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Trauma, Development, and Spirituality


Submitted By deanamont
Words 1026
Pages 5
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality
According to the American Association of Children’s Residential Centers (AACRC), trauma is considered to be the result of occurrences of mental or physical injury such as sexual or physical abuse sexual abuse, seeing brutality, or natural tragedy (AACRC, 2014). But trauma is not limited to events per se; alternatively, trauma can also be brought about by occurrences of daily living that are emotional in nature and not quite as obvious. Traumatic stress can be evoked by trials surrounding relationships, physical issues, severe neglect, or by circumstances that overpower a person’s ability to adjust (American Association of Children’s Residential Centers, 2014). This essay will discuss how culture can influence traumatic experiences, the impact of trauma on neurobiological development, and how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma.
Cross Cultural View of Trauma
Research conducted in Western countries has typically revealed a disproportionately large percentage of accounts of abuse of children among ethnic minority groups. However, mistreatment is not primarily connected to any particular ethnic group, but has been regarded as a global issue (World Health Organization [WHO], 2002 as cited by Cyr, Michel, & Dumais, 2013). The intricacy of examining child abuse from a culturally diverse viewpoint can be made clear by a number of components impeding the progress of awareness about this issue. Specifically, despite the fact that there is a widely recognized meaning of abuse, the way parts of this definition are applied can vastly differ based on how people interpret them (Cyr, Michel, & Dumais, 2013). For example, culture can impact the meaning abuse (i.e., beliefs, standards, and mindsets held in common by a particular group of people); and this goes beyond ethnicity. Likewise, caregivers’ interpretation of

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