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Utilitarian Bioethics: A Case Study

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This video shows a theory of ethics, utilitarian bioethics that is a branch of ethics and recommends directing medical resources where they will have a more lasting effect for good. It is used implicitly in some health planning decisions, such as the use of quality-adjusted life years and the concept of triage, but it is controversial in many other cases. Utilitarian bioethics is based on the premise that the distribution of resources is a zero-sum game, so logically medical decisions must be based on the productive value and total happiness of each person in the future, in their chance to survive the Present and in the resources necessary for the treatment. For those whose cost of medical treatment or maintenance exceeds their total future economic value (because they are terminally ill, they are no longer productive and have no reasonable chance of becoming productive or happy in the foreseeable future), it is Economically efficient to release medical resources by …show more content…
Therefore, the benefits of utilitarian bioethics include increased medical spending in other patients with greater odds of survival and return to a productive and/or happy state. Ideally this would lead to a net increase in wealth and happiness. First you must see the viability of this fetus and its ability to survival. The perceived disadvantage of utilitarian bioethics includes: possible justifications for physicians to kill patients, a gravitation towards the acceptance of mortality and death, the lack of medical progress (since the treatment of injuries would not be explored Uncertainty in measuring "happiness" and the possibility of classifying many disabled or elderly people as

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