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Video Analysis: Hard Work Pays Off

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Hard Work Pays Off
Success can be defined differently depending on the person for example, achieving the goal of graduating high school, striving to be highly educated or getting that job that is desperately needed. Eminence is something that many students want, but also something that many students are not prepared to really work for. Those learning to benefit from their mistakes use them to adapt to different situations. Research says that living in poverty during early childhood is related to lower levels of academic performance, beginning in kindergarten and extending through high school, and lower rates of high school completion. Everyone was once a student, everyone struggled even teachers had rough times in school. As a teacher having …show more content…
Sometimes peers tend to envy those who are at the top, but in reality they work even more than those who come from a family who give them the support they need to keep them going. The most productive students, though, are those that put the work in. It doesn’t matter how intelligent, if there is no effort into learning, and those assignments assigned then what is the point? Everything is learned, no one is born with intelligence. While intelligence can give a head start over others, this is where it slowly stops, and those getting the results they want will ultimately be those that worked the hardest. In the video “Don’t eat fortune cookies” the speaker Michael Lewis says, “In time you will find it easy to assume that you deserve that extra cookie.” Meaning, if putting in the time and effort to be above others, it is okay to take the opportunities that are of higher quality. People assume just because you come from a higher, wealthy family you will also be successful, but that is not true putting in work and determination will definitely treat you will with a little special …show more content…
Some situations are too much, but giving up should not be an option for those who work hard. For example, A good friend of mine who works extremely hard had a family emergency and although, it took most of their studying time away they still managed to find a way to study because they crave that opportunity they will eventually get and that is a great example of someone who is determined and will eventually be very successful. Do not only be diligent for grades, but also to find what those are good at doing as well. In the book Liberal Education “"What Would Make This a Successful Year for You?" How Students Define Success in College” by: Nancy Jennings, Suzanne Lovett, Lee Cuba, Joe Swingle and Heather Lindkvist. Tina says that college “taught [her] that [she] was more than grades.” Meaning, while going towards that goal try to find characteristics no one else has seen. Tina learned that she was being a successful student by realizing how much more she can do. A quote that best emphasizes the differences in individual’s determination was once said by a college president. “Be nice to your A students because they will come back and be your colleagues. Be even nicer to your C students because they will come back and donate millions of dollars to the school.” (student success article) Saying, not always will those who work hard get great grades everyone is different. Plus, grades do not determine the person’s thrive for a better future.

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