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To The Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter Analysis

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The spoken word poems, "To The Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter" by Jesse Parent and “Pretty" Katie Makkai are similarly themed. The first poem is a powerful message from a father to those who will one day fall in love with his daughter. It is presented with an essence of passive aggressiveness and sarcasm, but at the same time it is filled with emotion. Jesse presents himself as someone who should be feared, but is willing to show heart if his daughter is looked after. On the other hand, Pretty is a much more personal story, that delves into the many aspects of societal pressures and problems with growing up. It is presented with much more passion in comparison to ‘My Daughter’ as Katie expresses her lines with a much more powerful intensity. …show more content…
The first is presented with a mix of aggressiveness and subtle hints of dark humour. This element of humour is very lacking in the second example, as Katie comes across as passionate and serious throughout the duration of her performance. One is very much a threat/message, the other obviously a dig towards modern society’s beauty standards.

In terms of body language, Katie demonstrates a much more engaging amount of movement in comparison to Jesse. She consistently uses hand motion to add a visual emphasis to her points. This is almost non-existent in the performance by Jesse, as he stands relatively still throughout the duration of the poem, with the exception of when he throws an object to emphasise one of his points.

Audience connection wise, Jesse’s performance is likely much more relatable to those who have experienced the usual ups and downs that life has presented to them. Of course, it would much more relatable to those who are parents themselves, as they would likely agree with many of the feelings he expresses for his daughter. Katie’s performance on the other hand is very passionate, borderline insanity. Although her message regarding beauty standards is relatable to most teenagers and parents of teenagers, her personal recollections are very extreme. Some of the experiences she describes herself going through are not those of a typical person, but highlight an extreme case of bad luck and wanting to be beautiful. Her story mixed with her style of presenting creates a story that is much less touchy, and much more of a ‘society sucks’

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