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Unit 6 Research Paper 1: Network Attached Storage


Submitted By gbeans73
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Unit 6 Research Paper 1: Network Attached Storage

What is a NAS device?
A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device is a server that is solely dedicated to file sharing. NAS does not provide typical activities like e-mail, authentication or file management. NAS permits more hard disk storage space to be added to a network that already operates short of shutting them down for maintenance and upgrades. NAS can be anywhere in a LAN it does not have to be positioned within the server and can be made up of several network devices.
What is the speed of the network adapter available on a NAS device?
NAS devices come in many variations and depending on purchased one or built one yourself. Usual speed is one gigabit Ethernet connection however it can be changed to several gigabit, 10 gigabit fiber optic by adding a pci-e network card(s).
What is the capacity range?
This capacity range also varies; you could build a 2 TB machine or a 40 TB machine. With port replication and add on hard dive controller cards there is barely a boundary on size.
Is there any fault tolerance (such as RAID) built into a NAS device?
Raid 50 is pretty stable if set up properly, raid 10 has been said to be one of the best because more drives can fail at once without data loss.
Are management features available?
Depending on the type of NAS device, Most are web interface.

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