilling do you think that time is going to be?
If you keep changing yourself so that she’ll like you more, you’re going to remain constantly trapped in this endless cycle of unhappiness and disappointment.
You’re going to constantly need to come up with new openers, new routines, new structures, just so that some women will do you the honour of spending time with you just because of the guy you pretend to be.
To become the Man of her Dreams, become the Man of YOUR Dreams. Live your life on your terms and break out of this endless roller-coaster that the Seduction Community has got you riding.
Consider this: What’s going to be the fastest, easiest, and most rewarding way to become the Man of her Dreams?
1. Pretending, changing, and manipulating her into believing that you’re someone you’re not, through a complex series of tricks and techniques, so that on the surface, you appear to be the
Man of her Dreams, but are really just a hollow shell.
2. Getting real, taking on the challenges in your own life, and creating the kind of world that women are naturally drawn to by becoming the Man of YOUR Dreams?
Not a hard decision… So how do you do this?
How do you become the confident, strong, powerful Man of YOUR Dreams?
That’s a very good question and one that I’ll get to in a minute. But before I do, there’s a little bit more you need to understand so that everything makes sense.
NOTE : If you can see that living your life trying to fit other people’s standards is never going to help you become the kind of Man that women are naturally attracted to, and want to skip to the fun parts, check out: Chapter 8

If you’re ready to become the Man of YOUR Dreams and want to avoid a common trap, read this article: Why you will Never Become a Man


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want to have the same knee-buckling effect on women as the guys who were naturally born with that ability. But if trying to change myself into one is the very thing stopping me from getting there, what do I do?”
Now that’s a great question. Let’s try a little exercise here.
Imagine yourself standing in an electronics store. Look around you - look at all the plasma TV’s, the
LCD TV’s, look at all the laptops.
There’s a happy couple with a newborn baby strolling through the white goods section, a business
Man in a charcoal suit with a white shirt and corn-flour blue tie is spending more time texting on his Blackberry than looking at what’s on the shelves, and a large group of teenage kids is browsing through the laptops – their shifty glances and branded clothing tell you they’re more likely to steal something than buy something… but that’s not your department.
And then there’s you – in your freshly ironed shirt, your new tie, your best new black trousers, your anxious desire to impress your new boss, and your determination to do so.
This is the imaginary playground that we’re going to play this out in.
Now, I want you to imagine yourself as a salesman in this store.
You’ve just joined the sales floor and you’re quite new to this. You haven’t really had much experience selling anything before, so you get out there and you star t your wheeling and dealing. You talk eagerly to anyone who enters the store, always ready to answer their questions and lend a helping hand. After trying and trying and still not selling anything more expensive than a $29.95 toaster, you start to realize there’s an art to this. It’s not as easy as just walking up, stating the dimensions and weight of a washing machine, and then collecting their credit card details, so you enlist the help of a ‘community’ (yes, I’m making really subtle analogies, and I’m going to continue to do it for the rest of the chapter - it’s a skill, deal with it) of guys to help you get better at selling.
You very quickly work out your issue.
Most of the people who come to your store are ‘just browsing’. Most walk in with more desire to watch the 8-year old movie reruns you’ve got playing on the plasma display than to buy anything.
In fact, the majority of people who come into the store are just there to kill some time.
They stroll through the maze of display aisles, proudly showing the latest and greatest that the technology world has to offer.
The frumpy middle aged woman with the thinning hair picks up half the items she comes across but only to place them down in a slightly disorganized fashion so you’re forced to follow her and


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neatly rearrange the shelves.
The some-kind-of-European grandmother dressed all in black argues loudly with her daughter in a language that you can’t understand before leaving very slowly and very angrily.
Everyone’s looking. Everyone’s touching. No one is buying.
And even when they do buy anything, it’s just because they’d decided before they walked into your store that they were going to buy something that day.
Your persuasive sale skills aren’t quite as persuasive as you’d hoped.
Your problem is compounded by the fact that there are four more shops selling goods just like yours in the area. You know, without ever seeing it happen, that people are comparing prices between the stores to save $1.57 on their next chrome plated, electric kettle.
Your limited experience in sales tells you that when someone can get the same product just around the corner, trying to sell on features and benefits isn’t going to work. You need to find a different way - a better way!
This is where your more experienced friends in this ‘community’ step in.
They give you the low down on how to be more effective at selling the products you have. You reduce the price. You throw in a bonus HDMI cable with every Plasma TV and a free digital box with every LCD TV. You learn some really cool sales techniques and you hope to god that these tricks will do the job.
After all, you know that selling is an emotional process – and if you can shift the emotions of your customers, then they are likely to buy something.
After all, buying is not a choice – your colleagues tell you ;-)
You play around with these techniques and you start to see results.
One particularly needy and lonely middle aged woman takes a liking to you and buys a medium-sized plasma TV. You push her buttons a little ‘do her a crazy deal’ and she walks out with a
Blue-Ray player under her arm as well.
Your colleagues look on impressed. After she leaves, you relay the story of what happened, including explicit detail of everything you said, and they provide feedback on how you could be more successful next time.
You mention something off-hand about how at this point in time, it doesn’t work with everyone, but they put a kind hand on your shoulder and reassure you. “All you need to do it keep practicing and practicing and practicing and eventually you’ll be so effective at shifting your women’s… err, I mean customers’ emotions that you’ll be able to convince anyone.”
HOWEVER, after months and months of trying and trying and still only getting limited results,


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mostly with the same needy and lonely customers who basically only come in to talk to you and then just buy things to justify being there, you realize something very important and very powerful:
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what techniques you use or how many emotions you shift, you’re still just selling the same old product as every other store.
Regardless of how good you get, the ‘customer’ can still just walk around the corner to the newest store and find an equally unremarkable product.
Now, I’ve been pretty subtle with the analogies throughout this article, but can you see the similarities between this process and the Seduction Community?
You might have to look REALLY, REALLY closely to find them, but they’re there :-)
I can be too subtle for some guys so let me spell it out for you.
At the end of the day, what the Seduction Community is trying to teach you to do is to learn how to be a better sales man. It’s teaching you to take the same fears, the same anxieties, the same outcome dependency, and the same doubts and wrap it all up in a nicer paper, with a nicer bow, and then try and find some people who you can convince to buy it.
Sure, you may have better sales techniques than others. Sure, you may have better bonuses. But you’re still selling the same old product that high-quality women have been telling you they’re not interested in for the last x amount of years.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not in any way suggesting that you can’t ‘sell’ more ‘items’ by learning sales techniques. There’s plenty of evidence to support the fact that it can work. A lot of salesmen make a living using that approach, but does it really sound like the method you want to live by?
Don’t you want to spend the rest of your life trying to convince women that the product you’re selling is superior to other products available on the market when really, it’s just the same thing wrapped up in a different bow?
Do you want to spend the rest of your life trying to convince women not to leave you when they can meet a guy, basically the same as you, by going to the store three doors down?
And more importantly: do you think that becoming a better salesman will ever, EVER change your product? Do you really think that by learning to disguise flaws and accentuate features that those flaws will ever disappear?
Do you really think that by demonstrating its rough and tumble exterior that the fragile interior will ever really improve?


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You might make it SOUND better, but at the end of the day, under the surface, it’s all the same stuff. - Do you wonder why your same old roadblocks keep coming up, over and over again?
- Do you wonder why women walk away once they get to know you?
- Do you wonder why ‘attraction is fleeting’?
- Do you wonder why you don’t get past the first date?
- Do you wonder why ‘she’ gets bored after 2 months and wanders into another store and gets herself a replacement?

You don’t have to do it this way. There is another FAR simpler, FAR faster path to having incredible relationships with high quality, in-demand women. If you know where to look…
Imagine yourself back in this store again. You’re just running the same old tricks, trying to move the same old product. Some people are looking. Most of them aren’t buying, so you spend your days wiping greasy finger prints from the tops of the laptops.
Then one day, a brand new store opens up across the road from you. It’s also an electronics store, but there’s something different about it.
It’s not flooded with staff, it’s not piled high with boxes, and it doesn’t have signs screaming ‘Crazy, crazy, sale time!’ and a guy standing with a microphone in front of the building desperately screaming at the pedestrians about all the ‘amazing’ specials inside.
It’s just one sales guy, a few items, and one line of happy customers lining up to buy – and who are stoked when they do.
The salesman across the road is not desperately trying to convince everyone to buy his stuff. He’s not desperately trying to compete with everyone using the same sales techniques and bonuses.
He’s simply chilling out. He doesn’t even seem like he cares if people buy his stuff or not.
And yet they do!
In fact, it seems like he has to urge people to slow down because he has more customers than he can handle.
On your lunch break, you wander over to have a look around. This is when you see the real difference.
It’s not his emotional shifting techniques that are convincing people to buy, it’s not Alpha male body language that have people flocking to his store, it’s not his mind blowing stories about celebrities he’s met and the cool things they said about him.
The difference is that he’s not selling the same products as you.
His products are also electronic goods, but they seem… Different. There’s something about them that makes them move valuable, more desirable, more unique, more complete than anything in


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your store. He’s not trying to flog off the same inferior quality products by dressing them up with fancy bows and nice highlights, he’s selling better quality products!
You finally get to this sales guy and ask him about his wares.
“These electronics are the only type of its kind in the world. Many people don’t like them. But those that do, absolutely LOVE them… I don’t even need to advertise. The products sell themselves. Are you interested? Cool! But to make sure you’ll love it, I need to find out a bit more about you first…”
He hands you a clipboard with a list of names attached. “Here, put your name on the list, write down what you’re willing to offer, and if you’re the right type for my products I’d love to sell you one.” You are blown away as you’re scribbling on the clipboard.
This guy is not resorting to trying to dress up the same thing that everyone else has, he’s not resorting to underhanded, manipulative sales techniques - he’s not resorting to dropping the price to get it to move.
He’s not really even being a SALESMAN.
He’s being a CUSTOMER. He’s shopping around to find the person that he decides is worthy of having his wonderful and unique products. Sure, he could probably get a higher price if he learned some fun little tricks. But he doesn’t need them.
His products are unique. They’re one of a kind. They are interesting, refreshing, new, and different.
Is everyone who walks past interested in what he has to offer? No, of course not. Just in the same way that everyone who comes into your store isn’t interested in what you have to offer.
You already know that having unbelievable sales technique isn’t going to get you ever y customer anyway. However, the ones who are interested are passionate about what he has to offer. They know its value, they know how rare it is, and they’re willing to work for it.
Yes, I know. It’s too subtle and you need me to explain it.
Instead of wrapping up the same old, average, product in a nicer box and learning ways to artificially inflate it’s value in people’s eyes, create a product that is actually more real, valuable and unique than anything else available and have people lining up to buy it.
This is the way you take your game to the next level.
This is the way you blow through your roadblocks, smash through you barriers, and get the results you want.
This is the way you have ‘her’ staring at you from the other side of the club wondering how she can


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get you to talk to her.
This is the way you have ‘her’ working to come up with things to talk about.
This is the way you have ‘her’ trying to find a way to give you her phone number.
This is the way you have ‘her’ thinking about you as she slides her hands between her thighs at the end of another disappointing night filled with average and replaceable products.
Instead of struggling to move the exact same product as everyone else and just varying your sales pitch, why not invest some time in making a more solid product?
Why not become the kind of Man that’s so unique – someone who knows who he is, what he stands for, what he is looking for, and has the courage to go after it - so that instead of having to try and convince anyone who walks through your store to buy it, you’ve literally got people lining up that you can take your pick from.
You don’t have to learn how to be a better sales man.
You don’t have to compete with every other guy out there and try to ‘sell’ confident and in-demand women on the same product they see night after night after frustrating night. When you create a unique and incredible product, you can become a customer and go out ‘shopping’ for women
– giving them the opportunity to tell you why they’re the kind of woman you want in your life.
Find the unique, confident and rock-solid you so that you don’t have to waste months of your life pouring over confusing techniques, just so you can condemn yourself to hoping that one day you’ll internalize them and women will sleep with you.
Don’t fake it. Actually make it.
“But that sounds like such a long journey!!”
You’re right. It’s not going to happen overnight. You can’t drink some kind of magic potion and all of a sudden, everything has changed. But you’re not going to learn how to internalise someone else’s personality and disguise the neediness you’ve been oozing for years overnight either.
Any kind of change is going to take time. You just have to decide which change you’re going work on. You could spend the next 6 months learning on the Structured / Natural / Inner Game path, learning to hide who you are, what you think, how you act, and what you’ve done in the hope that some gullible woman likes you for the Man you pretend to be, all the while, being frustrated and disappointed and hoping that when you reach the end point, everything will be better.
Or, you could spend the next 6 months getting real, getting in touch with what you really believe, experiencing the sense of power and freedom that come from reaching your true potential, and finding incredible women who’re drawn to your sense of determination, excitement, passion, life, direction, confidence, and internal fulfillment, and actually enjoying every step of the way.


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Your choice.
I’m not promising you that you will be able to get ever y girl you see. I’m not promising that you’ll walk down the street and every woman will be tearing off their panties and trying to mount you in the fruits and vegetables section of your local supermarket.
But what I am promising is that those who do will love you for who you are and they’ll demand that you just be 100% yourself – real, honest, and authentic – so they can experience everything amazing about you, all the time.
Now some of those gurus out there are telling you to pretend like you’re a unique product and eventually you will become a truly unique product.
Their rationale is that if you pretend enough, you’re one day going to magically transform yourself into something brand new. Sounds solid, right?
Sure, if you don’t bother to analyse it logically, but it’s always left me asking questions…
How long do I have to spend pretending my life is exciting before the same mundane activities I currently fill my life with become more exciting?
How long do I have to pretend that the job I walked into after graduating from college because I couldn’t get anything else is fulfilling and satisfying before it actually becomes fulfilling?
How long do I have to pretend that I don’t care what other people think of me before the pain of rejection fades away?
How long do I have to pretend that I’m the prize, before my loneliness, misery, and lack of control in my life magically transform into excitement, satisfaction, and determination?
It doesn’t matter how much time you spend pretending that your TV can wash the dishes, as soon as you pour some water into it, it’s not going to work very well.
It doesn’t matter how long you spend telling someone that your washing machine can knit jumpers, once it’s put to the test, your lies are going to be obvious.
And this is the same deal with guys ‘internalising’ these new behaviors. Sure, they may be able to demonstrate these characteristics when she’s smiling nicely and there are no challenges to deal with but as soon as you put them in a situation where they don’t know what to do, they fall apart.
Pretending that your product is a fun and exciting roller coaster doesn’t change the fact that underneath it’s still shit-scared, wanting, and looking for something else to complete it.
(OK, I’ll drop the metaphors… Hopefully you get the picture).
If you want to spend the next year continuing to fill your head with more ‘seduction theory’ and hoping that your ‘conversions’ improve then go ahead.


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But, if you get to the end of that time and you’re sick and tired of having most women you approach lose interest in you then there’s another path you can take.
Yes, you won’t be able to get every girl, but the ones you do get will love you for who you are.
They won’t just be falling for a set of routines and techniques, only to get bored with you when your routine stack runs out. They’ll passionately desire to be around you, as long as you choose.
What sounds better to you?
1. Learning techniques and tricks to try and sell the same old product that women can find littered throughout bars and clubs all across the country?
2. Becoming such a unique and incredible product that you have women lining up to ‘buy’ you because they know they can’t get what you’re offering anywhere else?
If you picked option 2, then I’ll get to the ‘how to’ in a second. But before I do, there’s something else you need to know.


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ust be more confident!” - Your mum probably told you about just as many times as your friends did. Funnily enough, it’s one of the few pieces of advice you’ll hear as often from PUA guru’s as you will from Maxim’s relationship advice column.
But unless you’re very careful, trying to ‘be more confident’ can be one of the very things that will hold you back from real confidence necessary to flirt and play with the hottest of the hot.
It can take a relatively straightforward journey and turn it into a roller-coaster of soaring highs and miserable lows.
To understand what I’m talking about, here’s a little exercise:
Imagine yourself back on the same street where you saw the woman of your dreams in the ‘Becoming the Man of her Dreams’ chapter. It’s still midafternoon and Ms. Perfect is still walking towards you.
Her long hair is still haloed by the slowly setting sun and that radiant and enchanting smile is still beaming at you from behind her full lips.
Even though she’s still 5 or 6 meters away, you can feel her excitement at seeing you.
As she notices you smiling back, she gets nervous, and blushes before looking down at the ground shyly. She likes you, you can tell.
You feel powerful. You feel appreciated. You feel like a Man going somewhere, doing something, in control and on a journey.
As she walks towards you, the tension builds. It’s palpable. You can feel the pressure rising inside you like a dormant volcano about to erupt.
She bites her lip, looks down, takes three steps towards you and then lifts her eyes.
The power surges inside you. Oh yes, it’s on.
As she gets within a meter of you, you try to make first verbal contact “Hi there…”
This is when you first notice that something might not be right.
Her eyes shift from over your left shoulder to looking you straight in the eye. Her face turns from radiant sunshine to quizzical confusion to a look of ‘who do you think you are and why would I be talking to you?’ before she brushes past you and throws her arms around the neck of the rugged looking guy in a dark grey suit who’s been standing behind you the whole time.


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Yeah… It’s pretty rough. I set you up then sent you down.
And yes, you’re going to feel it if something like that was to happen.
But how you experience it, how you deal with it, and how you recover from it all depends on a very simple but powerful mechanism.
If you’re anything like most guys in the community, you’ve just hit the downward side of the confidence roller-coaster.
You’ve just taken the plunge down that slipper y, slipper y slope that’s going to put you right back, if not further down the confidence scale than when you started.
Why? Because you felt strong and powerful and valuable because of the way this girl of your dreams was looking at you and then when it changed, you lost your source of confidence.
She was it, she way everything, and when she was gone, so was everything she gave you.
She was your life support system and when that was turned off, you flat-lined.
The Seduction Community tells you that the way to becoming more confident is to successfully achieve the same outcome over and over again.
It says that when you can achieve the results you want repeatedly – like getting consistent positive responses, always being able to walk away with a number, or being able to consistently leave the club with the hottest girl there on your arm – then you’re going to feel confident.
And whilst this is technically true, as you’ve just seen, it’s a very dangerous trap.
Imagine once again, that you’re back on the street with Ms. Perfect and her superhero Man. As they’re standing there, arms locked around each other, with you on the outside staring in, consider this: can you ever guarantee that she’ll like you?

- Can you guarantee that she’s going to respond positively to your lame jokes and poor attempts and polite conversation?
- Can you ever guarantee that she’s going to want to hear your stories about the beach holiday you took last year or your new top score on Angry Birds?
- Can you guarantee that she’s going to untangle her body from around Mr. Fantastic and wrap her sexy legs around your waist?

I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what your sales skills are, but if you’re actually a human being and she’s actually a human being, then it’s simply not possible.
She’s had experiences, interpreted those experiences, and come up with a totally different map of the world to you. She may dislike you because of the color of your skin. She may dislike you because of the way you dress. She may dislike you because of your height. She may just be in a really


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shit mood. She may have just seen her ex-boyfriend hooking up with another girl, you don’t know.
You can never guarantee that another person is going to like you because they’re another person.
They have loves and fears and hates and desires that go so far beyond what you can ever know about them.
There is no way it’s possible because there are factors involved in achieving an external outcome that lie outside your control because they’re external to you. They’re simply not in your sphere of influence. You may be able to increase the likelihood of success by accounting and preparing for these possible external elements but there will always be a chance of failure. And therein lies the problem.
If you’re basing your sense of confidence and strength on how people respond to you, or any other external outcome, you’re basing it on a shifting platform that could be pulled out from underneath you at any moment.
You’re standing on thin ice that could crack at any moment, sending you plunging into the ice-cold water below.
If you choose to base your self-confidence on this then you’re going to be riding the confidence roller-coaster forever. You’ll be stuck relying on the next big guru to give you the latest piece of technology to overcome these continually occurring problems.
If you study and study and study, you may be able to get to a point where you’re able to get the girls you want fairly consistently, and during this time, you’re going to feel pretty good about yourself.Except as soon as you can’t, it’s all going to go downhill.
For example…
Mystery’s breakdown in Neil Strauss’s famous book ‘The Game’ (pg. 193) is a perfect example of this. He’s traveling around America, seducing women, feeling great, then all of a sudden, a girl he’s interested in goes back to her ex-boyfriend and- “Mystery went quiet. He didn’t speak for ten minutes. Whenever we asked him a question, he responded monosyllabically. It wasn’t that he loved
Carly, he just hated rejection” (p.181).
From there, he goes to see his ex-girlfriend. She’s lost 15 pounds, has a great arse and won’t take him back because she’s seeing other guys. He gets worse.
He goes from threatening a Reverend with a knife to locking himself in his apartment and spending days masturbating to internet porn. This ‘black hole sucking up attention’ (p.192) was surviving on anti-depressants just so he could sleep.
The roller-coaster he’s riding moves closer and closer to the bottom of its journey. He was thinking about death a lot, thinking about hurting himself and doing something destructive, and suicide “When I’m awake, life sucks. It’s futile” (p.199).
Mystery’s feelings of confidence and self-worth were based on his ability to achieve external results.


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Being ‘the world’s greatest pick up artist’ is the source of his confidence and when he doesn’t live up to that image, he goes completely downhill. The only thing that was able to pull him out of that dark, dark place was months of therapy.
Does that sound like something you want to choose to bring into your life?
So what do you do? How do you get off this roller-coaster and still be able to get the results you want? The secret is shifting how you value yourself. Specifically, shifting where you get your confidence from. Imagine you’re back on that street again. Ms. Woman-Of-Your-Dreams has already blushed, bit her bottom lip, looked down, got confused, and brushed past you, but this time, something’s different.
Instead of feeling good just because this incredible woman is smiling at you in a way that makes your Man parts get all tingly, you already feel good.
You have a clear vision of where you’re going in life. You already know how to get there. You’ve spent the entire day doing scary and challenging things that you know are taking you towards the life you want to live and building deep and real connections with likeminded people as you do them. You’re confident, fulfilled, and happy BEFORE this woman smiles at you, not because of it.
When she looks confused and throws her arms around Mr. Hulking-Super-Hero, are you going to feel shattered? Is it going to be the end of the world? Or are you going to experience something else? Maybe confusion? Maybe relief because she turned out to be a bit of a bitch? Maybe you’d even laugh at how funny the situation is and how badly you misread it? Who know which one it would be? But it definitely wouldn’t be the same kind of devastation you’d go through if you based your confidence on how she responded to you.
Now here’s the real kicker… Imagine how different all the problems you faced in life would be if you brought this kind of attitude into everything.
Imagine feeling strong, confident, powerful, and in-control, regardless of how people responded to you and then having:

-Your boss tell you that the company is downsizing and there’s no room for you
-Your mate telling you that you’re getting a bit too big for your boots
-Your football team losing the championship final

What would be different? Would your confidence be lying, shattered, in a puddle of tears on the floor of your bathroom or despite your disappointment, would you still feel like you could handle what’s going on and what you need to do?
The difference here isn’t the amount of confidence you have, it’s where you get your confidence


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The self-confidence that the seduction gurus have been ramming down your throat is self-belief, which is only one component of self-confidence.There are two major parts to confidence - and the other major part that they’re missing is self-acceptance.
Self-acceptance isn’t about feeling good because women smile at you, or can consistently get a phone number. It’s feeling confident and strong regardless of what you can or can’t do. It’s accepting that you are the way you are and in this moment, you can never be any other version of yourself, and learning to enjoy that. It’s accepting that you have everything you could ever need, right now, without needing a polite smile, a positive response, or a phone number to feel good about yourself.
Here’s something to play with:
If how you feel when she tells you to “Fuck off ”! depends on how you feel about yourself, is it going to be a faster path to mastery to keep learning new and different ways to stop her from telling you to fuck off?
Or is it going to be faster to simply feel better about yourself?
Yeah… Think it over.
So, the inevitable question, how do you develop self-acceptance?
Well, just hold on to your horses for a minute.
I’m going to go through and explain how the issue you’re facing here is at the core of just about every issue you’re facing and then I’ll show you how you can solve them all at once.


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The Attraction Institute

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’m sure you’ve seen an Alpha male before: those strong, confident guys who move through life seemingly without any limitations to their adventures or achievements.

The guys who just seem like nothing is an issue for them and they just draw people in with effortless ease.
And I’m sure you know the effect that they have on women.
Want to be one of those guys? Does having hordes of excited women lining up to taste your seed sound like a fun way to spend your Tuesday night?
Well, the Seduction Community has one path to get there.
But what I’m about to show you is not only how the path they’re giving you will never actually get you there and how taking this path is actually what’s stopping you from ending up with hordes of naked babes hanging off your every word, but also the only thing you need to change to become a strong and powerful Alpha male.
So how do you become an Alpha Male? What’s the secret formula?
Well, the standard community way is to simply fake it till you make it.

- “Read these 7 Essential Rules for Alpha Living…”
- “Internalise the 9 Characteristics of the True Man!”
- “Memorise the 34 mandatory steps for pretending to be an Alpha male when you’re really so scared of saying and doing what you want that you need to hide behind a rule book to feel safe!”

The theory is: if you pretend to be Alpha for long enough, surely after a while you’ll internalise those behaviors and they’ll eventually become so natural that you’ll be able to act like an Alpha male without even trying.
Once again, logical, right? I mean, it sounds solid.
If the way to get better at basketball is to practice and practice and practice, surely the way to be more Alpha is to practice and practice and practice…
This all sounds great until you start to understand what really defines an Alpha male and what needs to change for you to be one.
I want you to think through all the different ‘Alpha Males’ you’ve ever met.
Think about the guy at school who commanded all the attention. Think about the boss at your second job who just had a charisma about him. Think about your Dad’s mate who just effortlessly oozed charm and charisma.


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- Think about Hank Moody in Californication.
- Think about Steve Jobs from Apple.
- Think about Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.
- Think about Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Were they all exactly the same? Did they all follow the same rules, act the same way, talk the same way, and follow the same routines and patterns?
No, of course not. They all had their own lives and lived them according to what they thought was right. Some Alpha males are very Macho. Some Alpha males are very loving and accepting. Some Alpha males are very driven and focused. Some are very relaxed and playful. They all have their own styles, lives, and ways of doing their thing.

- Do you think these guys are following somebody else’s rules or structures?
- Do you think Hank Moody consults the latest PUA DVD series before leaving the house?
- Do you think Steve Jobs spent his life following someone else’s life plan in the hope that a woman would find him attractive because of it?
- Do you think Tom Cruise hid behind some ‘guaranteed’ structure for happy living in the hope that when he finally got to the end, his mates would pat him on the back and tell him that everything was going to be ok?

Of course not.
The core element that makes these guys Alpha isn’t the rules or structures they follow, it’s not the eBook they read or the course they took in high school. In fact, it’s nothing external.
When you boil every Alpha male characteristic and trait down to its core element, there’s one driving force behind it.
An Alpha male does what he wants, when he wants to, regardless of what anyone else says, thinks, or does.
He lives his life on his terms doing what he wants when he knows it to be the right time.
He’s not reading from some rule book on how to handle himself in different situations.
He’s not trying to find out the best way to pretend to be someone he’s not.
He’s not researching different sets of rules he can use to make women think he’s cool, fun, and interesting. He just wakes up, decides what he wants to do, and doesn’t let anyone else get in his way.


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And this is where the community is leading you astray. They’re telling you that you can become the kind of guy who simply does what he deeply desires in every moment, by following a set of rules that someone else has told you.
Can you see the contradiction?
They say that if you do what someone else tells you to do for long enough, you’ll eventually do what you want to do.
How can you ever get closer to being the kind of guy that does what he wants by continuing to follow a set of rules laid down by somebody else?
By following the Seduction Community path, you’re not becoming Alpha. You’re not becoming strong, confident, free, and independent. All you can ever hope to be by following Alpha male rule books is a louder, more obnoxious kind of beta male.
The worst thing is that following other people’s rules and structures is the very thing that is responsible for women not wanting to come home with you right now.
You were listening to your mum’s advice about being nice to women, you were following social standards about buying her dinner, you were imitating the soppy stuff you saw in movies, and it wasn’t getting you where you wanted to be.
You were doing what someone else told you that you needed to do and surprisingly, it wasn’t helping you get the happiness in life that you were looking for.
The Seduction Community isn’t fixing your problem; it’s just changing the set of rules you’re using to ones that are slightly less unattractive to most women.
It’s the pick up equivalent of switching from heroin to methadone.
Definitely not as bad, but nowhere near being a real solution.
In saying that, if you want to spend the rest of your life trying to internalise someone else’s set of rules, hoping that you’ll eventually become Alpha, then that’s totally fine and I wish you all the best.
But just so you know, there is an easier way.
If a true Alpha male does what he wants, when he wants to, then the path to becoming Alpha is simple: become the kind of guy who knows what he wants and goes after it. That’s it.
There’s no complex set of rules you have to internalise, there’s no intricate set of structures that you have to follow. It’s simply you doing what you want, when you want.
That’s the secret to being a true Alpha male.
As I’ve already mentioned once or twice, becoming the kind of Man that women flock to isn’t about learning a new set of rules or structures to impress them, it’s about living your journey for you. It’s about finding who you are, what’s going to make you happy, and then developing the balls


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to go after it.
So here’s a question I want you to consider:
Do you think it would be faster, easier, and more enjoyable to spend years and years trying to internalize a whole bunch of someone else’s rules about how you should live your life - just so you can hopefully, one day, be the kind of guy that women are attracted to?
Or do you think it would be faster, easier, and more enjoyable to do what you want, when you want to, so that you don’t have to think about getting women, they just want to be around you?


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don’t know who first dreamed up the idea that standing in the shower, repeating self-help catch phrases to yourself through the rising fog was the secret to attracting women, but it seems to have caught on, especially in inner-game circles.
Guys are looking to these self-help affirmations to try and eliminate their limiting beliefs and build solid positive belief structures for attracting women.
Catch phrases like:

- “I’m the most attractive Man who has ever lived…”
- “Women love me…”
- “I deserve a beautiful woman…”

…can be heard echoing through PUA projects and boot camps every Friday night.
And whilst yes, the positive belief structures pushed by the Seduction Community are definitely an improvement from the self-loathing that some of the less-than-robust wanna-be PUA’s are currently working with, it’s also a dangerous trap.
Yes… once again.
Let’s say you have been working on the belief that women find you attractive.
You’ve been chanting your particular flavor of mantra for 3 months now, keeping a solid evidence diary, and have spent hours watching DVD’s of other guys who also have this belief and it’s paying off. You feel confident. You feel worthy. You feel attractive.
You’ve been able to find sufficient evidence to support this belief and it’s now ‘internalised’.
That’s when you decide to go out and put your newfound belief to the test.
You call a few mates, get dressed in a nicely ironed shirt, your new jeans, and polish your shoes to a high shine.
“You look good. Women love you. You’re an attractive Man” you repeat as you preen yourself in front of the full-length mirror.
When everything is tucked and ironed and plucked and wiped and smelling great, you jump in a cab and meet your mates at the bar.
You strut powerfully through the doors, looking good, feeling good.


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Women notice you. They see your confidence, smell your power, and smile invitingly.
You spot your mates on the other side of the bar and make your way over. On the way, you make eye contact with a girl-next-door brunette and she tries to hide the shy smile spreading across her face. Feeling good, you say “Good evening” to what looks like a hens night and as you pass just beyond the brunette, you hear an excited “Hey handsome!” in return.
After a few more casual greetings to a few more random beautiful women, you’re with your mates.
Looking good, smelling good, women are interested, feeling good. This positive belief is working wonders for you now.
Your mates have been watching you and they start questioning you about the positive responses you got on the way through…
“What did you say? What did you do after that?”
You feel like a Man. You feel like THE Man.
Tonight is your night. You can feel it. Shit is just clicking for you.
You decide to ride the high and not waste time. You see a group of 3 glamorous girls sitting around a high bar table sipping at their drinks. They’re easily the hottest women in the bar. You know it’s now or never so you put your drink on the table, tell your mates to watch a master at work, and strut towards their table.
“Hi…” is all you manage to squeeze before their cold, sharp eyes cut through your newly found confidence like a hot knife through butter.
“What?? Can’t you see we’re talking here?? Fuck… If we’d wanted to meet a douchebag, we could have just called her ex-boyfriend. Jeeez… What is wrong with Men??”
Frozen to the spot without a way to recover, thoughts flash through your mind faster than cards in a card shark’s hands. What should you do? Plow on? Apologise? Call her a bitch? Run?
“I… ummm… Just… ahhh… Have a good night…” Is the best you can do. You retreat back to your table to the inevitable ribbing you know your mates are about to lay on you.
“Master, eh? Wow, that was quite a performance… Master” is the first thing you hear when you get back to the table.
“Are you doing a second show tonight? The first was great and I’ve got a few friends who missed out and would love to see you in action!”
“Yeah, thanks,” you mutter. This is what mates are for, eh?


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You feel shit.
Your confidence, your strength, your charisma was built on the hard-earned foundation of your positive belief that you were attractive to women. You’ve collected plenty of evidence to support that belief but you’ve also got a very real, very tangible, very in-your-face piece of evidence that it’s FAR from true.
Your belief is failing you.
That nagging doubt that ‘maybe I’m not really attractive to women’ is starting to creep back in.
Because your confidence starts to fail you, that familiar neediness is starting to creep its way back in. Not to worry, there are plenty of women who thought you were attractive before, so you can just go and talk to them!
“You guys are arseholes. I’m going to talk to chicks,” you say as you creep your way across the bar in the direction of the girl-next-door brunette who smiled at you on the way in.
You eventually find her in the middle of a large group of people.
“Hi…” you try to boom across the group, powerfully and strongly to demonstrate just how Alpha you are but your lack of confidence betrays you. It comes out more like an awkward teenager’s first attempt at talking to a girl as your voice breaks in the middle of it.
Everyone laughs – including the girl. You can feel the red flush of embarrassment creep up your neck as you stand looking confused.
What should you do? Laugh as well? Pretend it never happened? Run?
You feign an awkward laugh – too late and too forced to be real – before backing out of the group.
How’s your positive belief now?
Your confidence is falling fast. And with it, goes your charm and charisma – everything you need to reinforce your positive belief.
You decide to try the hens night as a last ditch attempt to build your positive belief back up once again but it plays out just the same as the other groups.
Dejected, frustrated, and convinced that women aren’t attracted to you, you head home to start another 3 month program of trying to turn this negative belief into a positive.
This is why the Seduction Community answer of trying to turn a negative belief into a positive belief is a pointless and often painful exercise.
Your beliefs are built on evidence that you receive from the world around you, every single moment of every single day of your life.


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They’re not static or fixed. They change and move and grow, and if you try and base your confidence, strength and ability to attract women on them, then you’re setting yourself on a never-ending roller-coaster of soaring highs and painful lows.
Why? Because you can never control the way women respond to you. You can never control the evidence that you get from the world around you.
Women can respond negatively to you because you’re wearing the same cologne as their ex-boyfriend.
Women can respond negatively to you because they’ve just eaten cheese cake and feel fat.
Women can respond negatively to you because they’ve just seen another girl wearing the same dress as them and they don’t feel beautiful or special.
Just like basing your confidence on how women respond to you is going to keep you riding that roller-coaster, so is trying to build positive beliefs.
If you choose to try and develop positive beliefs about yourself, other people, and the world, you’re forever going to be fighting a battle to try and make yourself feel good.
You’re forever going to be riding that roller coaster and holding yourself back from getting the consistent success you want.
So what’s the solution? If building positive beliefs is a terrible way to eliminate negative beliefs, how do you deal with it?
Well, what if you didn’t try and develop positive beliefs?
I’m not talking about sitting at home dwelling on negative beliefs about yourself, but instead, getting rid of these external beliefs about yourself all together?
What about instead of trying to convince yourself that everyone is going to react positively to you when you go and talk to them, you accepted the fact that some people are going to be attracted to you and others are not?
What if you accepted that just because someone doesn’t find you attractive, it doesn’t actually mean you’re valuable or un-valuable, you’re just someone they’re not specifically attracted to?
Do you think you would feel so bad when someone says they’re not attracted to you?
Here’s a question for you to consider:
Do you think it’s going to be faster to keep trying to prop up your positive beliefs and fight against the inevitable negative feedback you experience in your life?
Or do you think it would be faster to get rid of them all together so that you didn’t have to battle


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against anything?
Now, for the inevitable question: how to?
Well… I’m going to highlight one more common issue before I let you in on the core of what I’m talking about.
NOTE: If you don’t think you’re worthy of a beautiful woman and want to know how to get over it, here’s an article on why it’s actually a blessing and you don’t need to get over it 3 Counter-Intuitive Reasons why not Feeling Worthy of a Beautiful Woman is a Blessing


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alue’, ‘status’, whatever you want to call it. As far as the Seduction Community is concerned, you’re supposed to get more of it, fast. If you don’t, ‘high value’ women won’t want to be with

But what I’m about to show you is that not only is this a long and slow path to go down, but trying to be high value is one of the key reasons why you’re not getting the high value women you want.
Imagine yourself back in the bar again.
You’ve had a good day, you’re feeling fairly good, you’re body language is tight, you’ve internalized a few Alpha Male characteristics, you’ve internalized some routines that you know are going to impress people.
You’re a high value guy.
You see a stunning girl standing in the corner with her friends and decide she’s the kind of girl you want to meet tonight. With your high status bubbling away behind your freshly ironed shirt, you start to head towards her. But before you manage to take your first step, you see some guys go and join her group. It looks like something out of ‘Revenge of the Nerds’!
You see the way they’re forced standing around her, you see the way their eyes dart around the room, you hear their awkward laughs and know they’re not competition. In comparison to them, you’re much higher value.
You know you could get the girl. You feel good.
You set off towards her. After three steps you see another group of guys join them. These ones look a little sharper. They’re dressed reasonably well, they look fun and cool, they’re chatting and laughing loudly. You can see it in the way they interact with the people around them. They may be
PUA’s, you’re not sure, but you can see you may have some competition.
It’s OK though, you know how to imitate a guy who’s got his shit together, you know how to demonstrate traits that impress the women. In comparison to them, you’re still higher status.
You know you could still get the girl. You still feel good.
You’re about three meters away from her and three more guys roll in.
These guys have their shit together. They look like they fell off the cover of GQ after rolling out of a celebrity endorsed party for some fashionable charity. They look sharp. You know you’ve seen them somewhere before - maybe TV, maybe on E-News, but you’re not sure.
They’re confident, they’re laughing loudly, they’re high value guys. In comparison to them, you’re not so high value.


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In fact, in comparison to them, you’re actually lower value.
How do you feel now? Do you think you could get the girl now? No… Too much competition. Too much Alpha in the room.
You take a quick sip of your drink, scan the room like you were looking for someone (to maintain your social status), and then head back to the table.
This is the problem with trying to develop your social status: By trying to be high on the value scale, you’re actually ensuring that you’ll always have people above you.
If you’re looking at guys and saying “he’s got less value than me” then unless you’re a rock star or an A-List Hollywood celebrity, you’re ensuring that there are people somewhere that are going to have more value than you.
If you view the world as having an objective measure of value that involves external possessions, you’re making sure that unless you’re the very top person in the world out of 7 billion people, there will always be people who are going to be higher than you.
And what if you did nail value? What if you did make it to number one in your school / work / favorite bar / social circle, what happens when you step out of it?
What happens when you go to a different bar where different things are valued? Where are you then? Trying to develop your social status is ensuring that you’re only ever going to be able to live the kind of life you want when you can ensure you’re at the top of the list, and as soon as you fall off, so will your confidence and inner strength.
But what if you didn’t look at things in terms of external value? What if you didn’t compare yourself to anyone else?
What if you just accepted who you are and that there’s other people out there who have a different set of skills / talents who different people find attractive? How do you think this scenario would change? Do you think you would have to spend months and months trying to collect status? Do you think you’d have to waste your time trying to analyze the external situation?
Or do you think you could just walk up and be open about who you are, what you stand for, and see whether she’s your type?
Here’s something to consider:
Do you think it’s faster and easier to try and boost your status up continually so that you can be high status in every situation you find yourself in?


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Or do you think it would be faster and easier to stop comparing yourself to anyone so that status didn’t matter?
Which way do you think would help you get what you wanted quicker?
And how to? Well, now it’s time to show you the core.


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espite the fact that I’ve wasted over 16,000 words explaining all the different permutations of inadequate answers that the Seduction Community has been feeding you…

…I’ve really only said one thing.
I’ve only given you one solution.
Still don’t know what it is?
I could be an arsehole and tell you to go back over every single chapter and work it out, but I’m not that cruel.
Let me make it easy for you.
The problems that you face with women don’t come from your lack of knowledge, your limited experience, your poor upbringing, or your feminist mother. They come from something much simpler and much easier:
The way you look at the world.
More specifically: looking externally for rules of what you should do and what you shouldn’t do, for rules of right and wrong.
It’s really that simple.
Instead of looking inside yourself for what is real, true, powerful, and rewarding, you’re looking externally, to what other people say is right and wrong, placing all actions, ideas, and thoughts on either end of a big, wide spectrum that contains many shades of grey, and using that to try and guide your life.
It’s this idea of separating things to two ends of a spectrum - good and bad, better and worse that’s the cause of all your issues.

- Trying to be confident is making you nervous.
- Trying to have positive beliefs means you can have negative beliefs.
- Trying to be high status means you can be low status.

By trying to be in one category, you’re making sure that falling into the other category is a very real possibility. This isn’t a new idea by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, here’s a quote from a guy who discovered this over 2000 year ago – Lao Tzu.

Success is as dangerous as failure,


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Hope is as hollow as fear
What does it mean that success is as dangerous as failure?
Whether you go up the ladder or down it,
Your position is shaky
When you stand with two feet on the ground,
You will always keep your balance
What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms,
That arise from thinking of the self.
When you don’t see the self as the self,
What do you have to fear?

This is a quote from the Tao Te Ching (Stephen Mitchel translation if you care).
What this means is that when you look at the world through this prism of two ends of a spectrum, where one end is good and the other end is bad, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Because whilst you might be able to hold yourself in one category for some short period of time, there are always going to be issues that push you into the negative category.
It could be people who are more in the positive category than you (e.g. People with higher social status) or events that eliminate you from the positive category (e.g. Women telling you that you’re not attractive).
And when you fall into the ‘negative’ category, then you feel bad and have to try and work your way back into the ‘positive’ category.
The way to not fall into the negative category isn’t to make sure you’re in the positive one all the time: it’s to stop looking at things in dichotomies.
If you put something into the ‘good’ category, the things that fall outside it then become ‘bad’. When you put something into the ‘better’ category, the things that fall outside it become ‘worse’.
But if you don’t put anything into the ‘good’ or ‘better’ category, then nothing is ‘bad’ or ‘worse’.
If you don’t try and go up the roller-coaster, you’ll never go down.
If you don’t try and convince yourself that you’re good at something, you won’t think you’re bad at it. If you don’t try and be above someone, you’ll never be below others.
Now you should have realised by now that I’m not saying ‘don’t try and change anything’, but the point of this is to get you to realise that this good / bad, better / worse, higher / lower is actually the root cause of your lack of success and your painfully slow progress.


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Breaking through all your barriers – your lack of confidence, your low status, your negative self-beliefs – starts when you realise that the only place they exist is in your head, and to get rid of them you just have to start looking at the world in a different way.
“But there are things that are bad. How can I stop looking at things as good and bad when things are good and bad??”
Good question.
If you walk up to a stunning girl in a club and she tells you to “fuck off!” is that good or bad?
Some could say good, others could say bad. It really depends on which perspective you look at it from. Is a brand new Ferrari more valuable than a 10-year old Land Rover?
Well, yes if you live in the city and go out on race tracks on the weekends.
But what if you live in the Kalahari Desert, have very limited access to service stations and spend most of your time driving through low lying scrub? A Ferrari would be almost useless. The Land
Rover would be far more valuable.
Is an FHM model who’s ridiculously hot yet insecure, needy, and high maintenance more valuable than the girl next door who’s cute, but not anywhere near as physically attractive as the FHM model, yet is confident, fun, playful, and has things in common with you?
Well, if your purpose is to try and impress your mates and brag on PUA forums then the FHM model is the one to go for, but if you actually care about your long term happiness, then the girl next door is more valuable.
It all comes down to what you’re trying to achieve in life.
This is what determines what is more valuable to a person.
If you’re trying to travel overland through the Kalahari Desert, the Ferrari would be useless.
If you were trying to impress your petrol head mates, then the Ferrari would be the best option.
But does that mean the other option is objectively less valuable?
Value is determined by purpose. What you’re trying to achieve determines what you value on that journey. In the words of a much more eloquent Man than I: Nothing is good nor bad till thinking makes it so.
Here’s something for you to consider:
Is it going to be faster to learn different ways to prevent and deal with the thousands of different
‘bad’ things that can happen to you?


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Or is it going to be faster to get rid of the idea of objectively good and bad, learn to focus on what you want out of life, and go about filling your life with those things?
So as you can see, I’m showing you the difference between two very different ways of doing things.
This isn’t about getting better tricks to attract women or developing more efficient techniques for pretending to be someone you’re not.
This is about shifting the very foundation of the way you look at, experience, and interact with the world so instead of trying to overcome barrier after barrier after barrier every time they appear, you can start to live in a world where they just don’t exist.
These two ways to living your life are not just different in ideology; they are different ways of thinking that actually operate in two very different areas of the brain.
Let me tell you a bit about them.


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love the brain. What a glorious piece of work. Everything you experience in your world is a product of the way your brain functions.

Everything. Nothing lies outside the function of the brain. It you can perceive it or experience it, it has to be processed by your brain. There’s no other way.

- If you experience happiness, it happens in your brain.
- If you experience frustration, it happens in your brain.
- If you experience, think a thought or hold a belief, it’s happening in your brain.

It’s the central control panel that everything happens in and is then projected into different areas of your body.
But one thing you may not be aware of is that it isn’t just random chance or the product of genes that determines your experience of the world - it’s actually the way you’ve trained your brain.
Every time you get nervous standing in front of a beautiful woman, you do so because you’ve trained your brain to do that.
Every time you get stuck inside your head trying to come up with the next perfect thing to say, you do so because you’ve trained yourself to do that.
It’s not evolutionary psychology programming you to feel nervous, it’s actually a highly developed skill. What I’m going to show you here is how the solutions that the pick up gurus are giving you cannot solve the real core of your issues, and what you need to do to actually cut to the core.
Now what I’m about to let you in on here is the cutting edge of Neuroscience. It might get a little dry in parts but it’s necessary for me to help you understand the difference between these two ways of thinking and how they’re impacting your world.
There are many, many different parts of your brain that are responsible for many different functions, but for now, I’m going to focus on two specific ones - the left and right prefrontal cortices.
These are the areas of your brain that take the information that comes flooding into your world through your senses and process it. Whilst they’re both necessary for processing any information that comes into your world, they have very different roles and functions.
And it’s the different roles and functions, and the weighting you give to each role that is at the core of the issues you’re facing with women.
Let’s kick it off with the left.


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The role of the Left prefrontal cortex (PFC) is to take the information that floods in through your senses, puts it into little boxes and assigns value to it so you know how to deal with, and what to do with that information.
It’s the judgmental and analytical side of your brain. It takes in sensory input and filters it through the different sets of experiences and information that you have about your reality and then assigns value judgments to the information.
It also thinks in linear progressions (A=B=C=D) and thinks in words. It’s the side of your brain that goes ‘Well I did this, and then she did this, so therefore, this means that’.
It’s the side of your brain that says ‘this person is good but that one is bad’. It says ‘you should do this but you shouldn’t do that’. It’s the side that looks at things in terms of winners and losers, high status and low status, positive beliefs and negative beliefs.
It’s the side of the brain that hears the words ‘I have a boyfriend’ and assumes that if a woman is saying that then she has a boyfriend. It then looks back through the lessons learned through your past experiences and the information you have and creates meaning out of that statement.
This is completely different to the Right PFC.
Your Right PFC doesn’t judge, criticise, or analyze. It experiences the world as it unfolds in front of you. It only knows how you feel and how things feel to you. It’s the kinesthetic and intuitive part of the brain.
It doesn’t process past information with current experiences to try and predict the future, it just knows your experience of the present moment. It doesn’t think in linear progressions, it simply processes the information in the present moment.
It’s the side of the brain that notices her non-verbal communication as she says ‘I have a boyfriend’.
It feels whether she’s happy, she’s sad, she’s excited, she’s turned on. It just feels.
If you want to see a neuroscientist talk about her experiences of the different hemispheres, check out this video: A Stroke of Insight
If you have any interest in how the brain works, this is a great video to watch.
Now, most people (unless you suffer from an autistic spectrum disorder or a stroke) don’t ever just use one side or the other. They use both, all the time in varying degrees.
If you just used your left PFC, you’d be able to understand what the words ‘I have a boyfriend’ meant, but you wouldn’t be able to understand whether she was annoyed by you and wanted you to go away or dropping a random fact into the conversation that she was really enjoying with you.
If you just used your right PFC, you’d be able to experience her joy or sadness or anger but wouldn’t be able to tell where that was coming from and what it was directed at.
This is because the left PFC understands CONTENT whilst the right understands CONTEXT. But


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even though you use both hemispheres, you don’t just use them equally. Most people don’t sit on an even balance.
You change the weighting between them based on different activities and stages in your life. It’s this change in weighting you give to each hemisphere that determines the issues you face when you head to the bar to flirt with all those girls who remain tantalizingly out of reach.
If you give more weighting to the left PFC, the logical, analytical, and judgmental side, you’re what’s known as an L-Type thinker (L for Left PFC). You favor logic, content, and analysis.
If you give more weighting to the right PFC, the intuitive, holistic, and contextual side, you’re using what’s known as an R-Type thinker. You favor intuition, feeling, and experience.
Now, before I give it away, what type of thinking do you think is responsible for the issues you face in “field” when approaching women? Come on, don’t cheat…
What type of thinking are you using when you start judging social status and comparing yourself to others? What type of thinking are you using when you try and build positive beliefs structures to make approaching easier?
Yep. You guessed it.
Left PFC-weighted thinking says ‘this is good, that is bad’ and responsible for 90% of the issues that you face in meeting women.
It’s the thinking type you’re using when you’re standing in a club wondering what the people around you might think if you go and approach her.
It’s the thinking type you’re using when you’re desperately hoping that she doesn’t tell you to “fuck off!” when you go over.
It’s the thinking type you’re using when you’re stuck inside your head trying to work out the perfect thing to say. It’s the thinking type that thinks in value and status.
L-Type thinking the thinking type that Structured / Natural / Inner Game gurus are trying to improve in the hope that you will one day have every answer to every problem. What they don’t realise is that there is a much, much simpler solution…
A solution that means you don’t need positive beliefs. A solution that means you don’t need to build your social status. A solution that means you don’t need to get positive responses in order to feel good about yourself.
I think it’s pretty obvious by now that I’m talking about R-Type thinking.
If you move over to Right PFC-dominant thinking, you’re going to see something very, very different.


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R-Type thinking is the experiential type of thinking and doesn’t look at the world through the lens of good and bad. In fact, it doesn’t even know what good and bad are! All it knows is how things feel to you. It’s experiential, intuitive, creative, and purpose driven.
It’s not stuck in the past, trying to pull out all the information you have learned, and it’s not stuck in the future, trying to project everything that could possibly happen and come up with solutions to things that don’t yet exist.
It just lives now.
It doesn’t try and label her response. It just knows how she feels to you.
It doesn’t try and work out what other people are thinking. It just knows how people feel to you.
It doesn’t try and work out the perfect thing to say, it’s just assessing whether she feels like the kind of person you want in your life.
It’s not creating unnecessary problems by trying to box things in and compare them against other things it knows; it just feels.
So how does this help you at all?
Well, to put it bluntly, it changes everything.
As you’re not projecting off into the future trying to predict all the possible negative outcomes when you approach, approach anxiety isn’t an issue.
As you’re not stuck in your head worrying about what a bunch of people you’ve never met (and will probably never meet again) could think about you if you get rejected when you try and start a conversation, you’re able to come up with very relevant and appropriate openers.
As you’re more concerned about experiencing happiness and fulfillment than tricking her into liking you, you stop worrying about how good this chick would look on your arm at the next football dinner and start focusing on whether or not you actually like her.
As you’re not worried about following routines or structures and care far more about experiencing who she is and how you feel around her, you naturally qualify.
As you’re not desperately trying to remember what step you’re up to in the latest guru’s seduction blue print whilst she’s talking, you actually listen to what she’s saying and can pick up on all the subtle hints she’s giving you.
As you’re not trying to come up with a clever way to trick her into giving you her number, when you do finally ask for it, it’s for real reasons and you are far more genuine and sincere when you do.
Most importantly, you stop focusing on what other people think and how they could respond and you start living your life on your terms.


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You naturally become an Alpha male because you’re doing what you want, when you want to.
You become the Man of YOUR Dreams because you’re taking responsibility for where you are now and where you want to go.
In essence, you’re able to be the kind of guy who naturally and effortlessly attracts women.
This is the essence of Endgame. Instead of trying to teach you a logical solution to the surface level symtpoms that only exist becaues you’re using L-Type thinking that really only reinforces the core problem of using L-Type thinking, Endgame is focusses on switching over to R-Type thinking so that you eliminate the issue from the core.
The question that I’ve been asking you over and over throughout this book is ‘do you think it would be faster to keep fighting the never ending battle of L-Type thinking, or to not even worry about struggling against it, and start using R-Type thinking?’
So, what do you think?
Before you make a decision, though, I just want you to know a few more things about your R-Type thinking and how it impacts every part of meeting, attracting, dating, and seducing women.
NOTE: If you’re struggling with limiting beliefs and don’t realise just how much of an incredible blessing they are (yes, I’m serious), check out this article: Eliminate yout Limiting Beliefs pt. 2 - The Good News and the Bad News


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ounds ironic, doesn’t it… How could learning to attract women be the one thing that’s actually preventing you from attracting women?

You might have an inkling about it after reading through the last few chapters but in case it’s not clear, let me spell it out...
Think back to the worst nights you’ve had in field. The ones where everything seemed like hard work, no one wanted to talk to you, and you went home empty handed, to use that empty hand to find the only relief that was available to you.
You know the nights… When nothing flowed, when you were stuck in your head, when you were analyzing, when it just felt like everything was a HUGE effort with no payoff at the end.
Where you had to try and think up everything you wanted to say before you said it, where you had to try and come up with the right lines, the right techniques, the right systems and it always came too late.
The nights where you mouth felt unusually dry, your stomach felt unnecessarily tight and your anxiety was through the roof.
Every time you spoke to a woman, you just had this feeling that the clock was ticking and she was about to walk away from you at any second.
Where was your head on these nights?
Were you just enjoying everything that was going on around you or were you stuck in your head analyzing and thinking?
Were you 100% present with the people who were around you or were you busy trying to remember what stage you were in and what you should do next?
Were you saying the first thing that came into your mind or were you filtering it in the hope of generating a positive response?
Were you doing the first thing that came into your mind or were you censoring yourself in case you ‘screwed it up’?
Were you allowing the natural, real you to come out or were you giving the world a fake and forced version of yourself?
And how did this headspace work out for you?
Were you able to approach effortlessly and easily or was approaching a tough battle?
Did you have effortless and easy conversations with women or were things forced and stilted?


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Were you naturally flirty and playful or were you serious and logical?
Did women want to talk with you or were you constantly getting shut out of the conversation?
Did you walk home with the numbers of enthusiastic women in your phone or did you creep back home to wonder why everything was so tough?
And most importantly, was your night enjoyable, regardless of the external results or was it frustrating because you didn’t get the results you wanted?
I can’t speak for you but I know that when I’m having those nights, they just feel shit. They’re just hard work. Everything takes effort.
I’m not enjoying anything, I’m not present with the people I’m with, I don’t say the first thing that comes to my mind, I don’t do the first thing that comes to my mind, I hide the real me away and make my life difficult by trying to pretend to be someone I’m not.
Now, for a bit of a contrast.
I want you to think back to the best night you’ve ever had out in field. It may have been last week or last month, or it may have been long before you joined the community.
The nights where everything felt effortless, where you didn’t have to try, where the words dripped off your tongue like golden honey to the waiting hordes of beautiful women who’d gathered below you to taste your sweet nectar.
The nights where it felt like you couldn’t do anything wrong and even if you tried to, it still just went so right.
The nights where it wasn’t anxiety, it was excitement. The nights where there was no tightness in your body, you were just relaxed, open, and free.
The nights where you gave yourself permission to be the kind of guy that you desired to be.
Where was your head on these nights?

- Were you just enjoying everything that was going on around you or were you stuck in your head analyzing and thinking?
- Were you 100% present with the people who were around you or were you busy trying to remember what stage you were in and what you should do next?
- Were you saying the first thing that came into your mind or were you filtering it in the hope of generating a positive response?
- Were you doing the first thing that came into your mind or were you censoring yourself in case you ‘screwed it up’?
- Were you allowing the natural, real you to come out or were you giving the world a fake and forced version of yourself?


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And how did this headspace work out for you?

- Were you able to approach effortlessly and easily or was approaching a tough battle?
- Did you have effortless and easy conversations with women or were things forced and stilted? - Were you naturally flirty and playful or where you serious and logical?
- Did women want to talk with you or were you constantly getting shut out of the conver- sation? - Did you walk home with the numbers of enthusiastic women in your phone or did you creep back home to wonder why everything was so tough?
- And most importantly, was your night enjoyable, regardless of the external results or was it frustrating because you didn’t get the results you wanted?

Well I can’t speak for you but I know that when I have those nights, I don’t think about any thing. I don’t try and break down the social matrix, I don’t bother trying to come up with new and crazy openers, I just flow. I just say the first thing that comes to my mind and then just roll with whatever she throws at me.
So what’s the difference here?
Think back to the brain function information I just gave you. Can you see any similarities?
The nights where you struggle, the nights where everything is hard work, you’re stuck analysing the external environment, you’re trying to break down the social matrix, you’re trying to label, judge, and categorise the external environment.
They’re the nights when you’re using L-Type thinking.
In complete contrast, the nights where everything flows, where everything is effortless, you’re just experiencing everything around you; you’re following your desires, just doing what you want, when you want to do it.
They’re the nights where you’re using R-Type thinking.
This is the big difference: On the nights when you’re on – and I mean REALLY on – you’re not ‘on’ because you’ve improved your ability to use L-Type thinking. You’re ‘on’ because you’ve dropped
L-Type thinking all together and have made the switch over the R-Type thinking completely.
You’re not better at analyzing what’s going on, what you should do, and how you should do it.
You’ve dropped that mode of thinking and are using the mode of thinking that allows you to attract women without doing any of that crap.
What does this mean? This means something very, very significant.


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You might have realized it already but in case you haven’t, I need to spell it out VERY clearly.
If the nights where you get the most success with women are the ones where you’re not analyzing the external environment or trying to build your social status / confidence / positive beliefs, but are the ones where you’re just in the moment, doing what you want, when you want to, then there is actually nothing you need to learn about attracting women.
You don’t need to learn about opening, you don’t need to learn things to talk about, you don’t need to learn tricks and techniques and games and methods to attract women.
All you need to do is learn how to get out of your own way and let the fun, playful, confident, cool guy come out and not only will you get the success you want, but you’ll also have a FAR more enjoyable time – to a point where you don’t even care if you get the girl.
And this brings us back to the point of this chapter:
If you’re learning lines and techniques and methods and tactics to deploy when you get around beautiful women, all you’re doing is training yourself to use L-Type thinking (the exact type of thinking that makes meeting, dating, and attracting women hard work and far less successful) when you’re around beautiful women rather than using the thinking type (R-Type) that actually gets you the success you want!
Whenever you learn a set of rules, of structures, of ‘you have to do this but you can’t do this’, of
‘when she does this, it means this’, and you try and apply them in your life, you’re using L-Type thinking. You’re choosing to fight against the restrictions of good and bad, you’re choosing to place yourself on a status ladder, you’re choosing to battle against negative beliefs, because you’re choosing to operate out of the part of the brain that thinks like that.
But when you simply relax, just flow with whatever comes into your head, stop trying to analyze, stop trying to break things down, stay present with the people around you and with yourself, and just focus on experiencing everything that’s going on inside you and around you, you’re using
R-Type thinking.
Now, I know what you’re thinking…
“I’ve seen guys who have learned pick up and they’re good at pick up! They’ve studied and practiced and internalized and now they can do all the things I want to be able to do!”
The reason that guys can get good through learning pick up is that eventually, when they study long enough and hard enough, they get to a point where they logically think they have every situation covered and have the skills to deal with every event that could possibly occur and so they stop worrying and stop struggling.
Their L-Type experiences and expertise have gotten them to a point where they stop analyzing situations and events and experiences and allow themselves to relax into the moment. They allow


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themselves to relax into R-Type thinking.
These successful PUA gurus use the information and past experiences and analysis to let go, relax, and use the skills that we were all born with.
Now you can go down this path if you want, but it’s much slower.
You can learn all the information you can possibly cram into your brain and get hundreds and hundreds of hours of field experience to try and cover every possible scenario that can happen when you’re standing in front of a beautiful and unpredictable woman, then fail over and over again until you finally find the right way to resolve the situation, just in hope that eventually, you’ll be able to relax and switch over to R-Type thinking.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
You don’t have to rely on trying to remember reams and reams of knowledge. You don’t have to struggle trying to internalize concepts for months and months to get to a place where you switch over to R-Type thinking.
You can do it right now, if you choose to.
You can choose to switch over to the part of the brain that acts outside of the status paradigm, that’s self-accepting, and that has the most powerful beliefs possible, if you choose to.
Here’s something for you to consider:
Would you prefer to spend months, if not years of your life learning reams and reams of information in an attempt to simply access all the skills you already have, or would you prefer to simply unlock all your natural charm and charisma and be able to seduce women without ever needing to internalise and memorise and practice all this stuff?
“So how do you come up with things to talk about? How do you deal with approach anxiety? How do you qualify? How do you know when to kiss her?”
Good question…
What I’m going to show you is how the idea of internalising these pick up concepts is not only the slowest and most frustrating way to attract women, but it aslo can’t give you the real results you want. It’s the pick up companies’ way of getting you to think that you need their products when in fact, it’s your reliance on products, structures, and techniques that have been holding you back this whole time. Intrigued yet?


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It’s the pick up companies’ way of getting you to think that you need their products when in fact, it’s your reliance on products, structures, and techniques that have been holding you back this whole





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pproach anxiety is rated as the number one biggest issue that guys think they have to overcome to start getting the success women.

And it makes sense.
If you can’t approach, you can’t start a conversation and if you can’t start a conversation, then your chances of ending up naked with her grinding all up and down your lap are pretty slim.
But, what most guys don’t realize is that this mindset of needing to overcome approach anxiety is the very thing that’s making it worse.
I know it sounds a little weird but as you’re probably aware by now, things aren’t always as they appear on the surface.
When you boil it down to its core, approach anxiety is essentially just fear. The cause of that fear differs from person to person – from getting rejected, to being labeled as a creep, to embarrassing yourself, to feeling powerless, to proving to yourself that you’re worthless – the experience is usually the same.
Tightness in the stomach, sweating palms, uncooperative feet, tunnel vision, and the most frustrating of all, a cold, disempowering frozen brain.
When approach anxiety strikes, it’s like a computer locking up whilst you’re looking at porn just as your mother walks into the room.
You get stuck on your own private shame without having any way to get out it.

- “She’s going to reject you, she’s going to reject you, she’s going to reject you…”
- “Guys who approach are creeps, guys who approach are creeps, guys who approach are creeps…” - “There’s no way she’ll like you, there’s no way she’ll like you, there’s no way she’ll like you…” …or some other flavor of excuse.
But is approach anxiety the real problem here?
Just like with everything in this book, not in the way you think it is… And it took the scariest approach I’ve ever done for me to work this out.
I still remember the standing on the bottom floor of a giant book store, looking at one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen.
I knew she was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen before I’d even seen her face. Walk-


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ing down the stairs to the bottom floor, all I needed to see was her shining, radiant, healthy hair on the back of her head, and 10 guys, all standing around pretending to read books but just looking for an excuse to talk to her, to know that she was incredible.
So, she just sat there, in all her beauty, reading from a book she’d pulled from the shelf, blissfully unaware (or maybe not) of the amount of tension she was creating in the room.
I stood eight meters away, nestled snugly in between ‘self-help’ and ‘biographies’, with Steven by my side, desperately trying to come up with something cool, something fun, something interesting to say, that I could use to break the ice…
…but all I could do was stand there, frozen with anxiety.
My mind was like a ghost town from a B-Grade Western. I could feel the tumbleweeds rolling from ear to ear as I struggled to come up with something, anything, to break the ice and start a conversation.
But the only thing that in my brain was this paralyzing approach anxiety.
I wanted to get rid of it. I NEEDED to get rid of it. Because if I didn’t, I’d be stuck on the sidelines, frozen to the ground, never being able to meet the women I wanted, forever.
But why? Why was my mind blank? Why couldn’t I come up with anything to say?
I’d started plenty of conversations with people before. There was plenty of stuff going on around us
I could talk about – the book she was reading was a great place to start – yet when I tried to think of ANYTHING, my mind was blank.
What was wrong?
It wasn’t that I wasn’t smart enough. It wasn’t that I couldn’t approach. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I needed to do. It was simply that I couldn’t access the skills I already had because my brain was locked down and refusing to function properly.
Now, before I go on and tell you how I was able to eventually approach her, what do you think was the cause of this?
What was preventing me from accessing all the skills I already had and letting out the free, confident, and attractive guy I knew I had inside me?
Think back through all the brain function stuff you just read through…
If I was analyzing how I felt, judging my approach anxiety as wrong and prohibitive, and trying to come up with logical steps to get rid of it, what thinking type was I using?
Was it the free, open, intuitive, powerful R-Type thinking or the restricted, frustrating, logical, and sequential L-Type thinking?


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And is that the thinking type that would allow me to break from and become the Man of MY
When I realized this – that it wasn’t my approach anxiety that was the problem here, but it was actually the way I was thinking about my approach anxiety – I decided to take a different course.
Instead of judging my approach anxiety as wrong, trying to come up with steps to eliminate it, and getting stuck in the L-Type thinking, I decided to accept my anxiety, experience it fully, without judging or labeling it, and just trust my brain to come up with whatever I needed in the moment.
I literally stood there, next to Steven, saying nothing, thinking nothing, and just allowing myself to experience anxiety. Not trying to label it, blame it, judge it or eliminate it, just allowing myself to be anxious. As we started to talk and joke a bit more, I noticed something strange happening – instead of feeling locked up and frozen to the spot, I started to relax into the moment and be more present. I was funnier, more easy going, less reactive, and FAR more real.
In other words, as I started to just allow myself to experience the anxiety more, without judging or labeling it, I started to switch over to R-Type thinking and the cool, fun guy I had inside me started to come out.
This was when, without me consciously thinking about it, my feet just started walking towards the stunning girl I’d been so nervous about approaching before. Instead of having to logically convince myself to approach her, I was just drawn in.
I walked through the middle of the group of guys surrounding her, knelt down beside the couch she was sitting on, looked her directly and intently in the eyes, and said:
“I don’t think I’ve done anything as terrifying as this before but I had to come and tell you how beautiful I think you are…”
In a dead quiet bookstore, in front of 10 guys who were all staring at me, to the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, whilst racked with approach anxiety…
No bullshit openers, no fancy tricks, not methods or structures or tactics, just laying it out on the table. And she loved it.
What I learned from this, and what I want you to get out of this, is that approach anxiety isn’t the problem. The real reason why you get frozen to the spot and your brain turns to jelly is the way you’re thinking about your approach anxiety.
Instead of just experiencing your approach anxiety and allowing it to be there whilst you just go about and do what you want, you’re labeling, judging, and analyzing your anxiety.
Instead of just using R-Type thinking and having all the answers and solutions at your fingertips,


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you’re using L-Type thinking and trapping yourself behind this steel curtain of doubt and fear.
The act of trying to get rid of your approach anxiety is the very thing that’s making you freeze up and not be able to approach, flirt with, and seduce women, rather than the anxiety itself.
Now, the REALLY interesting part about this conversation is when you discover how using R-Type thinking not only gives you the freedom to do what you want, regardless of the anxiety you experience, but is also eliminates approach anxiety from its core.
Let me show you how:
Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi is a psychologist who has studied the phenomena of being in state (or
‘Flow’ as he calls it) for over 30 years and is considered the world’s leading expert on it.
His in-depth investigations have covered many different arenas and different permutations of the experience of Flow, but they have always turned up one consistent element:
For you to get in state / enter Flow, you need to participate in an activity where your level of skill is equal to the level of challenge at a challenging but achievable level.
Think back to the last time when you were ‘in state’ and you’ll see this play out. It might have been playing sport, it might have been doing a puzzle, it might have been playing a video game, but whatever it was, I’m sure you’ll be able to see just how the challenge level equaled the skill level at a challenging but achievable level.
This, in itself, is a very interesting topic that has many relevant factors for the Seduction Community but the most relevant part for us, right now, is what happens when you step outside the area of challenge equaling skill.
When your perceived skill level exceeds the perceived challenge level, you experience boredom.
This is pretty obvious when you think about it. I’m sure you’ve played many games or done many activities where there was just no challenge and it just got really boring for you.
And when your perceived skill level is less than the perceived challenge level, you experience anxiety.
I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your life somewhere as well. Maybe it was playing a computer game that was just too hard, maybe it was doing an exam that was so far out of your current skill level, maybe it was stepping onto a sporting field with guys who were just FAR better than you.
Now, think about approach anxiety. It’s just a form of anxiety and like all forms of anxiety it follows this challenge and skill paradigm.
If you perceived that approaching women had a challenge level FAR below your current skill level, you’d get bored by it.
If you perceived that approaching women had a challenge level that was challenging but achievable,


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you would be in state.
But you’re not.
Why? Because you perceive that the challenge of approaching women is beyond your current skill level and so you experience anxiety.
The really interesting part of this is when you start to break this down and look at exactly how
L-Type and R-Type thinking affect this challenge / skill equation.
When most people read this, their first thought is: “Well, how do I increase my skill level so that I don’t experience anxiety anymore?”
And whilst that’s logical, it’s definitely not the most productive way to go.
Why? Because it’s based off the idea that the challenges you face in approaching women are fixed problems that you have to develop the skills to overcome in order to be able to approach a woman.
But what challenges do you really face when approaching a woman?
You have to get within physical proximity of her.
You have to be able to communicate with her.
You have to… What? Anything else?
There are actually only two challenges you need to overcome in order to be able to approach a woman and you can already do both of them quite simply. In fact, these are two challenges that you overcome every day of your life – by walking and talking.
Technically, according to Csikszentmihalyi’s formula, you should be getting bored because your skill level is already more than a match for the challenges.
But you’re not. You’re anxious. So where does all this extra challenge come from? Why don’t you perceive you have the skill to take on these challenges?
Because you’re creating extra challenges in your head.
You’re focusing on making sure you don’t get rejected, you’re focusing on trying to come up with the perfect thing to say, you’re focusing on trying not to get laughed at by all the people around you, and because these are challenges that you simply can’t overcome, you’re getting anxious.
The challenges you perceive, the exact challenges that are responsible for the anxiety you experience, only exist in one place: inside your head. They only exist because of the way you’re analyzing the world around you.
They only exist because you’re judging and categorizing potential reactions, potential outcomes, and


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trying to come up with ways to deal with them before they occur. They only exist because you’re using L-Type thinking.
If you weren’t trying to work out how to get her to like you, if you weren’t trying to work out how to deal with potential obstacles, if you weren’t trying to analyze, judge, and categorize the world around you, then these imaginary challenges that cause you to experience this anxiety wouldn’t exist. If you were using R-Type thinking – just relaxing, noticing how you felt, paying attention to how the object of your affection might be feeling, and trusting your brain to come up with the right action at the right time – then these challenges you were making up in your head wouldn’t exist and neither would your anxiety.
So, R-Type thinking not only has the power to help you overcome anxiety when it happens, but also to prevent it from even happening in the first place.
Here’s something to consider:
Do you think it would be faster to keep trying to come up with ways to beat approach anxiety so you can start approaching or do you think it would be easier to be able to do everything you want to be able to do, regardless of your anxiety?
“BUT HOW???”
Hold on, I’m getting to that. But before I let you in on the secret, I’m just going to show you how
R-Type thinking can help you overcome a few of the other common barriers you might face in field.


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’m sure you’ve been here before… Standing in front of a beautiful woman, THAT beautiful woman that you’ve been waiting to talk to – maybe she makes coffee in the small coffee shop around the corner from your house, maybe she works in the bar near your work, or maybe she’s just a girl you pass in the street every Friday – and FINALLY having her listen to what you have to say!
And then it happens…
Your brain freezes over, your tongue feels thick and heavy, and the only thing that comes out of your mouth is unintelligible dribble that’s so stupid it even makes you cringe. Or worse than that, you open your mouth and nothing happens at all…
How do you fix this?
Well… The Seduction Community says you should just learn more things to talk about. You should memorise lines, routines, and stories to tell so that any time you get stuck, you can pull out one of these safety nets so you don’t have to worry about ever being stuck with nothing to say.
Go on, guess, what I’m going to say now. I dare you.
They’re right!
Come on, I’ve said it about 10 times already! Alright, I’ll just say it again:
Whilst that might seem logical on the surface, it’s actually the fastest and simplest way to make sure you keep running out of things to say.
Because not only is learning routines getting you to miss ALL the clues and hints she’s giving you to take the conversation in new and exciting directions, but it’s also preventing you from coming up with fun and interesting things to say.
Let’s start with missing all the cues.
Back in the good old days, I did a short and VERY eye opening stint as an instructor for one of the major dating and relationship companies.
One of the very common issues we had was helping guys deal with running out of things to say.
We used to take them out to fancy bars and top end night clubs, get them chatting with girls, and listen in on their conversations.
And almost every time, the guy would eject because he “…just ran out of stuff to talk about.”
The company I was working for at the time kept pushing the line that guys needed to learn more


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things to talk about to fix this problem, but I noticed something else.
In every conversation I sat through, I noticed something very consistent.
Guys weren’t running out of things to talk about because there was nothing to talk about. In fact, the women they were talking to were very accommodating by throwing out possible tangents and avenues where guys could take the conversation.
The real problem was that guys weren’t picking up on these segues and tangents. They were letting them slip through their filter as they powered ahead with their impressive stories of celebrity parties and exciting adventures, all the while, these tangents would be tossed to the curb.
When I noticed this, I sat down and came up with a revolutionary and HIGHLY controversial, one step system for eliminating the issue of running out of things to say.
A technique that will not only ensure that you will never run out of things to talk about, ever again, but that will never have you worry that this will ever be an issue again.
Want to know what it is?
It’s the single biggest issue preventing guys from having conversations that just flow.
They’re so caught up in their heads trying to come up with the next amazing thing to say or next step in the process that they miss every single piece of information that the woman is sharing and therefore, have nowhere to take the conversation.
When you were running around the football field, or in the playground at school, rough housing with your mates, she wasn’t. She was sitting with her girlfriends learning this ancient art of ‘having a conversation’. She was learning to listen to her girlfriends, she was learning to listen for their clues, she was learning to share herself, she was learning to be present in the conversation rather than trying to come up with the next killer thing to impress her friends.
She knows how to give you leads. She knows how to give you tangents. She’s been doing it for years! And the only thing that’s stopping you from picking up all those clues is that you’re not listening to everything she’s giving you!
If you don’t believe me, try this: head out to a bar and eavesdrop on a conversation between two women.


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I want you to sit there and listen to the flow of the conversation and for all clues and hints and possible tangents that you could take if you were part of that conversation. Take note of just how many different things you come up with.
I guarantee you that when you stop trying to impress her with all the amazing things you’ve done and you just chill out and listen, you’ll never have to worry about the embarrassment of running out of things to talk about again.
“But what should I do once I’m listening?”
Great, so now you’re listening for tangents and clues and can notice everything she’s giving you, but how do you come up with creative and interesting things to talk about?
It’s time to go back to that good old brain function stuff again.
You already know how L-Type and R-Type thinking function in different ways – and here’s how they apply to being able to come up with things to talk about.
L-Type thinking works in a linear process. It functions sequentially: A=B=C=D. It’s only able to make small, logical connections between the elements of the conversation.
For example: If you’re hanging in a bar, chatting away to a beautiful woman and she mentions sun baking, where can you go with that?
If you’re in a particularly logical moment, you might mention the current dangers of sunbaking, or how much you like sunbaking, but how far is that going to get you?
If you’ve studied some improv and reframing, you might make some jokes about her being one of those high maintenance girls who wear those stupidly expensive bikinis and spend all day lying on the beach, occasionally running down to the water, dipping their toes in, freaking out about how cold it is, and then running back to their towels for another 8 hours of sunbaking.
But how long can you keep those logical and sequential jumps for? Especially when you’re only searching for things to talk about that you think are going to impress her.
On the other hand, R-Type thinking functions totally differently: it makes non-logical connections.
It doesn’t connect on the logical elements of a conversation. It connects on the experiential elements. Let’s say she mentions sun baking once again and you’re in an R-Type moment. Where would you go?
“Hmmm... I love lying around in the sun. It feels so amazing. It takes me back to my childhood. Up until I left school, I used to spend my entire summer at the beach. We’d get up…”
“I had the most amazing holiday last summer. We went for a trip up the coast and spent the whole time just lying in the sun…”


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Or you can talk about other things you love. Or you can talk about fun stories from the beach. Or you can talk about the time you got sand caught in your… I think you get the picture.
Instead of talking about logical information or trying to tease her into submission, you can open up, share something interesting with her, and connect on a real level.
R-Type thinking allows you to open your mind up and make non-logical connections through the experiential part of your brain, which makes your stories full of passion, emotion, and she gets to see the real you rather than having to wade through a whole bunch of miscellaneous junk to see who you really are.
Your conversations become more emotional, more real, and the connections you form will be much more powerful.
“But I’ve seen guys who learn routines have great conversations with women that are fun and playful. If you can’t do it by learning routines, how can they?”
I didn’t say you can’t do it by learning routines, just like every other part of learning to attract women. It’s simply a much slower process.
The way to do it is to memorize enough stories to feel confident that can recall them on demand and fill any awkward silence, so that you don’t need to logically analyze (using L-Type thinking) the situation and you can relax and switch over to the R-Type thinking.
It’s possible. It just takes a lot of time, work and failure.
Here’s something for you to consider:
Do you think it would be faster to have to spend months and months of your life trying to memorize detailed stories about someone else’s life?
Do you think it would be faster to simply be able to bring the stories from your life, right now, and in a way that she can connect with and is drawn to listen to?
NOTE: If you find connecting with women hard and want to know the scientific formula for connection (great for all the L-Type thinkers out there), check out this: Overcoming Loneliness 101


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’m not very into community concepts, but I think qualification is one that is actually fairly important.

If you’re not that well versed in Seduction Community lingo, qualification is essentially screening a girl through a set of standards to let her know that you’re attracted to her for more than her looks.
It’s pretty simple.
What the community hasn’t told you about qualification though is not only do you not have to learn this, but thinking that you have to learn this is the very thing that’s stopping you from being able to do it consistently.
Here’s why:
Imagine you’re buying a new car.
You’ve wandered into the sales yard with that ‘Just looking…’ expression and tried to wave the salesman away as his tractor beam honed in on you, but you just weren’t fast enough.
He appeared to slide across the ground, as if the oil from his long pony tail had lubricated his path towards his intended target a thousand times before, with a forced and broad smile plastered on his face.
Seeing as you are looking, and he can give you the information you need, you start to chat:
“I’m looking for a…”
“It must have…”
“I’m really not a fan of…”
“Can you make sure it doesn’t…?”
He listens politely, responding with well-rehearsed and finely tuned answers designed to fill you with the utmost confidence whilst also leading you towards the car with the highest gross profit margin on it.
Before you climb into the front seat of the “…most in-demand car on the market today” and take it for a test drive, I want you to stop for a second and answer this question:
How did you arrive at that car?
Out of all the cars in the yard, you managed to narrow it down to that one. How?
Did you just randomly walk up to a car with your eyes closed and stick your dick in the exhaust


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No. Not this time ;-)
You knew what you wanted and with the help of the sleazy salesman, you managed to navigate your way through the confusing world of new and used cars to find the one you wanted.
Essentially, you qualified the cars to find out which one fitted your needs.
MAGIC! You just mastered the art of qualification! You should write a bootcamp on this or something. You could be a PUA master.
The only thing is – what would you write?
A book on qualification written by anyone who’s not trying to make their living telling someone how to do something they intrinsically know how to do would contain two steps:
1. Work out what you want
2. Try to find it
That’s all there is to qualification. That’s all you need to know. There are no complicated formulas, no intricate techniques.
Sure, you might need to know information about what you’re looking for in order to work out what you want, but at no point in time do you ever actually need to learn the art of qualifying. It’s an inherent talent that you use 20 times a day.
You qualify your clothes when you’re choosing what to wear to school. You qualify your friends when deciding who you’re going to hang out with. You qualify your lunch when deciding what to eat. You qualify multiple times every single day of your life.
You do not need to learn to qualify.
“But if this is the case, why don’t I qualify with women?”
Very good question… Why don’t you do it with women? Why do you hand your balls over in a jar and politely ask her to take care of them rather than standing on your own two feet and qualifying her? The reason is simple.
Have a look back at the two steps that you would put in your qualification – working out what you want and trying to find it.
Which one of those is currently missing from your interactions with women?
Or, probably more correctly, which ONES are missing from your interactions with beautiful women?
If you were standing at a set of traffic lights, patiently waiting for a safe moment to cross the road,


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and the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen tapped you on the shoulder and asked you for the time, what would you be focusing on?

- Would you be using the mindset that naturally allows you to qualify?
- Would you be focusing on whether or not this woman met your standards?
- Would you be focusing on finding out who she really was and where she was headed in life? - Would you be focusing on discovering exactly what makes her tick so you can see wheth er she’s compatible with your life?

Or would you more likely be using the mindset that puts you in the trap of qualifying yourself to her? - Would you be focusing on what she wants and trying to demonstrate to her that you have those qualities? - Would you be trying to get inside her head and work out what kind of Man she’s looking for and then proudly display those qualities to her? - Would you be thinking about how impressed your mates would be if you picked her up and then desperately try to remember what you should be doing next?
And you wonder why you don’t qualify…
Now, this chapter is called “Why learning how to qualify is preventing you from naturally qualifying.”
Given everything that you’ve learned over the last 12 chapters, can you guess why this is?
Can you work out how learning how to qualify is preventing you from naturally qualifying the beautiful women you meet in your everyday life?
Go on, try it at least.
But if you can’t, I’ll explain it now.
The simple way to naturally qualify women is to know what you want, and then try to find it.
When you do this, you’ll constantly screen the women you meet, you’ll always be asking questions about who they are and what they want in life, and you’ll always be on the lookout for what you want. In order to do this, what kind of thinking would you need to use?
Would you be better off with the logical, sequential, small detail-orientated, L-Type thinking, useful for looking, studying, and analyzing characteristics to a fine degree but useless at focusing on bigger picture desires?
Or would the bigger picture, intuitive path of R-Type thinking, useful for taking everything in as a whole and filtering it through your personal standards and beliefs, suit you better?


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I don’t think I really need to tell you it’s R-Type thinking.
But what kind of thinking are you using when you try to logically follow the qualification steps you’ve spent the last three weeks memorizing from some PUA handbook?
Are you using the bigger picture, intuitive path of R-Type thinking, useful for taking everything in as a whole and filtering it through your personal standards and beliefs?
Or are you using the logical, sequential, small detail-orientated, L-Type thinking, useful for looking, studying and analyzing characteristics to a fine degree but useless at focusing on bigger picture desires? Can you see why learning to qualify is preventing you from naturally qualifying? Because by learning and studying and trying to remember steps, you’re using the thinking type that doesn’t allow you to naturally qualify.
You’re using the thinking type that gets you trapped in the world of logic and steps and sequences and negative beliefs and the confidence roller coaster, rather than using the thinking type that allows you to be free, expressive, real, and powerful and naturally qualify.
Here’s something for you to consider:
Do you think it would be faster and easier to learn confidence, positive beliefs, high status behaviors, how to beat approach anxiety, things to talk about, and qualification?
Or to just use the part of the brain that deals with all these things naturally?
No, not yet. One more chapter and then I’ll spill everything, I promise.


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alibration is another one of those Seduction Community terms you might not be familiar with if you’ve been able to stay away from its counterproductive grasps.

It’s actually quite a simple idea though.
Calibration is the skill of being able to read a person’s (woman’s in this case) non-verbal communication.
It’s being ‘calibrated’ to what she’s really communicating, not just listening to the words she’s using.
If you’re not that experienced with women you might be wondering if this is really important. That’s fine if you are, but yes, it’s extremely important.
Depending on whose statistics you believe, somewhere between 80% and 93% of everything you communicate about yourself (not everything you communicate as it’s often misquoted, but everything you communicate about yourself) is communicated non-verbally.
For example, a woman can say “Get lost!” and she can be communicating a whole raft of different meanings depending on her non-verbal communication.
She could be communicating:

- “I hate you and I want you to get away from me.”
- “I don’t believe what you just said but I like talking to you so don’t leave.”
- “I like it when you tease me, it makes me feel excited.”
- “I really like you but I’m scared to show it too much right now.”

Imagine yourself in a bar, flirting with the hottest girl you’ve ever met, hearing the words “Get lost!” roar out of her mouth, and getting the interpretation wrong.
Imagine how dumb you would feel is she was really saying “I really like you but I’m scared to show it too much now” but you misinterpret it as “I hate you and I want you to get away from me!” and walk away without ever talking to her again.
That’s why calibration is important.
So how do you become more ‘calibrated’? How can you more easily read her non-verbal signals to understand what she’s really communicating?
The Seduction Community approaches the idea of calibration like it’s some kind of martial art that you can only master after month after grueling month of studying different body language signals, memorizing different voice tonalities, and patiently internalizing different facial expressions so you can decode her non-verbal communication.


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There are DVD’s devoted to understanding how the subtle shifts in a woman’s arm position can demonstrate whether she wants to go home with you or punch you in the mouth.
There are eBooks available which can help you differentiate between the slight upturn of the left eyebrow and the downturn of the right.
There are coaching programs that can help you understand what she really means when she stamps her left foot and sings Amazing Grace in B Flat Minor (This may or may not be true).
This is not only unnecessary but completely counterproductive.
Yes, I think you can guess what’s coming.
Firstly, here’s why it’s unnecessary.
I don’t know if you spend much time around babies, but if you don’t, you’ll probably still be aware that they don’t speak very good English. In fact, when you’re first born, you don’t speak any English.
Or any language for that matter.
Despite the fact you’ve spent 9 months hanging out inside your mum and going with her everywhere, you still can’t say a single word.
Why? Firstly, because you simply haven’t been exposed to it enough, and secondly, the areas of your brain that control language haven’t developed yet.
But here’s the important part: you can still communicate – both through expressing what you feel
AND (pay attention to this) reading other people’s non-verbal communication.
The non-verbal communication centres of your brain are one of the first areas of your brain to activate. They allow you to read what your parents are going through and to make sense of the situations around you, without knowing a single word of the spoken language.
In case you haven’t worked it out, this means that you don’t need to learn to read non-verbal communication, you’ve been able to read it since before you climbed out of nappies and into big boy pants. This shouldn’t really be a surprise to you…
Do you need to listen to what someone is saying to know when they’re angry?
Do you need to get a detailed, step by step account of someone’s day before you can tell that the huge grin spread across their face means they’re happy?
Do you need a personalized email to work out that the girl with tears streaming down her face is sad? Unless you were born with an autism spectrum disorder, then this will all be second-nature to you.


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This is why learning calibration is completely pointless – because you are already calibrated.
You already have the skills you need. There is nothing you need to add on to be great at calibrating.
You just need to learn how to tap into the skills you already have to access your natural ability to read non-verbal communication.
And yes, I’m about to tell you how to do it – how to tap into this magic calibration tool that you already possess – but before I do, I just wanted to give you a chance to guess once again.
What do you think needs to change for you to access your inner calibration ability?
What do you think has to be shifted so that you can read her non-verbal communication?
If you can’t guess by now, you’re either drunk (which I wouldn’t doubt if you’ve made it this far through the book) or you do actually have an autism spectrum disorder.
So let me tell you how to switch over and also why learning calibration is completely counterproductive.
When reading a person’s non-verbal communication, which part of it is the most important part? Is it her facial expressions? Her body language? Her voice speed and tonality? Amount of eye contact?
Which one is the secret to reading exactly what she’s going through and what she’s really trying to communicate? Can you tell, just by the fact that she’s got her arms crossed, that she’s angry with you?
Maybe, but what if she’s also got a cheeky grin on her face at the same time?
Can you tell, just by the fact that someone has turned her back on you and put her hands on her hips that she never wants to see you again?
Maybe, but what if she keeps looking back over her shoulder to see if you’re paying her attention?
The question is actually a trick question because there’s no one element that you can focus on that will give you the clues you need.
The art of reading non-verbal communication is being able to read everything – from slight change in the shape of her mouth, to the tiny shifts in her hand placement, to the subtle differences in her voice tonality – at the same time.
If you just focus on specific details, like hand placement, you’re going to miss everything that’s happening around her mouth. If you just focus on how open her body is, you’re going to miss everything that’s happening in her voice tonality. If you just focus on her eye contact, you’re going to miss everything to do with how fast she’s talking.
To be able to effectively read non-verbal communication, you need to be able to step back and look at the bigger picture.


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Now, here’s the fun part – what thinking type focuses on bigger picture thinking and which one focuses on smaller, specific details?
Even if you don’t know the answer to this question, you should be able to guess by now.
What’s the answer to EVERY other question about what it takes to become naturally and effortlessly attractive to women…?
L-Type thinking focuses on specific, small details and logical sequences.
Someone using L-Type thinking to read body language will look at eye contact (whilst missing the change in voice tonality), then at body openness (whilst not seeing the slight downturn in the mouth), before finally moving on to facial expressions (and now missing how much her body language has closed down).
R-Type thinking is the opposite. It takes in lots of information simultaneously and processes it all at the same time.
Someone using R-Type thinking notices the subtle shift in body language at the same time they consciously process the change in voice tonality, whilst simultaneously being very consciously aware of the shift in the amount of eye contact, and then reads all of them together as one statement, rather than individual, isolated elements.
The secret to being able to read women’s non-verbal communication isn’t learning the step-by-step guide books that are pushed out by PUA companies and gurus around the world. The secret to knowing whether she really wants you to “Get lost!” or is secretly telling you that she wants you to kiss her isn’t studying body language secrets of the Police Detective masterminds.
The secret to unleashing your inner ability to already read non-verbal communication is to stop focusing on step-by-step solutions that get you stuck in L-Type thinking and start focusing on switching over to all your natural ability already available in R-Type thinking.
Here’s something to consider:
Do you think it would be faster, easier, and simpler to spend months of your life learning all the different subtle body language cues and concepts, but not being able to apply them because you’re stuck in a completely unproductive thinking pattern?
Or would it be simpler to access the part of your brain that already knows these cues and is in the right state to be able to help you apply them?


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here are a lot of different factors involved in getting you into and keeping you stuck in L-Type thinking when trying to meet, flirt, attract, and seduce women.

They range from your work situation (logic-based professions such as computer programmers where there tends to be very little human contact are great for promoting L-Type thinking), to your upbringing (parents who demanded that you always follow rules), to your ‘knowledge’ about meeting women (filling your head with all kinds of rules about what you should and shouldn’t do), but
I’m actually not going to talk about any of the causes here.
This might seem strange if you’ve watched any amount of PUA DVD’s or read many personal development handbooks. They all seem really intently focused on trying to come up with elaborate explanations of why you are the way you are.
But I’m going to stay away from them for 3 very good reasons:
1. There’s never just one cause
If you think really hard, you may be able to trace your problems back to a single point in time. Maybe it was when you were 7 years old, sitting in a classroom, expressing your thoughts, feelings and desires and basically following your own set of rules, and you were yelled at and made to feel bad. You were told that being in your own little world was wrong and that you needed to follow a logical series of steps and rules laid out by your teacher.
But is that enough to change you forever?
Were you permanently ‘broken’ from that point in time?
Whilst specific events can be catalysts for change, unfortunately, as you’ll know from trying to change the way you interact with women, change doesn’t happen in an instant. It takes time and repetition to drill any changes into your life.
So whilst this event could have been a catalyst, at best, it could have only been that. For this change to become permanent, there had to be a series of other events, actions, and interpretations that contributed to switching over to L-Type thinking and making it your default.
Maybe this lesson was reinforced by your parents. And then it was reinforced by your social circle.
And then it was reinforced when you joined that football team. And then it was reinforced by your college professor. But whatever series of events contributed to you being the way you are, it had to be a series of events. It’s never just one event.
This is the first reason I won’t waste your time trying to tell you why you are the way you are.
The second reason is more outcome-oriented.
2. The more time you focus on what caused the problem, the less time you spend working on


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a solution
I could devote hundreds of pages to talking about why you are the way you are. I could list all the different mechanisms and possible experiences you can have to start you down this path.
I could come up with a scale or system for classifying these mechanisms and experiences. I could elaborately describe the neurological foundations of each idea and how it interplays with other areas of your brain.
There is literally hundreds of pages worth of material that could be written on this topic, none of which is going to help you deal with the situation.
By learning all these different mechanisms and structures and ways of explaining things, all you’re getting better at is talking about mechanisms and structures and ways of explaining things.
And by the time you’ve learned all that stuff, you will still be in the exact same situation with women, just with more information.
This book isn’t about filling your head with more useless information. The Attraction Institute isn’t about just filling your head with more useless information.
We are here for one reason and one reason only – to help you make a difference to your life.
And elaborately and intricately describing why you are the way you are isn’t going to do that.
I know there’s a part of you that desperately wants to understand why you are the way you are and whose fault it is, so here’s the third reason I’m not going to tell why you are the way you are and the answer you don’t really want to hear.
3. Explaining why you are the way you are takes you further and further away from finding the actual solution
One of the big reasons that guys want to know why they are the way they are (and I’m not saying this is why you want to know), is that finding someone or something to blame makes them feel good. If you can assign responsibility to your parents / teacher / friends / boss / coach / ex-girlfriend, then all of a sudden, you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s not your fault, you’re not broken, you’re not incompetent, you’re not wrong. You’re fine. It’s someone else’s fault and therefore, someone else’s problem. Whilst this might give you a temporary hit of personal satisfaction and make you feel strong and confident and right, it’s also the fastest way to make sure you never, ever find a long term solution to your situation.
Here’s why:
Think back to the last time you were rejected – it might have been approaching a woman in a


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club, it might have been hearing the words “I just don’t think of you in that way…” from your ‘best friend’, it might have been when you asked that cute barista for her number.
Whatever the moment is, put yourself back there. Imagine yourself standing there, in that moment, with whomever you were there with, at whatever time you were there, doing whatever you were doing. Now, here’s where we start to get to the important stuff:
What did the woman at the center of this situation contribute to the situation?

- Did she lead you on?
- Was she rude and cold?
- Was she uncaring?
- Did she play games with you?

What did she contribute to the outcome?
Now you have that, it’s time to turn your attention on to you. What did you contribute to the situation?

- What actions did you take? Did you approach her? Did you talk to her? Did you express your feelings for her?
- How did you do those actions? Were you real and genuine? Where you authentic and powerful? Where you honest and expressive?
- Where was your focus? Were you just focusing on what you wanted to do, how you felt, and what you wanted to say? Or were you focusing on what she might be thinking of you and how she might respond?
- What was your purpose? Were you trying to make her feel loved and appreciated (with out needing anything in return)? Were you trying to give to her unconditionally? Or were you trying to get something from her – validation, acceptance, a feeling of being valuable? As you can see, in any situation, both sides contribute something to the outcome. She contributed her own actions, focus, and purpose to the situation. You contributed your own actions, focus, and purpose to the situation.
And it was the combination of both of your contributions that led to the outcome.
If she didn’t do what she did, in the way she did it, with the motivation she had, the outcome would have been different. If you didn’t do what you did, in the way you did it, with the focus you had, and with the same purpose, the outcome would have been different.
The outcome didn’t occur just because she was a cold bitch to you. You brought something to the table in the same way that she did.


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This also goes for the series of events that have left you focusing more on L-Type thinking rather than R-Type thinking.
Whilst there were external influences that drove the decisions you made, there were also elements that you contributed to the situation. There were actions you took, ways of doing those actions, where you were directing your focus, and what you were trying to achieve through that focus and those actions.
The external environment contributed to the situation and you did as well, and the outcome is determined by what BOTH of you brought to the table.
Now we get to the really fun stuff.
Think back again to the last time you were rejected. In that moment, with that girl, standing where you were, is there any way you can ever control what she brings to the table? Can you control her actions? Can you control her focus? Can you control her purpose? Can you control her past experiences or desires or wishes or loves or hates? Can you control ANYTHING about who she is or how she lives her life?
And can you ever change the outcome by focusing on what she brought to the table? Can you ever turn an “I don’t think of you in that way…” to an “I need you inside me, now!” by trying to make her into a different person? Can you ever turn a “Get away from me, creep!” into a “Why, hello sailor…” through controlling her?
Unless you happen to know CIA mind control techniques and tactics, you can’t. You can’t make her do what you want to do because she operates independently from you.
But can you control what you bring to the table?
Can you control the actions that you take? Can you control how you take those actions? Can you control the focus that you bring to the table? And can you control what you’re really trying to achieve? And if you did change what you brought to the table, how would that affect the outcome?
If you chose a better time to approach her and express yourself other than the one you did, how would that have changed the situation?
If you were real, honest and authentic rather than inauthentic and fake, how would that have changed the situation?
If you were focused on sharing the excitement and joy you had in your world rather than trying to get her approval and validation, how would that have changed the situation?
In any situation, in any experience, with any outcome, the only thing you can control is what you bring to the table and if you ever want to change a situation, you need to focus on what you brought to a situation so you can change it.


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If you are focusing on ANYTHING other than ‘What did I bring to the table and what can I do differently next time?’ you’re taking away your ability to be in control of your life. You’re putting your balls in a small jar and handing them over to anyone who will take them because you’re giving away your ability to make a difference to your life.
This doesn’t just go for the situations where you were rejected. This goes for the situations where you developed your reliance on L-Type thinking.
In those situations, there were things that you contributed and things that other people contributed. In every situation. You were not a passive victim. There were always actions, ways of taking those actions, different focuses, and different purposes that you could have brought to the situation.
And if you focus on ANYTHING other than what you brought to those situations and what you can do differently next time, then you’re taking away your ability to make a difference next time.
You’re giving away your ability to be in conscious control of your life and you’re placing yourself in the role of the passive victim.
Whilst being able to assign responsibility to other people or other situations might make you temporarily feel better about yourself, it’s actually robbing you of the ability to ever feel a long term sense of control in your life and to be able to guide yourself towards the kind of rewarding, fulfilling, empowered, strong life where you are the Man of YOUR Dreams.
This is the third and most important reason why you will not find any explanations of why you are the way you are in this book or in anything to do with the Attraction Institute, because if I did try to explain it, I would be doing you the great injustice of robbing you of your power and making you weak and powerless.
“But what if it started when I was a child? I don’t have control over my life when I’m a child.”
It probably did start when you were a child. For most people, it starts quite early in childhood. And you know what, you’re right! You don’t have full control when you’re a child. But you’re not a child now. And you haven’t been a child for quite a number of years.
In that time, you’ve made decisions and actions that have reinforced where you are and the mindsets you developed rather than choosing new mindsets.
You could have done something different, but you didn’t. And haven’t until now.
So, congratulations on making the change now, but having these systems develop when you were a child is not an excuse.
“But I just didn’t know!”
You’re right, you didn’t know. And you didn’t look either. In this age of information, where literally, a collection of almost ALL of the world’s knowledge is available, right at your fingertips from something so small you can carry it in your pocket, there is no excuse for not knowing.


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Not knowing is not an excuse because whilst you didn’t know, you also didn’t look.
“But what if I was just born like this? What if I can’t help it?”
Common scientific understanding of brain function, all the way up until late last century was that the brain was a fixed and rigid machine and that once it was set in one pattern, it was impossibly difficult to break.
In fact, it was thought it was so rigid that once you got to a certain age, you may as well give up ever trying to change because it’s just not possible.
This was until scientists started investigating a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity.
I’m not going to go into the finer specifics of it (if you want to know more, check out ‘The Brain
That Changes Itself ’ by Norman Doidge), but the basic idea of it is that the brain is less rigid than we thought.
In fact it’s very, very far from being rigid. It’s not so much that it’s a machine; it’s far more like a muscle than any piece of hardware.
It’s not set or fixed; it is in a constant state of change and development. Every day, you’re strengthening and weakening connections and associations in your brain and developing new and different connections. So you are never ‘just born this way’ and you never ‘can’t change’. You can change, always.
“So if you’re not going to tell me why I am the way I am, what should we focus on?”
It’s simple – there are only three questions you need to consider.
1. Where are you now?
2. Where do you want to be?
3. How can you bridge that gap in a way that puts you in control?
You know the answer to question 1 (L-Type) and question 2 (R-Type). Now it’s time to focus on question 3.


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verything you’ve learned throughout this book isn’t some kind of magic bullet or fairy dust solution. It’s about making a choice.

It’s a choice between adding on or stripping back.
It’s a choice between getting more fake or more real.
It’s a choice between being manipulative or authentic.
It’s all about making the choice between the long, hard slog of trying to step-by-step ‘internalize’ all these different Structured / Natural / Inner Game elements and simply allowing your natural skills to come out from under the layers of crap that have been piled on top of them.
And now, I’m going to show you how to choose the real, powerful, authentic choice by switching from L-Type thinking to R-Type thinking. I’m going to show you the core of Endgame.
The first step in making this switch is understanding that unless you have an autistic spectrum disorder, you’re not born either an L-Type or R-Type thinker.
Both thinking styles are used by just about everyone in the world to different degrees at different points in their life.
Your current dominant thinking style isn’t a curse or a burden or the result of a set of chromosomes. Your current thinking style is a skill that you’ve developed over the years through practice and repetition.
You’ve just imbedded your current thinking style by practicing it over and over again over the last few years.
This is important to understand because if you can practice one thinking style to a point where it’s more dominant than a different thinking style, then to change, you just have to practice the new thinking style more than the old. It’s really that simple.
Yes, this will take time. This will not happen overnight. If you’ve been reinforcing the old thinking style for 10 years, then those connections aren’t going to change with a click of your fingers. But with practice and dedication, the connections and associations in your brain will start to switch over and this new style of thinking will become more natural.
The second step in switching from one thinking style to the other is really understanding the core difference between the two different modes of thinking. It’s this core difference that will help you see exactly what needs to change from one style to another.


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Here are the major differences:
L-Type thinking focuses on rules.
R-Type thinking focuses on desires.
L-Type thinking focuses on having objects.
R-Type thinking focuses on having experiences.
L-Type thinking focuses on being right.
R-Type thinking focuses on being happy.
L-Type thinking focuses on following knowledge.
R-Type thinking focuses on following intuition.
L-Type thinking focuses on small details.
R-Type thinking focuses on the bigger picture.
L-Type thinking thinks in words.
R-Type thinking thinks in pictures.
Why is this important? Try and piece all the characteristics of L-Type thinking into a picture of how someone would have to live their life to embody all of these and then do the same with R-Type thinking. Would an L-Type thinker have a clear idea of where he’s going and what he really wants out of life and use that as his guiding point for the decisions about what he does and where he goes? Or would he be more likely to follow the rules and structures dictated to him by society?
Would an L-Type thinker be more earthly grounded, doing what he needs to do to be happy and fulfilled? Or would he be more concerned about collecting externally valued objects and status symbols? Would an L-Type thinker care more about doing what’s important to him, regardless of what other people think? Or would he be more concerned about meeting the arbitrary standards of people he’s never met before?
I could go on here but it’s just delaying the inevitable so let’s get into it:
NOTE: The picture I’m about to paint is not of all L & R-Type thinkers. The L to R-Type thinking spectrum is long and wide and has many shades of grey that would be difficult to cover here.
The L & R-Type thinker you’re about to read about are a specific types of each: The ‘stuck in his head, outcome dependent, needy, analytical’ L-Type thinker who’s not getting success with women and the effortless, free, charismatic, and powerful R-Type thinker who just makes it all look so easy and simple.
An L-Type thinker looks outwards. He has no clear vision or awareness of what’s important to him and so struggles along behind the whims and desires of those people he respects / fears the most.
He lives his life by the rules and structures dictated to him by his friends / the media / self-help books / men’s magazines. He’s more concerned about being right than being happy and so sets up


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defense mechanisms that allow him to always look good without ever having to put his real self out into the world.
An R-Type thinker looks inwards. He thinks bigger picture and so has a clear vision of what he really wants out of life and he takes responsibility for it. His only interest in material objects is the role they play in helping him move towards his vision of what is right and true and discards everything, including people, who are going to get in the way of him experiencing fulfillment and happiness. He is self-aware, focused, and dedicated.
NOTE: Once again, this is obviously a picture of two ends of a spectrum that contains many shades of grey, but it’s important that you understand what the two ends look like in order to understand where you need to start your journey.
And it’s this core difference, between looking outwards and looking inwards – between relying on someone else’s vision of the right rules to live your life by and discovering your own internally rewarding, fulfilling vision, between trying to be the Man of her Dreams and becoming the Man of
YOUR Dreams, between externally based confidence and internally based confidence – that separates the L-Type and the R-Type thinker.
And it’s this core inner difference that is responsible for all the outer differences that you can see between the L & R-Type thinker.
Because he’s stuck in his head, over analytical, and rule based, the L-Type thinker relies on other people to dictate how he lives his life. He misses out on the fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness that can only come from doing what you deeply desire to do. And because he lacks this experience of happiness and excitement, he tries to get it through other means – especially women.
His lack of internal satisfaction leaves him being needy, clingy, and outcome dependent at best, or frustrated, angry and lonely at worst.
He struggles to approach because he cares more about what other people think about him than what he thinks about himself.
His conversations are flat and dry because his life lacks passion and excitement.
He doesn’t lead because he has no idea of where he wants to go and he cares more about whether or not other people follow than he does about where he’s going.
He doesn’t qualify because he lacks a vision of the life he wants to create and therefore, has no guide to decide what he does and does not want in his life.
He’s so stuck in his head trying to remember rules about how he should and shouldn’t act, that he misses all the clues she’s giving him and can’t read her non-verbal communication.
He struggles to ask for numbers because he’s terrified of being rejected and what rejection could mean about him.
His external dependence and outward focus manifests itself in all the core issues that he’s facing with women.


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This is the opposite with Mr. Charm-Your-Panties-Off-With-A-Smile, R-Type thinker.
Because he thinks bigger picture and focuses his attention towards what he wants and the life he wants to create, he experiences the deep sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness that can only come from doing what you deeply desire to do. And because he has everything that he could possibly want to experience, he’s able to share that happiness and fulfillment with people around him – especially women.
Because he doesn’t depend on anyone to dictate how he lives his life and is able to do what he wants, when he wants to, it means he’s neutral at worst when he’s just sitting around and relaxing and at best, he’s empowered, strong, and free.
He has no issues with approaching because he doesn’t need anyone else’s validation or approval to feel powerful and strong.
His conversations are full of passion and determination because he’s able to share what he naturally has in his life.
He’s very comfortable leading because he knows what he wants and where he’s going and finds more satisfaction in being able to do what he wants than having people follow him around.
He naturally qualifies because he has a clear vision of the life he wants to create and the kind of people he wants to fill it with, and isn’t afraid to walk away from someone who doesn’t fit that image. He’s completely out of his head, in the moment, just following his guiding principles of what feels right and wrong in the moment, and so he’s able to easily and simply read women’s non-verbal communication and pick up on all the signals that women send him.
He has no issues asking for phone numbers because he doesn’t need to be accepted to feel good, so therefore, he has no issues with being rejected.
His inward dependence and internal focus manifests itself as effortlessness around women.
This is the essence of Endgame. This is the core. This is how you become the Man of Your dreams and become the Man of her’s at the same time.
This is very important to understand.
If you can get this idea, that there’s a core element for the issues that you face with women, then things will change.
You don’t need to learn to approach and open and connect and flirt and attract and seduce and lead and qualify, you just need to switch the way you live your life and these elements will become a natural part of your life.
“So do I just focus internally? Is that all I need to do?”


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Kind of, but not really. Just focusing inwards is a great start but you need to know what to focus on when you’re looking inwards to make the switch.
Let me tell you about it.


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raining your focus inwards, towards your thoughts, feelings, passions, desires, hates, and dreams, is roughly 45987.6% more productive than focusing externally on what you should be doing, what other people are thinking of you, and how you should be living your life, but it’s the simple solution you’re looking for.
Why? Because it all comes back to the very basic fundamentals of attraction.
Despite what you might have been told, there aren’t 846 steps you need to follow to attract a woman. There aren’t 9 phases and 6 sub-sections. There aren’t 4 chapters and 8 paragraphs.
You don’t need to spend months pretending to be someone you’re not just in the hope that if you practice that person’s personality enough it will become second nature.
“But that’s wrong! I need to flip 9 Attraction Switches and demonstrate 36 Alpha Male characteristics because my grandfather’s, grandfather’s tribal elder would have kicked him from the village blah, blah, blah…”
Umm… Whilst that sounds like a great theory on the surface, it ignores some of the most basic foundations of attraction and is completely misguided for three simple reasons.
If you haven’t immersed yourself deeply inside the underlying theories of the Seduction Community, you might not be aware of what they’re talking about, so let’s start there.
The Seduction Community ideas, methods, and structures are built on the idea that attraction can be explained through evolutionary psychology.
The theory goes something like: due to the inherent physical danger experienced during the evolution of human beings (things like being eaten by a tiger, being carried off by a neighbouring tribe, etc…), women are attracted to Men who display characteristics that lend themselves to protection, strength, safety, and security.
Elements like Alpha male confidence, the leader of Men, the protector of loved ones, pre-selection
(other women are attracted to you), having standards, that can all be rationalized back to early tribal life and explained in great detail.
And because the Men who displayed these characteristics in the tribe were the ones that got the girls, the way to attract women must be to display these characteristics.
Sounds logical, right?
If these are the characteristics that guys who attract women display, then the way to attract women must be to imitate these characteristics…Surely… Yes?
Well, it’s not as simple as that because there’s one KEY element of attraction that’s ignored by this theory.


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Attraction is not based off historical perceptions.
Instead, attraction is an experience that occurs in the present moment.
You are attracted towards someone (like a tractor beam pulling in the Starship Enterprise) who makes you feel the way you want to feel. That’s it.
If a woman wants to feel safe, secure and protected and you can make her feel like that, she will be attracted to you.
If a woman wants to feel appreciated and sexy and you can make her feel like that, she will be attracted to you.
If a woman wants to feel excited and challenged and you can make her feel like that, she will be attracted to you.
Women aren’t consciously or unconsciously assessing you for their ‘protector of loved ones’ rating or assessing how many points of social status they have, they’re looking for someone who makes them feel the way they want to feel.
That isn’t to say that being strong and being a natural leader can’t influence how attracted a woman is to you. Being a natural leader and being able to make women feel safe and secure is a very attractive trait for some women, but it’s not the basis of attraction.
Saying there are 9 Attraction Switches that you need to flick to attract women because you saw an attractive guy and he did these things is like saying that you have to use Shell Premium petrol to make your car go fast because you saw a car going fast and it was using Shell Premium. Whilst the petrol can help a car go faster, it’s not the core element that makes it go faster.
It’s the same as watching an Olympic sprinter winning the gold medal and saying that he won because he had a specific brand of shoe. Whilst the shoes probably helped him run faster, there is a deeper core element that was responsible for his gold medal.
Describing the specific characteristics that someone who is attractive displays is like describing the shape of an Aston Martin 12 Vanquish’s bumper bar, the colour of the exterior, the type of material used on the seats and the type of wheels used, and then just thinking that you can make any car look beautiful by just putting them together.
There is something more core behind the beauty of the V12 Vanquish and just stitching a few parts together is never going to replicate the same results.
Just because someone who achieved a specific outcome has a specific character trait, it doesn’t mean that you have to have that trait to achieve that outcome.
And because women are attracted to Men who make them feel the way they want to feel, this evolutionary psychology based Attraction Switch mentality is VERY far off the mark.


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Here are three reasons why:
Reason 1: Your actions don’t determine how she feels when she’s around you
Mimicking actions and mindsets to try and flip attraction switches is pointless because the way you act around her, the actions you take, and the mindsets you’ve internalised don’t determine how women feel around you.
You can tell a story in a way that makes women feel bored and frustrated and you can tell a story in a way that makes them feel excited and inspired.
You can lead in a way that takes women on an exciting journey and you can lead in a way that makes women feel confused and lost.
Your actions don’t determine how women feel around you, how you take those actions determines how women feel around you.
If you’re sharing a story from last Christmas about your exciting trip to Thailand and you spend the whole time name dropping, emphasising the parts of the story that you think are going to impress her, and constantly checking in to see how she responds to you, then she’s going to feel pressured and depended upon to respond positively.
But, if you’re sharing the same story but this time, you emphasise the contextually relevant parts of the story, telling it in a way that takes her on an emotional roller coaster, and sharing real and deep parts of yourself, she’s going to feel connected, excited, and intrigued.
The actions you take don’t determine how women feel around you. The way you take those actions determines whether or not they feel appreciated and accepted or suspicious and repulsed.
Your sub-communication, as you’re talking, walking, sitting, leading, and sharing, determines her experience. Everything that’s going on below the surface – your eye contact, your body language, your voice tonality, your posture, your facial expressions, the fine lines around your eyes, the passion, emotion or fear and shame in your voice – that’s what’s really shaping her experience.
Think about the last time you heard an inspirational speech, one that moved you to take action and make a difference. Do you think you would have felt the same sense of power and determination if as you were listening, you could see fear in the speakers eyes and feel the doubt in his voice?
Think about the last time you felt really appreciated. Do you think you would have felt the same if the whole time the person was praising you, you could tell that the only reason they were praising you was so they could get something from you?
This is the power of sub-communication.
Depending on whose statistics you subscribe to, somewhere between 60% and 93% of everything you communicate about yourself is communicated through sub-communication. And it’s everything you’re communicating about yourself that’s determining how women feel around you.


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If you’re communicating that you’re needy and dependent, confident, strong, in-demand women are going to feel pressured and trapped.
If you’re communicating that you’re frustrated and angry, the kind of women that you really want are going to feel scared and repulsed.
Whatever you communicate about yourself determines how women feel around you.
“So you’re saying that in order to attract women, I need to change my sub-communication?”
It might seem like that on the surface, but it’s actually a waste of time.
Why? For 2 reasons.

1. Your real sub-communication will always find a way to sneak out.

If you’re nervous and needy, you might be able to find a way to hide it in your voice but because you’re concentrating there, your body language will give it away.
If you’re scared and afraid, you might be able to disguise your facial expressions for a while, but because you’re concentrating there, your eye contact will give you away.
With so many different elements determining your sub-communication, it’s INCREDIBLY difficult to deal with all of them.
And even if you can, you’re only going to be able to disguise them until you get snapped out of your routine by a unexpected event or response and then your façade will fall apart.

2. Your sub-communication isn’t a learned skill

Despite what you might have been told, you don’t learn specific elements of sub-communication.
You don’t wake up being a happy-go-lucky child and skip down the street, full of energy and life, but for some reason, develop nervous and jittery eye contact.
Strong and confident Men don’t develop a habit of nervous speech patterns when they feel internally powerful.
Your sub-communication is controlled by something deeper and unless you deal with that ‘something deeper’, your real sub-communication will ALWAYS find a way to come out.
What is that ‘deeper thing’?
It’s your purpose for that interaction.
Whatever you are trying to achieve on a sub-conscious level, determines your sub-conscious communication.


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If you’re attempting to convince a woman that you’re a fun cool guy, then you will emphasise the parts of a story that you think make you look cool and fun, you will be stuck in your head trying to remember all the cool and fun parts, you’ll be constantly checking in with her to see how she’s responding, and you’ll be dependent on the outcome to feel good about yourself.
You won’t naturally qualify because you’re more worried about meeting her standards than having her meet yours, you won’t lead because you’re more concerned with trying to get her to follow than going where you want to be, your voice will lack conviction and strength because you’ll be constantly asking for her approval, and your body language will be needy and clingy because you need a positive response and you’re clinging on to the outcome.
But if you change your purpose, if you change what you’re trying to achieve in an interaction, then your sub-communication will change.
If you purpose is to find someone you naturally click with, then you will share the parts of a story that are important to you, you’ll be outside your head, just being as real as possible and allowing those who like you for that to gravitate towards you, and you’ll be independent of the outcome because you only care about hanging out with those people who like you for who you really are.
You will naturally qualify because you’re only willing to hang out with people who like you for who you are, you will lead because you only want to hang out with people who like doing the same things that you do and that requires you to do the things you like, your voice will be full of strength and conviction because you’re sharing openly and freely, and your body language will reflect the sense of inner strength and determination you feel.
It’s not what you’re talking about that determines her experience around you. It’s how you’re talking about them that is important and how you’re talking about them is determined by WHY you’re talking about them.
But this doesn’t just go for telling stories, it follows through to EVERY action you take.
If you try and start a conversation with a question you read in a PUA eBook because you’re trying to get the validation of being able to brag to your mates about the hot chicks you spoke to, then you’re not going to really care about the question, you’re going to be stuck in your head trying to make sure you’re doing the right thing, and you’re going come off as fake and cheesy.
But, if you start a conversation by asking a question that you really care about getting an answer, you’re going to be focussed on what her response is, listening intently to what she has to say, expressing the natural curiosities that come to mind, and being real, genuine, and honest. This is going to make her feel connected and appreciated because you honestly want to hear what she has to say. If you lead her away from her friends because you’re trying to isolate her from her friends for just long enough to try and drag her home, despite the fact that she’s not attracted to you, you’re going to be forceful, demanding, and come across as cunning. This is going to make her feel creeped out and pressured.


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But, if you lead her because you guys are really enjoying each other’s company and you want to find somewhere quieter where you can talk, then you’re going to do it in a way that’s caring, considerate, and honest and she’s going to feel safe.
If you buy her a drink because you’re just looking to get her attention for long enough to sell yourself, you’re going to be hanging on her response, desperately hoping that she’ll respond positively, and making her feel pressured and depended upon.
But, if you buy her a drink because you’re enjoying chatting with her and you’re going to the bar to get a round for all your mates, then she’s going to feel free to respond however she wants, knowing that you’ll still be happy and confident regardless of what she does and you’re going to make her feel included and accepted into the group.
You can say “I really like your hat” from a place of neediness and clinginess that’s going to make her feel repulsed or you can say “Go fuck yourself!” from a place of bringing excitement and challenge to her world that’s going to make her feel alive.
It’s not the actions you take that determine how she feels when she’s around you. It’s the motivation behind the actions that determines how she feels.
This is the first reason that trying to flick attraction switches is pointless – because what you do doesn’t determine how she feels about you.
You can try to demonstrate that you’re a leader of Men in a way that makes her feel creeped out and concerned (because you’re needy and clingy whilst telling it) and you can demonstrate how you failed to lead people in a way that makes her feel safe and protected (because you cared about what you did wrong and learned a powerful lesson that has helped you grow).
You can try to demonstrate pre-selection in a way that makes her feel suspicious and confused
(because you’re making claims that from what she can tell, could never be true) and you can demonstrate that no other women in the bar likes you in a way that makes her feel intrigued and excited (because you can remain strong and confident, regardless of how women respond to you).
The motivations behind the actions determine her experience around you so changing actions alone cannot generate attraction.
Reason 2: Different women want to feel different things
The second reason why the evolutionary psychology theory of attraction is wrong is because different women are attracted to different experiences.
The idea that there are 9 consistent attraction switches that you need to flip in order to attract women is built on an incorrect assumption that all women want to experience the same thing and are attracted to the same thing.
This is flat out wrong.
Does an 18-year old party girl who’s confident, strong, and outgoing want to feel the same way as a quiet, reserved, book-worm?


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Is a 32-year old childless lawyer who’s conscious of her biological clock ticking away going to want to feel the same way as a 45-year old divorcee whose kids have flown the coop and who is ready to make up for her wasted youth?
Is the domestic violence victim that stayed too long with an overly controlling and dominating boyfriend who doesn’t want to be in any situation with someone who’s stronger and more powerful than her going to want to feel the same way as the scared, indecisive, and insecure woman who just wants someone who can take control and direct her life?
Saying there are 9 or 11 or 232 attraction switches that you need to flip to attract women is incorrect because it’s based off the idea that every woman wants the same thing. Different women want different experiences and so they are going to be attracted to different experiences.
The 18-year old party girl who’s just interested in getting drunk and making out with random dudes on the dance floor is going to have a hard time connecting with you on your dreams of starting a family.
The 31-year old lawyer who’s desperate to have kids and start a family isn’t going to be enticed by stories of you getting drunk and passing out backstage at a rock concert before throwing up on the lead singer.
Not all women want the same thing so you can’t do the same thing to attract them.
It’s really that simple.
This is the second reason why learning to flip attraction switches and demonstrate specific traits is pointless – because different women want different things.
And if you treat every woman as the same and think that pushing the same buttons in every woman is going to work for you, then you might be able to attract the specific woman who actually wants to have the experience you’re offering but you’re going to miss out on every other woman who you miss the mark with.
Reason 3: If you’re thinking about attraction switches, you’re missing the most important element in attracting women
The third reason that you can’t just flip a set of attraction switches in a women and have them crawling on their knees, desperately grabbing at your belt, is that if you’re in your head thinking about flipping attraction switches, then you’re going to miss the most important element in attracting women.
The way women (and guys for that matter) want to feel is determined by how they currently feel.

- If they feel alone then they’re most likely going to want to feel connected.
- If they feel powerless then they’re probably going to want to feel safe.
- If they feel strong, confident, and bored then they’re going to want feel excited.


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Women who are feeling alone don’t want to feel challenged because challenge feels scary when you’re alone.
Women who feel powerless and weak don’t want to feel excited because excitement is scary when you don’t feel like you have the power to control the outcome.
Women who feel confident and strong don’t want to hear nice and reassuring words because they don’t need them. They’ll just end up feeling bored by hanging out with you.
This is pretty obvious and not really going to affect how you live your life or think about attraction, but the fact that the way women feel changes moment by moment will.

- A woman can feel happy and excited then something can trigger a memory of her recent- ly departed Grandmother and she can change to feeling sad and depressed.
- She can feel loved and safe, then see a creepy guy staring at her and change to scared and insecure. - She can feel beautiful and alive then eat a piece of cheesecake and change to feeling fat and bored.
- And then she can experience all of these in the reverse order completely independently of what you’re doing and how you’re behaving because of all the fears, desires, loves and hates that are going on in her world.

To know what a woman wants to experience (and therefore, what she’s attracted to), you need to be paying attention to what she’s currently experiencing.
You can’t be stuck in your head trying to recall different attraction switches and tricks and tactics, you can’t be running through a list of actions and steps to generate attraction, you can’t be scanning the room wondering what other people are thinking about you, you need to be in the present moment and paying attention to the beautiful woman in front of you.
And you can’t just do it once, right at the very start of the interaction and then divert yourself back into your head to retrieve all the steps and information you think you need.
You need to be present with her, watching and experiencing and reading her non-verbal communication and noticing everything she’s going through, as she’s going through it, and respond appropriately.
If you’re stuck inside your head or working through a structured process, you’re going to miss all the clues and she’s going to get bored / scared / confused and walk away.
This is why learning attraction switches and tactics to attract women is counterproductive – because it’s getting you stuck in your head, thinking about what you should be doing and how you should be acting, rather than focusing on the single most important element in attracting women: the woman.
There are no set of attraction switches or tactics or methods you can learn to attract women be-


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cause it’s not the actions or methods or tactics that create the attraction.
Women are attracted to how you make them feel and your actions, methods and techniques don’t determine how you make them feel.
“So what does this all have to do with changing from L-Type to R-Type thinking?”
Hang on, I’m getting to that. There’s one more thing that you need to know before we cover that.
That thing is: how to really attract women.
You already know that you need to make women feel the way they want to feel and then they’ll be attracted to you.
You do this in 4 simple steps.

1. Notice how she’s feeling
2. Work out how she wants to feel
3. Make her feel that way
4. Repeat steps 1-3

That’s it. That’s all there is to it. ANY other methods that advocates a series of steps or tactics or tricks or techniques is ignoring the simple fact that none of those things determine how women feel around you, that different women want to experience different things, and that what women want to experience changes moment by moment.
NOTE: Before I go any further, some guys who read this disagree by saying that if I just give women what they want and make them feel nice, they’ll get bored and you’ll end up in the friend zone. This is true, but that’s also not what I’m telling you to do. How many women do you know who want to feel bored? Then, by making them feel bored, are you making them feel the way they want to? No. If a woman is bored, what do you think she wants to experience?
The same repetitive mundane stuff she’s been doing for the last hour or a bit of passion and excitement in her life? Good. You’ve just mastered attraction.
So now we get to the really fun part of the afternoon: How do you do this?
How do you become the kind of Man that can make a women feel safe, but excited at the same time? How do you become the kind of Man who can make women feel protected, but also sexy?
How do you become the kind of Man who can give to women, making them feel anything they want to feel, without ever making them feel depended upon by needing something in return?
Well, consider this: If you can’t experience something yourself, can you ever help her experience it?
If you don’t feel safe and secure, can you ever hope to help her feel safe and secure?
If you don’t feel excited and passionate about life, can you ever hope to help her feel excited and


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passionate about life?
If you don’t feel free, open, and untouchable, can you ever help her feel free, open, and untouchable?
If you don’t feel inspired and alive, can you ever help her feel inspired and alive?
If you don’t feel open and real, can you ever help her find the courage to be open and real?
No. You can’t.
If you’re staring into her eyes, trying to tell her that you’ve got everything under control but she can sense fear and doubt, do you think she’s going to feel safe?
If you’re leading her around the bar trying to give her excitement and passion but everything feels repetitive and dry to you, do you think she’s going to feel alive?
If you’re trying to get her to open up and let go of her boundaries but you close down every time you want to say something deep and real, do you think she’s going to feel comfortable opening up to you?
You can’t give something you don’t have. For you to be able to take a woman on the journey through safety and acceptance to connection and realness to excitement and inspiration, you need to have it in your life. You need to take control of your reality and be able to experience what you want, when you want it, so you can then share it with the world.
The first step in being able to give women the safety, security, passion, and excitement they want in their life, is being able to give it to yourself. Because until you can give it to yourself, you will never be able to give it to the people around you.
The obvious question now is: How do you do that? Where can you get it from?
Consider this:
If you’re relying on her to give you the experience you want, will she ever experience anything other than pressure and dependence?
If your sense of security or safety is dependent on how she responds to you, can you ever make her feel safe and secure?
If your sense of openness is dependent on how open she is with you, then will you ever be able to let down your walls?
If your sense of excitement is dependent on how she challenges and plays with you, then will you ever be able to give her the excitement she wants?
If your sense of freedom is dependent on the permission she gives you and her taking the lead, can you ever give her the freedom she’s looking for?


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If you’re sitting across from her with an empty cup – a cup lacking happiness, fulfilment, excitement, passion, inspiration, joy, freedom, security, or acceptance – asking her to fill it up, is she ever going to experience anything other than dependence, pressure and neediness?
If she can tell that you’re waiting on her response so that you feel good, do you think she’s going to experience the freedom to respond in any way she wants?
If she can tell that you’re waiting for her to open up before you let down your guard and share the real you with her, do you think she’s going to feel more open and connected than she normally would? If she can tell that you’re waiting for her validation and acceptance so you can feel secure and safe, do you think she’s going to feel safer and more secure than she did before she met you?
If you’re waiting, in ANY way, for women to give you what you want before you give them anything in return, then the ONLY thing that women will ever experience around you is dependence and neediness. That’s it. That’s all of it.
Don’t get me wrong: this doesn’t mean you won’t ever attract women.
You can attract women when you’re needy and outcome dependent, but the basics of attraction still apply. If you’re needy and clingy then the only women you will ever attract are women who are as insecure and needy as you and are looking for someone who won’t leave them.
Is that the kind of future you imagined? When you project a year ahead, can you see yourself surrounded by needy, clingy, emotionally dependent women who rely on you for everything?
No. And that’s why you need to take the other path…


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ang on, what happened to L-Type and R-Type thinking? Why are we talking about generating different experiences so much when you said that this was all about changing thinking types?”

Because they’re the same thing.
The way to be able to give women everything they’ve ever wanted without needing anything in return is the same way that you shift from L-Type thinking to R-Type thinking.
It’s the same way you naturally embody every characteristic that the PUA gurus have been trying to tell you that you NEED to internalise.
They’re all the same. It’s all the same thing.
And like I said earlier, looking inwards is kind of correct, but it’s also incorrect.
When you look inwards, you can look at any number of different things.

- You can look inwards at all of those who have wronged you in the past.
- You can look inwards at all the excuses you can possibly come up with for not living your life on your terms.
- You can look inwards at the fear and anxiety and not do what you want.
- You can look inwards at all the negative emotions that other people cause you.
- You can look inwards to justify how it’s not your fault that you are the way you are.

You can look inwards at any number of things that aren’t going to help you become confident, strong, powerful, and able to freely give women the experiences and sensations they desire without ever needing anything in return.
In order to be the kind of Man that strong, confident, in-demand women simply cannot get enough of, you need to look inwards, but at one specific thing:
“How do I need to live my life so that I feel strong, powerful, confident, excited, and inspired, regardless of how people respond to me?”
That’s it. That’s all there is. That’s all you need to answer.
When you have that answer and start living your life to those standards you’ve set yourself, everything will start to fall into place.
This is how you shift from L-Type thinking to R-Type thinking.
This is the essence of Endgame.
This is the core of rock-solid, inner confidence.


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This is how you become the Man of YOUR dreams.
This is how you develop the inner power, strength, determination, excitement, freedom, and depth of connection you want so you’re free to give women everything they want without ever needing anything in return.
You just have to answer these questions:

- What kind of job would you need to do to feel like you were making a real difference to the world?
- What kind of people would you need to associate with to feel inspired and alive?
- How would you need to spend your free time to feel like you were really going some where with your life?

And through all of this, how would you need to conduct yourself so that you could go to bed every night knowing that you did the right thing?

- Would you need to run away from fear or step towards it?
- Would you need to back off from challenges or take them on full steam ahead?
- Would you need to be deceptive and manipulative or would you need to be real and honest? - Would you need to blame other people for your life situation or would you need to take responsibility for your life?
- Would you need to demand that other people give you what you want or would you need to create it yourself?
- Would you need to make excuses for why you can’t do what you want or would you need to find ways to do what you want?
- Would you need to complain about the state of (insert anything here) or would you need to take action to make a change?
- And if you did this, how would you feel going to bed every night? How would you feel waking up in the morning?

If you lived your life in this manner and experienced the confidence and inner-strength that come from this kind of lifestyle, how much would your relationships with women change?

- Would you spend anywhere near as much time worrying about what people were think- ing of you?
- Would you be racked with anxiety every time you thought about pushing through your fear and approaching her?
- Would you be stuck in your head trying to come up with something cool / funny / inter- esting every time you opened your mouth?
- Would you feel like there were things you would need to hide whilst talking to her so that you didn’t look weak?


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- Would you be worrying about whether or not you were Alpha enough?
- Would you be stressing about whether or not she wasn’t in to you?
- Would you need to repeat affirmations in the mirror to feel good about yourself?
- Would you to try and remember that ‘you were the prize’?

And most importantly, would you need to learn a series of tricks and convince women to hang out with you or would your confidence, charisma and inner-strength eliminate that need?
If you want to become confident, strong, and eliminate the need to learn tricks and techniques to disguise all the unattractive parts of you that are pushing women away, this is where you need to start. This is what it means to become the Man of YOUR Dreams. This is how you transform your relatoinships with women though Endgame. This is what it takes.
The journey of becoming irresistible to women starts with being irresistible to yourself.
Become completely self-sufficient. Become completely independent. Become internally powerful and strong and let the chips (panties) fall where they may.
Sure, you might need some tweaking when you get to this stage to maximise your success with women, but at no point in time will you have to learn tricks to disguise who you are, just to get a woman to sleep with you.
Why? Because you’ll be the kind of Man that women want to be around, despite the ‘mistakes’ he’s making, rather than the guy they don’t want to be around, despite all the ‘right moves’ he’s pulling off. “Yes, yes, this is all great in theory, but there’s no way this would work in field. There are just some things you have to learn to do…”
Ok, sure. If you’ve been brainwashed by the Seduction Community for any amount of time, I can see how it would appear that way.
Their marketers are great at convincing you that you need to learn day game and night game and text game and phone game and club game and bookstore game and airport game and negging and connecting and leading and attraction and rapport and walking and talking and breathing and then, my favourite, how to do all of this and then transition to a ‘normal’ conversation.
When really, you don’t. All you need is this simple idea. I’ll show you how.


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s you’ve already seen, attraction doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be tricky. It doesn’t need 36 different steps and 85 different techniques.

In fact, there are only two steps. That’s it.
If you take your fate into your own hands and decide to implement this breakthrough two step system, then you will:
STEP 1: Work out how you want your world to be
STEP 2: Accept nothing less than that from yourself and the people in your life
That’s it. That’s all there is. Nothing more.
There are no models, structures, tactics, methods or tricks. Just 2 simple steps.
Don’t believe me? That’s fine. I don’t believe myself half the time. But to prove to you how simple this is and how easy it is, let’s go on a little adventure.
You can be my wingman tonight… I’m going to show you how it works and how it can help you make picking up women easy and fun. Sound good?
Good. This is going to be fun.
But before we go, I should point out something. I’m going to take you on a little journey and suggest how ‘you’ might act if you stick to these principles. This may be the ‘you’ now, or it may be a future ‘you’. It may even be a ‘you’ that you’ve seen in the past and want to get back to.
Whichever one it is, it’s definitely a ‘you’ that you can access if you can break through the barriers that you’re using to hold yourself back.
Here we go…
New jeans, ironed shirt, polished shoes - one foot, then the other. Step by step we make our way to the writhing sea of humanity that begs for our imminent arrival.
As we turn the corner, still 20m from the thumping music and sexy women bouncing away inside the bar, we’re greeted by a close and familiar friend: the back of the queue.
If you want to go somewhere with lots of beautiful women, you have to go somewhere with lots of people. It’s not really rocket surgery, is it?
So it’s at this point, before any of the action starts, it’s time to implement STEP 1.
Normally, you’d do this long before we hit the bar, probably sometime when you were still wrapped


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up in your pyjama’s, huddled on your couch with a pen and a note pad, but this is as good a point as any in this guide to do this.
So, remember to get the steps in the right order here. I know it’s complicated and can be confusing, but please try. Otherwise the whole thing is screwed :-)

STEP 1: Work out how you want your world to be

This is the point in time where most people look at me and ask: “What the hell do you mean by how do I want my world to be?”
And it’s a fair enough question. It’s kind of a strange question…
“How do you want your world to be?” is essentially a question about what kind of future you’re trying to create.
Where are you really going? What kind of world do you want to live in? Who’s it going to be filled with, what are you going to do in it? How are you going to spend your time?
What are you going to think about? Where are you going to live?
What kind of people do you want to fill your world with? There are all different types of people in the world, which ones are you going to choose?

- Do you want your world filled with compassionate people or cold and uncaring bitches?
- Do you want your world filled with caring people or rude arseholes?
- Do you want your world filled with respectful people or disrespectful people?
- Do you want your world filled with open and trusting people or closed down and fearful people? - Do you want your world filled with fun and playful people or boring and serious people?

You’re going to encounter all sorts on your journey, which ones are you going to bring in and which ones are you going to move away from?
What kind of world do you want to live in?
Good. Congratulations, you’ve nailed STEP 1.
Think you’re ready for STEP 2?
Are you ready to accept nothing less than that from yourself and the people?
Have a look at your answers. Good. Let’s do this.
What kind of standards are you going to accept from people around you?

- Are you willing to accept rude and condescending behaviour?


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- Are you willing to accept cold and uncaring behaviours?
- Do you want to be surrounded by needy and clingy people?
- Do you want to fill your life with fake and insincere people?
- Do you want to be bombarded by people who’re only concerned with what they can use you for?
- Do you want your encircled by judgemental and critical people?

Work this out.
Now, the important part – what kind of standards are you going to accept from yourself?
That’s right, all those criteria you just applied to everyone else, now applies to you.
Go through those questions and work out how you’re going to live your life as well.
This isn’t a new concept… This isn’t revolutionary or strange or different. This idea is the only concept that transcends every religion and spiritual philosophy ever created:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Or, as my favourite bed sheet-wearing, cabbage smelling, vegetarian (Mahatma Ghandi) put it:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
As these questions are playing through your mind, starting to sink deeper into your psyche, helping you get in touch with what you really want from life, you feel a tap on your shoulder:
“Ummm… Are you actually part of this queue or are you just lonely and looking for people to be around?” This is when you realise that you’ve been daydreaming so long that I’ve moved almost 5m ahead or you and you’re just standing there by yourself, looking stoned. Hey, don’t blame me. You looked like you were having fun :-)
As you catch up to me, you see me playing with a cute girl:
“Look, I’d just like to apologise in advance if my friend here drools on you. Autism is a new thing for him and he’s still learning the ropes.” Giggling, she looks at you.
This is your chance to implement this complicated and intricate 2-STEP seduction method I just told you about. How do you respond to this? Are you going hit me and say ‘fuck off ’?
Is that the kind of world you want?
Are you going to sulk and walk off? Is that the kind of world you want?
Or, are you going hang your tongue out of your mouth, shake your head around, make some retarded noises, and pretend to slobber on her shoulder?


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Well, it’s your world, but I know how I want my world to be. As your slobber inches closer and closer to her shoulder, she playfully squeals and pretends to run away. Mission accomplished :-) Or so you think…
“Hey mate, that’s not funny. My brother is autistic.”
The guy behind you obviously didn’t agree with your interpretation.
Right now, you’re faced with another set of options.
You can tell him to fuck off as you’re just mucking around, but does that match the way you want your world to be?
You can shrug it off, mumble “I’m sorry…” and turn back around, but does that match the way you want your world to be?
Or, you can sincerely apologise for any offence you’ve caused, share why you did things, and then talk to him openly and freely.
“Sorry mate, I really am. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I was just having a laugh. It was just a joke.
Here, let me make it up to you, do you want to jump ahead of us?”
“That’s cool mate. I just see it a bit and it pisses me off when people have a go at him. You were just having a laugh. I get it. I just get a bit edgy…”
“I understand mate. Sorry. My bad. I recon you’re just jealous because you wanted me to drool on your shoulder. It’s OK mate, you just have to ask” :-)
Just as he starts to respond, you’re greeted with 8’5” of Tongan fury…
“Hey bro. ID???”
Now it’s time for another one of those choices – the choices that we make in every moment, of every day, of every month, of every year – how do I want my world to be?
Do I want it filled with anger? “Mate, you just have to ask! What’s your problem??”
Do I want it filled with disrespect? “Oh, you think you’re so powerful, just because you’re a doorman at a shitty bar??”
Do I want it filled with arseholes? “How do you think you are to talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?”
Or do you want it filled with compassion, understanding, openness, and fun?
“Sorry brother, this new friend of mine was just telling me how much he desires to get naked and roll in my saliva and I got distracted” :-)


The Attraction Institute

Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

A laugh, a driver’s license, and a handshake later, you’re through the door.
It’s time to play.
The little cute girly you almost drooled on in the queue is just in front of you. STEP 2 decision time.
Open to her or shut down?
Be playful with her or be serious? Stand back and try and think of something clever to say, go over and make a situational comment, or walk up and pretend to drool on her shoulder again?
Good choice.
Giggles. Jumps. Hides behind her friend.
You shuffle over to her, playful and beaming. Enter: the AFOG.
5 feet of staunch, powerful, determination blocks your path: “What are you doing? She has a boyfriend!”
STEP 2 decision time once again.
“Oh, that’s a pity. I’ve been saving the ‘drooling on her’ pick up for this one special moment and it’s all been a waste!! What about you, do you have a boyfriend?”
As you turn on your playful ’seducer’ look, you start to pretend to drool on her, she can’t help but crack a smile. Win.
AFOG steps aside, but then the true colours of your girl come out:
“Yeah, I was at this mall the other day and I saw this spastic, running around and actually drooling and shit. We just laughed at him, he looked sooo retarded…”
Decision time again.
Is this how you want your world to be? Is this the kind of woman you want in your life? Is this kind of woman going to fill your life with fun and excitement and happiness?
But now another decision time. How do you respond? Do you blow up? Do you just turn away in disgust? What do you do? How do you want your world to be?
“Yeah, it must be really hard for them, not having the kind of control over their bodies that we’re lucky enough to have. Anyway, have a good night.”
As you walk away, the guy from the queue appears in front of you. You can’t help yourself:
“Hey sexy, miss me?” ;-)
“Like you wouldn’t believe… Ohhh… Come to me…”


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As he wraps his arms around your chest and pulls you in tight, there’s only one thing going through your head: I hope he’s for real… I mean: This guy’s cool. That’s definitely what you were thinking ;-)
As you remove yourself from his strong, yet strangely comforting embrace…
You notice for the first time, the 5’3” sex bomb standing opposite.
Decision time. Indirect? Situational? Natural game line you’ve read somewhere? How about exactly what you were thinking?
How about genuineness, openness, and realness?
“Wow…” You turn to your new ‘gay lover’.
“She’s stunning, is that who you’ve been cheating on me with the whole time?”
As you turn to her, it appears as though blushing is in this season.
He totally camps it up: “I’m so sorry you had to find out this way…” then he throws his arms around her. She fights him off with everything she’s got.
Apparently it’s not his girlfriend.
Decision time. Neg? Banter deck? DHV? How about exactly how you feel? How about genuineness, openness, and realness?
“Well, if you had to pick anyone, I’m glad it’s someone who’s so strikingly beautiful that I find it hard to talk… Hi…”
“Hi…” And you know the look. That coy little, downward glance, the blush.
You know it’s on.
“Oh, no, sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.” You say shifting your body language to the guy next to her.
Slap. Pout. Apology. “Come here…” Hug.
“You’re kinda cute, where have you been all my life?”
Her smile says it all – waiting.
Waiting for a Man who’s strong, confident, real, and honest enough to give her the support, appreciation and excitement she wants.
As you take her hand and lead her only a few steps away to some empty bar stools, another decision time approaches.


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How are you going to be, now?
What kind of actions are you going to take? How are you going to be when you’re with her? How do you want this relationship to be?
Are you going to try and impress her with stories of your celebrity encounters?
Are you going to try and big note yourself with all the things you’ve done?
Or are you going to drop your boundaries, let go of the bullshit you’ve been running, and openly express your desires, passions, and plans for your life?
You open. She opens.
You don’t have to think about what to say or how to act because it comes out of your realness and openness. You don’t run out of things to say because you’re not trying to hold anything back from her.
You don’t have to consciously read her body language to decipher what she’s communicating because your attention is fully on her and it’s obvious.
You’re not stuck in your head so you’re free to be in hers.
You’re real and open and she follows your lead.
It’s at this point in time you realise that I’m standing 2 feet away from you, looking at you, trying to get your attention.
As I’m a whingey, impatient, petulant child, and you’re giving me a lift home, I *politely ask* that we leave. “Why? It’s only early.”
“Yeah, early in the morning. It’s 3:30? You’ve been with the girl for 4 hours and you didn’t even notice.” It’s amazing how fast time flies when you find someone you actually click with.
You know this is the kind of woman you want in your life.
You know that she’s the kind of girl who embodies everything you’ve been looking for. So you tell her. And she tells you the same thing back.
“Where do you live, why don’t I give you a lift home?”
What happens next? Who knows? But you could find out soon enough, if you choose to.


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Now, most Seduction Community guys throw this kind of thing out the window, saying:
“But there are just steps you need to learn! There are things that you have to implement in order to be attractive to women!”
OK, cool. Let’s have a look at them.
You have to develop social proof.
You did this with the autistic hater, the autistic guy’s brother, and the bouncer because you knew how you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or others.
You have to develop attraction.
You did this by having more fun and excitement than any person in the bar and sharing that with everyone around you. You weren’t hanging out with people you don’t really like to spend time with, all because you were too afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. You worked out how you wanted your life to be, took action, had a great time filled with great experiences, and then shared that with everyone around you.
You didn’t wait for other people to tell you how to live your life, you just did it your way.
You have to deal with AMOG’s and AFOG’s.
You did this with the man hater because you knew how you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or others.
You have to qualify.
You did that with the autistic hating girl because you knew how you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or others.
You have to show attraction or SOI (statement of interest) to her – so that she knows you like her.
You did this with the stunning girl because you knew how you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or others.
You have to develop rapport.
What is rapport? Connection. You achieve this by dropping your barriers and opening up and finding someone who’s going to open up back.
You did this with the stunning girl because you knew how you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or others.
It’s all there.
You didn’t have to learn it, you didn’t have to try and create it, you just did it. How? You knew how


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Seduction Community Sucks v3.0

you wanted your world to be and you accepted nothing less from yourself or those around you.
Am I saying that you’ll get every girl by going this way? Of course not. But you will fill your life with the kind of people who bring you intrinsic satisfaction and joy.
So this is the secret. This is the core. These two steps: ‘Discover what kind of world you want to live in’ and ‘accept nothing less than that from yourself or anyone around you’ is the key.
That’s it. That’s all there is.
When you follow them, you switch from L-Type to R-Type, and you experience all the benefits that come from R-Type thinking.
You stop running out of things to say. You stop having externally based confidence. You stop needing to learn qualification. You stop being racked with approach anxiety. You stop needing to learn opening lines and social proof and leading.
When you follow them, you become free.
When you follow them, you become powerful.
When you follow them, you become strong and connected and excited by life.
When you follow them, you’re able to share that with all the beautiful women who pass through your life without ever needing anything in return.
When you follow them, you become the Man of YOUR dreams.
So, now it’s time for you to consider one final question:
Which pathway is fastest, easiest, most rewarding, most fun, most exciting and fulfilling way to become the confident, powerful, charming Man that women can’t resist?
Is it by changing yourself to meet their standards, playing by their rules, getting stuck in your head memorising long, complicated routines, structures and tactics, just for the honour of having a drunk and gullible woman hang out with you for the Man you pretend to be?
Or is it by finding your vision, your dream, your passion and your desires, living your life on your terms, doing what you need to do to be fulfilled and happy, regardless of how women respond to you, and then spending your time with confident, beautiful, in-demand women who adore you for the kind of Man you really are?


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his is the choice you need to make right now. It’s simple. It’s obvious. It’s real. And it has the power to change your life.

The choice isn’t between which shirt is going to make you look the best or how many stories should you memorize before you walk out of the house, but between something deeper, simpler, and easier.
The choice between battling through approach anxiety every time it freezes your feet to the ground or being the kind of Man that women gravitate towards in the hope that he’ll talk to them.
The choice between coming up with clever openers to try and convince women to talk to you or being the kind of Man that women naturally want to talk to, regardless of how clever his opener is.
The choice between learning new things to talk about to cover all the awkward silences or living the kind of exciting, passionate, and rewarding life that is so full of things to talk about that he never has to try and remember.
The choice between learning clever and intricate ways to touch women without triggering their
‘creep radar’ or being the kind of Man that women dream about touching them.
The choice between trying to learn clever tactics to overcome every objection a woman can throw at you for not giving you her phone number or being the kind of Man that women don’t object to giving their number to.
The choice between trying to use women to fill a hole in your life and getting frustrated when they run away or filling that hole yourself and being able to share your happiness and fulfillment with everyone around you.
The choice between repressing all the parts of yourself that are currently pushing women away in the hope you can trick one of them long enough to spread her legs for you or actually eliminating the unattractive parts of you so that you can be real and authentic and have women begging you to come home with them.
The choice between battling every problem that comes from being a needy, clingy, outcome dependent L-Type thinker or the charismatic, present, effortless R-Type thinker.
The choice between being able to give effortlessly and freely to any woman who’s lucky enough to cross your path or needing polite smiles and positive responses from women, just to feel good about yourself.
The choice between the forced and fake techniques of Structured / Natural / Inner Game and the effortless ease of Endgame.
The choice between the long, hard road of memorizing, pretending, internalizing, and faking or the simple and easy road of expressing, sharing, opening, and living.


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This is the choice you need to make.
It’s a simple choice but one that will determine whether your journey to becoming confident, strong, internally validated, and naturally attractive is slow, frustrating, and painful with the odd bit of externally validated success or exciting, fulfilling, rewarding with a healthy and necessary amount of challenge and learning experiences.
You can either choose to continue to try and keep finding solutions to every single symptom of the deep issues you’re facing.
You can continue to choose to spend hours reading and researching on the internet, hoping to find the next band-aid to take your lying and manipulation to the next level.
You can continue to choose to delay the kind of success you desire.
Or you can choose to cut through the bullshit, get to the core, find the real causes of all those different symptoms that you’ve been trying to fix, never have to deal with those symptoms again, and start building the kind of life that is your birth right.
What are you going to choose?
If you honestly feel as though you need more lines, routines, structures and other Band-Aid’s in your life then that’s fine. We each have our own roads to walk and must follow our own path.
There are plenty of guys out there who can help you with that. It’s just that I’m not one of them.
Jump online, Google ‘How to become a PUA’, and let the world of cheap tricks and flashy lights sweep you away.
Dive in, head first, and experience everything it has to offer you.
The only thing I ask of you is as you’re going through that journey, if you ever reach a point where you feel as though being more fake and more superficial isn’t the way you want to live your life, come back and visit The Attraction Institute and see what we can offer you.
But if spending years and years trying to internalize and fake and pretend to be the kind of Man that women are attracted to and you want to follow the path of actually becoming that guy, then the Attraction Institute is for you.
With over 500 articles, 6000 forum posts, 2 books, and 4 coaching programs, we have the tools you need to reach your full potential and become the Man of YOUR dreams.
“But where do I start?????”
Very good question, and to be honest, it really depends where you want to go.
First things first, if you got a copy of Seduction Community Sucks without signing up for the mailing list, you need to start there. By signing up, you’ll get notifications of all the most important articles,


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pointless ramblings, and possibly, the occasional piece of information you might be able to use.
Occasionally… :-)
You can do this on just about any page of the Attraction Institute website. Seeing as the home page has the most beautiful women on it, you might want to start there: The Attraction Institute
If you want to know more about what to do when you’re meeting a woman (or ‘outer-game’ as the community calls it), then the best place to start is here: Dating Advice for Real Men
It’s a collection of all the most useful articles on the site (as voted by the readers) and it’ll show you how to apply everything you’ve learned here to the physical act of meeting, attracting, and seducing a woman.
If you want to meet a community of guys who’ve also chosen the Endgame journey, you can find them at the
With over 9,000 topics and 40,000 posts, you’ll find plenty of resources to guide and direct you on this journey.
But if you’re really ready to dive deep with this and deal with your inner limitations for good, then there’s no point in mucking around.
If you’re ready to drop the games, get rid of the lines, lose the fake personality, eliminate the tricks and attract women by becoming the real, honest, confident and powerful Man of YOUR dreams, then you need to start here:

Become The Man of YOUR Dreams – Endgame
This is where the fun really starts.
You see, Seduction Community Sucks has shown you what has to change and why it has to change if you’re ever going to become the strong, powerful, confident Man that women are naturally drawn to. You’ve learned how the surface level tactics and tricks aren’t going to give you the fast or long term results you want and how by changing the core layers, you can get quick and easy results.
But where do you go from here? How do you take this deeper?
How do you use everything you’ve learned to drop the games, get real, and become the Man of
YOUR dreams?
This is what you will find in Endgame – the knowledge and understanding necessary to take everything you’ve discovered in Seduction Community Sucks and use it to eliminate your anxiety, neediness, outcome dependency, and frustration with women.
Because Endgame digs to the core and shows you the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for your frustration, anxiety, pain, and doubt in every area of your life (not just in your relationships with women), the list of exactly what you’ll get out of Endgame is too big to list here.


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But you can read it all here:

Become the Man of YOUR Dreams - Endgame
Whatever you decide to do, it’s completely up to you. I’m not going to force you either way.
You now know what you need to do to make meeting and attracting even the most intimidatingly beautiful women, simple and effortless and it’s your choice what you do with all this new information.
All I will say is thank you for taking the time to read through Seduction Community Sucks and I hope it’s helped you find the strength and courage to drop the games and live your life on your terms. Till next time,

Leigh (LoGun)


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Words: 611 - Pages: 3

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Elder Abuse: in Need of a More Comprehensive Framework

...ELDER ABUSE: IN NEED OF A MORE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL FRAMEWORK ARTICLE IRISEL COLLAZO NAZARIO * Introduction ...............................................................................................................287 I. Defining Elder Abuse ........................................................................................ 289 A. Negligence ..................................................................................................... 290 B. Physical Abuse................................................................................................292 C. Emotional or Psychological Abuse.............................................................. 294 D. Financial Exploitation ...................................................................................295 II. Incidence and Prevalence ................................................................................. 296 III. Causes and Risk Factors .................................................................................. 298 IV. Dealing with the Problem of Elder Abuse ....................................................... 301 V. Mandatory Reporting ........................................................................................ 304 Conclusion and Final Recommendations ............................................................... 307 INTRODUCTION AS THE POPULATION SCHEME changes, the system faces new challenges. In 2000, the elders accounted for 16% of the total population in...

Words: 10523 - Pages: 43

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...THE VULGAR CHEF PRESENTS... ® EATCOOKBOOK LIKE S*HIT THE C HAPTER 1 Weclome to the book. S ECTION 1 Introduction ! Whats up mother fuckers? Welcome to the EAT LIKE SHIT COOKBOOK I’ve put together a fuck ton of shitty recipes...some new...some old...even a few healthy choices for you gym nazis and health food hardo’s. This isn't your typical Rachael fuckin’ Ray cookbook, this shit is way more legit. It’s so legit that a lot of the recipes don't even have measurements. Thats because the recipes suck and I want YOU to be your own Vulgar Chef. You call the shots in your kitchen. If I use six handfuls of bacon the fuck sprinkles, I want you to use 10. If I use use a sprinkled fuck doughnut. Ya dig? ! The instructions might be shot as fuck because I wrote this shit drunk as fuck with my hand in my pants. These recipes are here to inspire. I don't care what skill level of a cook/chef you are. Food shouldn't be boring and thats the fuckin message I’m sending with this bitch of a book. ! 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kyle Marcoux was born and raised on the rugged as fuck streets of Western Massachusetts. As a child, his mother never let him have the laser back drop in his school photos...and that fucking sucked. He spent the majority of his teen years smoking pot out of sockets with his boys. Shortly after graduating High School, his band landed a record deal which led to full time touring of the US. This is where he developed a strong passion for shitty fucking value menu...

Words: 5006 - Pages: 21

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Busi Critical Thinking 5

...Questions for Critical Thinking 5 Salvatore’s Chapter 10: a. Discussion Questions: 2 and 8. b. Problems: 1 and 5. 2. a) What are the advantages of the Herfindahl index over concentration ratios in measuring the degree of concentration in an industry? b) What is the disadvantage of both? The Herfindahl index is the sum of the squares of the market shares of each member within the industry and is always less than one. One advantage is that the Herfindahl index gives a look at the larger groups in an industry, while concentration ratio just describes the level of concentration the largest members of a specific industry are presently holding. An advantage is that the larger members will have a greater influence on pricing, marketing and other key indicators that a smaller firm will not. A disadvantage is that the smaller members may be greatly influential, or positioned in a spectacular market, and the Herfindahl index will not be able to describe potential that key player small firms may hold. 8. In what way does OPEC resemble a cartel? How successful is it? OPEC, or The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which is essentially a cartel of oil exporting partners in order to dominate the market, can manipulate the supply of oil in order to keep prices, and profits, high. The 12 member-nations control nearly 80% of the world’s oil along with 44% of the world’s daily production. They have been accused of keeping oil prices high by producing less...

Words: 1486 - Pages: 6

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It- 3rd Year

...E-COMMERCE (TIT-501) UNIT I Introduction What is E-Commerce, Forces behind E-Commerce Industry Framework, Brief history of ECommerce, Inter Organizational E-Commerce Intra Organizational E-Commerce, and Consumer to Business Electronic Commerce, Architectural framework Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce, Market forces behind I Way, Component of I way Access Equipment, Global Information Distribution Network, Broad band Telecommunication. UNIT-II Mobile Commerce Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing Application, Wireless Application Protocols, WAP Technology, Mobile Information Devices, Web Security Introduction to Web security, Firewalls & Transaction Security, Client Server Network, Emerging Client Server Security Threats, firewalls & Network Security. UNIT-III Encryption World Wide Web & Security, Encryption, Transaction security, Secret Key Encryption, Public Key Encryption, Virtual Private Network (VPM), Implementation Management Issues. UNIT - IV Electronic Payments Overview of Electronics payments, Digital Token based Electronics payment System, Smart Cards, Credit Card I Debit Card based EPS, Emerging financial Instruments, Home Banking, Online Banking. UNIT-V Net Commerce EDA, EDI Application in Business, Legal requirement in E -Commerce, Introduction to supply Chain Management, CRM, issues in Customer Relationship Management. References: 1. Greenstein and Feinman, “E-Commerce”, TMH 2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Whinston...

Words: 2913 - Pages: 12

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Research Paper

...Ecotoxicology (2009) 18:522–536 DOI 10.1007/s10646-009-0310-9 Assessment of environmental contamination using feathers of Bubulcus ibis L., as a biomonitor of heavy metal pollution, Pakistan Riffat Naseem Malik Æ Naila Zeb Accepted: 6 April 2009 / Published online: 6 May 2009 Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 Abstract Concentrations of metals such as Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were analyzed in the feathers of cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from three breeding colonies in the Punjab province, Pakistan. The mean concentrations of Ca, Cd, Fe, Pb and Mn were significantly different between the three study sites (River Chenab, River Ravi and Rawal Lake Reservoir). The mean concentrations of Ca, Cd, Fe and Mn were significantly greater at the River Chenab heronry and Cr, Co, Zn, and Pb concentrations at the River Ravi heronry. The feathers of cattle egrets collected from the Rawal Lake Reservoir heronry were least contaminated. Multivariate statistical methods viz., Factor Analysis based on Principal Component Analysis (FA/PCA); Hierarchical Cluster analyses (HACA), and Correlation Analyses identified relatively similar associations of metals and their sources of input. Metals such as Ca, Mg, and K were related with natural input from parent rock material whereas trace metals viz., Cu, Cd, Co, Pb, Ni, and Zn were associated mainly with anthropogenic processes. Metals such as Fe, Mn, and Li were either correlated with natural input or with anthropogenic...

Words: 12359 - Pages: 50

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Effects of Movie to Youths; it comes in many form and one of them is that of movies. Movies cause addiction. Why do we say so? In this modernization society, youths tend to watch movies for solace when they feel stressed and pressured; they can get temporary emotional relief while watching it. However, the addiction of movies can be expensive if we go to mall or theatres. Money is not only spent on movie tickets, yet they also need to pay for other expenses like petrol fees, parking fees, and of tit-bits. Youths should learn how to spend wisely as they are not earning these money by their own, and they should have spend these money on something that can benefits more to them such as buying reference books. Moreover, addiction to movies can also affect youth’s mental and physical health. When they are addicted to movies, they will start paying attention on every new movie they are interested to; their main concerns become the release date of the movie, the booking, the trailers, and so on. Watching movie without tit-bits is meaningless, and that they will eat those unhealthy foods that may harm their health. When they having addiction on movies, they are neglecting exercise; regular exercise is necessary for every individual for physical fitness and health. Furthermore, addiction makes youths become laziness. When they are addicted to movies, they will be neglecting their studies as well. They will be feeling lazy to do their homework and this will directly influence their learning and...

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