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Uninsured Health Care Research Paper

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The United States ranks among the top countries in the world with the highest amount of money going into expenses aiding innovations in the medical field. Statistics shows that that the U.S. also ranks highest with infant mortality rate and lowest with life expectancy compared to other developed countries ("Introduction To The Uninsured: Current Controversies"). These results probably have much to do with the fact that as of 2008, 15 percent of the U.S. population is not covered by any means of health care insurance ("Introduction To The Uninsured: Current Controversies"). Not having health insurance because of the fact of how costly it is can be a contributing factor to people putting off and doing without health insurance, even on the occasion …show more content…
also holds the highest rank for infant mortality rate and the lowest rank in life expectancy? The answer is simple. The United States is too focused on improving the quality of life, health, and medicine that it is actually forgetting what is really important: its people. By way of contrast, statistics indicate that “despite this high level of health care spending, the quality of healthcare available in the United States is low”("Health Care Issues”). If 15 percent of the entire nation population does not have some sort of health care, chances are that they will not search for services, leading them to distance themselves from hospitals, doctors offices, dental offices, and everything in between. In this case, potential patients’ health will not be monitored, they will not receive preventive care vaccines, and they will not pursue care, if …show more content…
Under those circumstances, studies expose that “52 percent of families of non-managerial fast-food workers need some form of government assistance to get by” ("Fast-food Workers' Low Pay Costs the Government"). Furthermore, studies have also revealed that in spite the fact that the minimum wage has increased over the years, a full time employee getting paid $7.25 per hour, working 40 hours a week, and 50 weeks per year (assuming 2 weeks’ vacation) will only make about $14,500 per year (Doak). This number is “well below the poverty level” ($17,600 as of 2009) with reference to a family of three (Doak). This means that more than half of regular fast-food workers struggle to make ends meet at their home. However, raising the minimum wage would only “cut into the profits of restaurant owners,” discouraging employers from hiring more workings, and in effect “impinging on the lives of other low-income people” ("Fast-food Workers' Low Pay Costs the Government"). With regards to this, it puts this situation into perspective concerning what people who live on minimum wage go through every day to try and save money anywhere they can to have the ability to afford the basic living necessities. Because people “don't

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