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Vision 2030


Submitted By Mishael
Words 5053
Pages 21

Kenya vision 2030 aims to create a cohesive, equitable and just society based on democratic principles grounded in the existing, rich and diverse cultures in Kenya. The vision 2030 is based on three pillars namely Economic, Social and Political.

The economic pillar seeks to ensure prosperity for all Kenyans through economic development programs in key sectors aimed at achieving an average gross domestic product (GDP) of 10% per annum up to 2030. The social pillar aims at building a just and cohesive society with social equity in a clean and secure environment. The political pillar aims at the realization of a democratic political system founded on issue based politics that respects the rule of law and protects rights and freedoms of every individual in the Kenyan society.

Kenya envisages the achievement on vision 2030 through a series of successive five year medium term plans covering the span of the Kenya vision 2030 and the first having been implemented from 2008 up to this year 2012.

Before the end of this year another 5 year Medium Term Plans will be produced covering the period 2013-2017 while subsequent Medium Term Pans will cover there are periods 2018-2022, 2023-2027 up to 2030. The MediumTermPlans are designed to fast track the flagship projects identified under vision 2030 various programmers and key policies.

The medium term plans calls for increased levels of savings and investments to facilitate the economic growth and development envisaged of 10 % per year up to the year 2030. In addition to high growth, the MTP places a premium on faster job creation, poverty reduction, improved income distribution and gender equity while ensuring that balance is attained in development across all the regions of the country. The main focus of the current Medium Term Plan (2008_2012) was to raise the economic growth to 10% and initiate the transformation envisaged in the foundations and the economic, social, and political pillars of the Kenya vision 2030. The end, Kenya achieved one of its biggest successes after holding a national referendum on the new constitution on the 4th august 2010 which was approved by 67% of those who voted. This led to the promulgation of the new constitution on 27th August 2010.

Foundations for National Transformation (Enablers)

The government recognizes the need for anchoring the Kenyan Vision 2030 on solid enablers if it is to effectively drive, influence and achieve the economic, social and political transformation of the country. These are: Physical infrastructure; Information and communication Technology; Science, Technology and innovations; Energy; Land reforms; Human resource development; Security, peace building and conflict resolution; Governance and public sector reforms; and Nairobi Metropolitan Development.


1. Agricultural Sector

1. Enactment of consolidated agricultural policy reform legislation

The project consists of the development of an Agricultural Reform bill and the enactment of Consolidated Agricultural Policy Reform.

The Agriculture Sector Reform Bill has been drafted in line with the new Constitution. The Bill will also set up industry development funds and dispute resolution mechanisms. The following bills are complete and in final review for submission to the cabinet; The Crop Bill, The Livestock Bill (Fisheries incorporated); The National Agricultural Research System (NARS); The Agriculture, Livestock and Food Authority.

2. Fertilizer cost-reduction initiative

This project aims at reducing fertilizer costs by improving the purchasing and supply chain and supporting local manufacture of fertilizer. This programme involving purchasing and supply chain improvements in the market for this input and the blending and local manufacture of fertilizer.

The total fertilizer requirement is 271,000 Metric Tones for the whole country. The Government has procured 40% of this requirement. By 31st march 2012, the government had procured and distributed 60,000 Metric Tones of conventional fertilizer for the year 2012/2013.

3. Setting up of five livestock disease-free zones in the asal regions

Disease-free zones will enable Kenya’s meat, hides and skins and other animal products to meet international marketing standards. This project involves the setting up of four livestock Disease Free Zones (DFZ) in Coast, Laikipia, Isiolo and North Rift.
A disease-free zoning programme proposal for the Coastal zone is ready, including the implementation plan. Designs for 13 offices and laboratories in the coastal region are ready. These covers the counties of Lamu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa.

1.1.4 Arid and semi arid lands development projects

This project aims to increase the area of Arid and Semi Arid land under irrigation. It will initially be implemented in the Tana and Athi River basins to bring between 600,000 to 1,000,000 hectares under irrigation.

For the Tana Delta Integrated Sugar Project, a feasibility study has been undertaken, an Expression of Interest is complete, and a license from NEMA has been obtained.

2. Wholesale and retail trade

Wholesale and retail trade is one of the key sectors in the Kenyan economy. This is because the sector is the link between production and consumption, both of which are expanding substantially as the economy heads to a 10% growth rate? With most of the employment being in the informal sector of 10%.It has been among the most rapidly-expanding sectors of the economy since the introduction of trade liberalization in the 1990s and after. Kenya’s vision 2030 challenge is to main streams the informal sector into the formal sector by providing it with the support it currently lacks of; - Secure business location - Credit - Training - Access to markets
The government special attention to the development of more efficient wholesale and retail trade by streamlining the supply chain and by improving the quality of goods coming into the Kenyan market. For example, the Kenya bureau of standards has been certified by the government to ensure that each product in the market is of good quality and quantity and it satisfies the consumer.

The government has started to invest in the foreign countries and also attract foreign investors. This will be achieved by formalizing imports and exports. For now the government has achieved 10% of this, because it’s the initial stages of developing the Lamu deport.

The overall strategy is to increase formal market share in the country by encouraging more investment in retail trade. Kenyan government has been able to achieve 20 % in the wholesale and retail sector. Currently the government has been able to establish retail markets e.g Muthurwa market and whole sale markets like Kamkunji market.

3. Business Process Off shoring (BPO)

It involves providing business services via the internet to companies and organizations and the aim of vision 2030 is for Kenya to become one of the top BPO destinations in Africa, by designing and developing BPO parks that have world class infrastructure developed by top international IT suppliers, offers competitive incentive packages to locate in park, provide a one stop shop for administration and talent and serves as a showcase park to attract top foreign companies.

If successful it will highly boost the country’s economic growth and lead to the decrease of unemployment numbers.

Example of BPO parks is the already completed Sameer Business Park along Mombasa road, and others which are to be constructed such as Konza city, Tatu city

However, as at current year (2012), a change of strategy has been made to first deal with the internal efficiencies as a country and human resource capacity development.

4. Financial Service Sector

1. International financial services center

The financial services sector seeks to create a robust and functioning financial system and ensuring that Kenya is positioned firmly as leading financial services hub in East Africa. This is expected to encourage Foreign Direct Investment and safeguarding the economy from external shocks. Moreover, the financial services sector aims to institutionalize de-mutualisation as part of transforming the sector.

The project is behind schedule.

The objective is to achieve a well-functioning financial system in order to accelerate economic growth by encouraging Foreign Direct Investment, safeguarding the economy from external shocks, and establishing Kenya as a leading financial center in Eastern and Southern Africa.

2. Deepening of capital markets.

This project entails the deepening of capital markets by raising institutional capital and expanding bond and equity markets.

The project is ahead of schedule.

Its objective is to create access to capital markets, raise savings and investment rates and raise stock market capitalization.

5. Manufacturing Sector

1. Development of five small and medium enterprise parks

This project involves the development of five small and medium enterprise (SME) industrial parks in key urban centers, whereby a pilot metal SME park will be located in Nairobi due to the proximity to most important markets. A pilot agro-processing SME park will be located in Eldoret because of the location in high potential agricultural area and access to an airport. The ministry is negotiating with ICDC on the 100 acres they own at Eldoret.A second agro-processing SME park which targets processing of fruit juices and vegetables oils will be located in Mombasa. Areas identified with land were Likoni and Kisauni. Another SME park will be located in Kisumu for agro-processing of vegetables, horticulture, fish processing, and fruit processing. Land Negotiations ongoing. The fifth SME Park will be located at Nakuru for meat processing (with tannery), joint Venture with Egerton University who will provide the land. .

Its objective is to harness international commerce opportunities by establishing processing parks in five strategic locations with rich raw materials hinterlands.

2. Development of mini and integrated iron and steel mills

The establishing a the mini steel mill was conceived after the Company was identified as a key driver of the manufacturing sector of the Vision 2030 that would supply industrial machines and equipment.

As a result an MOU has been signed to develop a Mini & Integrated Iron and Steel Mills in Kenya as a collaborative effort between the Numerical Machining Complex and POSCO, a private South Korean Steel company and the third largest steel company in the world.

Its objective is to supply industrial machines and equipment in order to grow and support the manufacturing industries for the achievement of Vision 2030.

3. Training of engineers and technicians

Its objective is training of engineers and technicians to raise the skill competencies, and the number of engineers required to make Kenya a competitive industrializing nation.

6. Tourism sector

Its objective is to market and increase visitor flow in parks with potential, but is underutilized.
Currently, the overall aim is to improve facilities and increase revenue.

The project consists of upgrading underutilized Parks by improving facilities and
Infrastructure in order to increase utilization and revenue.

The benefits will be utilization of parks, improvement of facilities and infrastructure and increased revenue.

The progress of the project:

To this end, rehabilitation and branding for the Kisumu Impala Eco-lodge is
Complete. Via Ferrata climbing trail on Mt. Kenya. Technical rock climbing area improved with the help of donors. Refurbishment of guesthouses is still in the process, which will target the medium to high end tourist market including domestic market. New accommodation in areas such as Ndere and Impala sanctuary will attract visitors to the underutilized parks and also branding of Shimba Hills National Park and Mt.Kenya National Park are ongoing. Infrastructure improvement, including refurbishment of gates, signage, campsite and visitors facilities, offices and staff houses has been done and rangers’ houses and staff ablution blocks have been constructed.

Challenges in economic sector include:

i. Erratic weather conditions, escalation of input prices and poor market performance which has resulted to food shortages.

ii. Calamities such as drought, floods and post-election violence in 2008.

iii. Poor rural infrastructure especially roads and electricity.

iv. Lack of modern technology hence farmers use traditional farming methods leading to low yields.

v. Lack of financial services for the farmers.

vi. Poor supply chain - There will is a need to address the current fragmentation from producers to distributor and consumer outlets. The Government should enhance the forward and backward linkages in the sector to reduce wastage. vii. Promotion of producer-based groups - Government should encourage linkages between the formal market operators and formal associations of primary producers which will be organized to comprise individual producers in a given locality to create possibilities of economies of scale. viii. Improving the business environment: The Government should accelerate the ongoing efforts to remove barriers to trade in order to lower the cost of doing business in the country. By doing this multiple licenses, curb insecurity, address entry barriers to wholesaling and retailing will be reduced, and improve economic infrastructure and make it possible to attract domestic and foreign ix. Poor funding - whereby the government is funding itself to make this a reality and as the economy isn’t stable yet, there are limited funds to support this pillar.

x. High cost of bandwidth – whereby as this pillar requires high usage of internet which is enabled by the use of band width, it’s too expensive and the costs might outdo the profits.

xi. Lack of infrastructure to support the required technology so as to fully utilize the function of the BPO parks.



The political pillar of Vision 2030 is “a democratic political system that is issue based, people-centered, result-oriented and accountable to the public”.

• An issue based system is one that meets the widest public interests.

• A result-oriented system is stable, predictable and based on measurable outcomes.

• People-centered refers to responsiveness to the needs and rights of citizens, whose participation in all public policies and resource allocation processes is enabled.

• An accountable system is open, transparent and allows the free flow of information, and is one in which the leaders are accountable to citizens.

To meet the objectives outlined in the economic and social pillars, Kenya’s national governance system will have to be transformed and reformed to acquire high-level executive capability consistent with a rapidly industrializing country. The most important of the reforms is prioritization for enactment of all legislation and administrative reforms suggested in Vision 2030. Kenya will adopt a democratic decentralization process with substantial devolution in policy-making, public resource management and revenue sharing through devolved funds.
The pillar is anchored on transformation of Kenya’s political governance across five strategic.
2.1 Strategic areas 2.1.1 The Rule of Kenya constitution 2010 This principle states that no one is above the law. The key guiding strategy is the newly promulgated constitution (2010). The guiding principles under the newly enacted constitution are Constitutional supremacy: This is a principal that holds the constitution as the major source of law in the country. It took effect on 27th August 2010 when the new constitution was promulgated. As such, the constitution shall hold precedence over cultural practices, religious beliefs and rules and regulations set in specific institutions. 2. Bill of Rights: Vision 2030 focuses on second generation, rights covering the economic, social and cultural fields. The rights of women and children, person with disabilities, the elderly and refugees are of particular if we are to make the strategy a reality. 3. Equality of Citizens: Kenya shall be a nation that treats its citizens equally without discrimination on the basis of gender, race, tribe, religion or ancestral origin. Kenya will aim at a society that guarantees equality of opportunity in accessing public services and providing resources such as healthcare and education.
2.1.2 Separation of powers. The three arms of government namely the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary will function as separate entities and thus will be independent of the other. The doctrine, however, proposes that the three arms act as a checking mechanism for each other.
2.1.3 Sovereignty of the people: The constitution will be guaranteed by the knowledge that the government derives its power from the people. People may exercise this power directly or through their democratically elected representatives. Sovereign power is delegated to the following state organs, legislative assemblies, executive structure, judiciary and independent tribunals 1. Electoral and Political processes. E.g. IEBC, requirements of manifesto by political parties. Political parties’ bill • A Viable political party system. This will be guided by policy and ideology orientation. Political parties will not be founded on the basis of racial, ethnic, gender. They will be obliged to subscribe to a legally-binding code of conduct, and publish their manifestos before participating in elections. This has been put into effect through the political parties’ act which states the requirements for the formation of a political party. It also states the qualifications for any member of a political party wishing to vie for public office. This law has been undermined by the members of parliament recently. 2. Democracy and public participation i.e. Devolution system • Devolution. In accordance with the new constitution, there will be a democratic devolution of decision making and resource distribution capacity. This will be done through the counties with the formation of county governments which will be headed by the governor and the use of the county treasury. The devolved system takes account of local needs and priorities. • National values, goals and ideology: In the pursuit of economic, social and political aspirations, Kenyans will form and adopt a core set of national values, goals and a forward-looking political ideology. This will acknowledge the significance of God to the Kenyan people and an affirmation of the religious, cultural and ethnic diversity of Kenyans. Transparency and Accountability i.e. KACC (Kenya anti-corruption commission), National Cohesion and Integration Commission, National Accord, Commission of Inquiry. Public Participation in Governance: the political system shall provide that Wananchi have the right to participate in all development policies through representatives chosen in free and fair election. Security, Peace building and conflict management
The 2030 vision is “security of all persons and property throughout the Republic” the goal for 2012 is to enact necessary policies and legal frameworks around security, peace building and conflict management e.g. the Kenya Defense Force, Security and policy reform initiative, Peace Committees in each constituency, Faith Based Organizations, Conflict management panels.

FLAGSHIP PROJECTS • Constitutional reforms • Judicial and legal reforms • Security and policing reforms

• Building a non-partisan professional research centre to enrich parliamentary law making

• Begin a national program on attitude and value change to inculcate a culture of voluntary compliance with efficiency norms required by vision 2030

Some of the achievements have been Post -election legal counseling, National cohesion, Independent review commission (kriegler report), Implementation of commission of inquiry on post election violence (Waki report), also establishment of TJRC( truth justice and review commission), IEBC(independent electoral and boundaries commission), and NCIC( national cohesion and integration commission).


The objective of the Social Pillar is investing in the people of Kenya in order to improve the quality of life for all Kenyans by targeting a cross-section of human and social welfare projects and programmes, specifically: ➢ Education and training ➢ Health(medical services, public services and sanitation) ➢ Environment ➢ Housing and urbanisation ➢ Gender, children and social development ➢ Labour and employment ➢ Youth and sports [pic]
• Education and Training ➢ Recruitment of 28,000 Additional Teachers ➢ Establishment of a Voucher System Programme in Five of the Poorest Districts. ➢ Establishment of Centres of Specialisation ➢ Construction and Equipping of 560 Secondary Schools, expansion and Rehabilitation of Existing Schools. ➢ Construction and Rehabilitation of at Least One Boarding Primary School in Each Constituency in Arid and Semi Arid Lands ➢ Establishment of a Computer Supply Programme
➢ In 2007/2008 - 4,000 teachers were recruited. ➢ In 2009/2010 - 6,000 teachers were recruited. This brings to a total of 10,000 teachers recruited. The numbers of teachers have increased from 235,000 in 2006/2007 to 245,000 in 2009/2010 financial year. ➢ 18,060 contract teachers were employed in 2010/2011 as a short term option to address teacher shortage. ➢ Sh233.1billion was allocated towards education for additional recruitment of 10,000 teachers and further sh3.8billion for free primary education under the 2012/13 budget financial year. ➢ Works in the 355 schools is on-going to transform these schools into centers of excellence. ➢ 68 schools have been rehabilitated ➢ Improved access to ICT services in schools countrywide; mainstreaming of information technology in schools
➢ How to meet the human resource requirements for a rapidly changing and more diverse economy. ➢ To ensure that the education provided meets high quality standards, and that its contents are relevant to the needs of the economy and society ➢ To move rapidly in raising the standards of the regions that lag behind in enrolment to bring then to par with other areas. This is another way of reinstating the goal of universal school enrolment to which Kenya is committed. ➢ Improving the overall transition rates, particularly from secondary to tertiary levels.
• Health (Medical Services and Public Services and Sanitation) ➢ Rehabilitation of Health Facilities ➢ Strengthen Kenya Medical Supplies Agency ➢ Human Resource Strategy ➢ Develop Equitable Financing Mechanism ➢ Community Based Information Systems ➢ De-Linking Ministry of Health from Service Delivery ➢ Rehabilitation of Rural Health Facilities to Offer Integrated and Comprehensive Healthcare ➢ Develop Human Resources Strategy ➢ Fast-track implementation of the Community Strategy by training Community Health Workers (CHWs) ➢ Channel funds directly to health facilities ➢ Implement Environment and Hygiene Policy and Strategy ➢ Implement Output Based Approach (OBA) in Reproductive Health ➢ Restructure Ministries of Health ➢ Revitalize Efficacy of the Health Management Information System
➢ A total of 53 hospitals are under rehabilitation, nine hospitals have been completed, 14 hospitals are above 50% complete, 26 hospitals are below 50% complete, four hospitals are at foundation stage. ➢ Training of senior and middle level managers at hospitals is ongoing. Already 1,000 managers have been trained. ➢ Improved health infrastructure. In the last five years, Kenya’s health system has improved significantly as a result of increased financial resources, better governance and better management of health delivery systems. ➢ Kenya has therefore defined a “devolution” approach that will allocate funds and responsibility for delivery of health care to district hospitals, and clinics, thereby empowering Kenyan households and social groups to take charge in improving their own health. ➢ Increased accessibility to health facilities ➢ A new Kenya Medical Supplies Agency - KEMSA Board was constituted and launched in November, 2008 and all procurement and distribution of health commodities are being done by KEMSA. . Directors have been recruited and the new establishment has 330 staff up from 90 staff.
➢ To develop a human resources strategy in order to balance supply and demand for human resources in public health sector in the country. ➢ To implement the human resources information systems. ➢ Matching skills and market demand. ➢ Lack of enough skilled man-power in health sector. ➢ Corruption in the NHIF fund scheme • Environment ➢ Waste management system ➢ Rehabilitation and Protection of Indigenous Forests in Five Water Towers ➢ Preparation of a National Spatial Plan ➢ Secure Wildlife Corridors and Migratory Routes
➢ Cleaning the Nairobi River. ➢ Introduction of NEMA to control environmental pollution. ➢ Tree planting. ➢ Evacuation of settlers and reclaiming of land from Mau Complex
➢ Lack of adequate sanitation and pollution in urban slums pose serious health risks to residents. ➢ Lack of public sensitization. ➢ Increase of degradation of forests

• Housing and Urbanization ➢ Producing 200,000 Housing Units Annually by 2012 under Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Other Initiatives ➢ Establish Housing Technology Centres in Each Constituency ➢ Installation of Physical and Social Infrastructure in Slums in 20 Urban Areas ➢ Enacting Housing Bill, 2006 to Legislate for a One-Stop Housing Development Approvals Mechanism ➢ Develop an Integrated Growth and Development Strategy for Six Metropolitan Regions
➢ Investment in housing and infrastructure. ➢ Slum upgrading program. Kibera Lang’ata Decanting site - Comprises of 600 units that are complete and 1,800 households from Soweto East A were relocated to the site. ➢ Accessible housing finance.
➢ Unplanned informal settlements.,example; sinai fire incident. ➢ Lack of adequate land. ➢ Concentration of property development in the high-income category. ➢ Outdated building codes and standards therefore represent a handicap in the rapid provision of housing for homeownership. ➢ Lack of adequate construction capacity. ➢ Poor building materials. ➢ Corruption in the ministry of land e.g. faking title deeds (syokimau incident) • Gender, Children and Social Development ➢ Women Enterprise Fund ➢ Establishment of Consolidated Social Protection Fund ➢ Representation of People with Disabilities in Decision Making Process ➢ Gender Mainstreaming ➢ Affirmative Action Policy ➢ Gender Disaggregated Data ➢ Implementation of Disability Fund
➢ 15,791 women accessed women Enterprise Fund. 1,871 women entrepreneurs have been trained. Repayment of WEF through CWES SHGs is at 71%. ➢ Funds provided to 120,000 households with orphans and vulnerable children. ➢ Financial Support provided to 33,000 households with elderly Persons.
➢ Lack of civil education on gender,children and social development programs. ➢ Lack of enough budget allocation towards gender,children and social development programs. • Labour and Employment ➢ Development of the National Human Resource Database ➢ Development of a National Integrated Human Resource Development Strategy ➢ Strengthening of Linkages between Industry and Training Institutions ➢ Development of Eight Micro and Small Enterprise Centres of Excellence ➢ Development and Implementation of a Diaspora Policy ➢ Development and Implementation of a National Occupational Safety and Health Policy ➢ Productivity Measurement and Promotion ➢ Transformation of the National Social Security Fund

Achievements 21,299 students were attached to industry between the 2008/09 financial year and the first quarter 2010/11 financial year. 12,082 individuals were trained in relevant industrial skills between the 2008/09 financial year and the first quarter 2010/11 financial year. 92,165 candidates who registered for trade testing were examined and certified between the 2008/09 financial year and the first quarter 2010/11 financial year. • youth and sports ➢ Youth Empowerment Centres ➢ Regional Sports Stadia ➢ Revitalisation of Youth Polytechnics ➢ Establishment of a Sports Lottery Fund ➢ Youth Enterprise Development Fund ➢ Increased Subsidies to Youth Polytechnics ➢ International Academy of Sports ➢ International Centre for Arts and Culture ➢ One Billion Tree Planting Campaign under Trees-for-Jobs Programme ➢ Revision of Education and Training Curriculum ➢ Roads 2000 and Other Labour Intensive Public Projects
➢ Introduction of the youth enterprise fund. ➢ Sports and recreation.(renovation of kasarani stadium to FIFA recommendations) ➢ Initiation of kazi kwa vijana project.
➢ Limited opportunities for educational advancement and technical training. ➢ Limited opportunities for employment. ➢ High levels of poverty. ➢ Lack of finance or access to credit. ➢ Disproportionate exposure to high health and social risk (e.g. HIV/AIDS, drug and substance abuse, and crime). ➢ Lack of opportunities and mechanisms to participate in decisions that affect their lives. ➢ Inadequate sports facilities.


4.1 Enablers and macro-The foundation of vision 2030

The economic, social and political pillars of Kenya Vision 2030 are anchored on macroeconomic stability; continuity in governance reforms, enhanced equity and wealth creation opportunities for the poor.
The Vision 2030 strategy is to undertake reforms in 8 key sectors that form the foundation of society for socio-political and economic growth. ➢ Macroeconomic - Stability for long term development ➢ Infrastructure ➢ Energy ➢ Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) ➢ Land reforms ➢ Human resources development ➢ Security ➢ Public sector reforms
4.1.1 Infrastructure
Energy Generation of 23,000 MW and distributed at competitive prices.

Dredging of Mombasa Port

Kisumu Airport Rehabilitation and Expansion

Road Network Expansion

Lamu Port and New Transport Corridor Development to Southern Sudan and Ethiopia (LAPSSET).

Development of Dongo Kundu Freeport

JKIA Expansion and Modernisation

Commuter Rail Network

Standard Gauge Rail: Mombasa – Nairobi – Malaba, Kisumu

4.1.2 Public Sector Reforms

Kenya School of Government

4.1.3 Environment
600 Hydro-Meteorological Stations Rehabilitated

Construction of 16 Land Registry Offices and Rehabilitation of 16 Land Registries

Development of a National Land Information Management System

Mzima Pipeline Rehabilitation and Augmentation

Preparation of a National Spatial Plan

Twenty-Four Medium Sized Multipurpose Dams (Including the 2 Multipurpose)

Two Multi-Purpose Water Conservation Structures; Nzoia along Nzoia River and Koru on Nyando River

4.1.4 Security
Establishment of a Forensic Laboratory
Establishment of a National Security Data Centre

Installation of Surveillance Cameras in Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu.

Thus as at this point in time, Kenyan vision 2030 is a strategy and it will only be proved if indeed it was a reality after the year 2030 when an analysis of all the strategies that were put in place has been taken to determine if the goals set forth were achieved or not.


Its main objective is to facilitate the use data and information, to inform public policy, measure efficiency in the utilization of available resources and achievement in poverty reduction and provide feedback for policy making. To strengthen the monitoring and Evaluation system the Government established the Monitoring ad Evaluation Directorate, National Development and Vision 2030, Vision Delivery Secretariat and National Steering Committee to provide policy direction in matters of monitoring and Evaluation.

Successful implementation of the Medium Term Plan (2008-2012) requires an efficient and effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting system which entails full and complete participation of all stakeholders and that’s the above listed institutions were formed.


6.1 A stable macroeconomic framework supported by robust enablers will support the realization of commitment under the three pillars.

6.2 Effective Monitoring and Evaluation with enough clout to bring government offices to account and working reporting structures must be put in place to avert a plethora of litigations from citizens claiming violation of their economic, social and cultural rights.

6.3 Define clear mechanisms for Monitoring and Evaluation, reporting and the linkages between county and National Monitoring and evaluation functions.

6.4 Need to restore investor confidence in the face of inflation and the weakening Kenyan shilling i.e. Central Bank of Kenya need to put measures in place to stabilize the shilling at an exchange rate able to attract foreign direct investment and spur exports.

6.5 Allocation of more funds in research and development that will help in tackling strategic areas such as Education, Science and Technology, Health, Infrastructure and marketing of Kenya as a tourism destination of choice.

6.6 Fast tracking the implementation of the new constitution.

6.7 Deliberate efforts need to be made towards reducing cost of energy to support manufacturing.


Kenya Vision 2030; Third Annual progress report 2010-2011 on the implementation of the first Medium Term Plan (2008-2012).

Kenya Vision 2030; First Medium Term Plan (2008-2012).

Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (

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...como podemos darnos cuenta en que áreas podemos crecer o mejorar para hacer más fuertes nuestras fortalezas y defendernos de las debilidades. Lo que mas me gusto de la conferencia fue que compartió experiencias reales, y anécdotas que le han pasado durante su estancia en ese trabajo, ya que realmente podemos saber a que nos enfrentaremos, en este caso, si llegamos a trabajar en una consultoría. También me gusto que fuera directamente al grano, y explico de manera breve pero muy clara todo lo que se requería, además de que respondió varias dudas de varios alumnos. Como ya mencioné, me parece muy interesante ver como un Ingeniero Industrial puede dedicarse a varias cosas, y algunas muy distintas entre ellas, por lo cual creo nos da una visión hacía el futuro muy amplia para ver hacia donde queremos dirigirnos. Otra cosa que me gusto fueron los diferentes tips para las entrevistas que dio, ya que creo es algo que todos podremos utilizar, cuando sea necesario. Realmente yo no le cambiaría nada, ya que realmente cumplió con explicarnos todo lo que el realiza, así como la empresa donde trabaja y sobre los distintos proyectos en los que ha sido...

Words: 267 - Pages: 2

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...ENSAYO: EL PELIGRO DE PERMANECER EN LA ZONA SEGURA El Peligro de permanecer en la zona segura: Cómo romper con el hábito de la titularidad que acaba con las empresas En gran parte de los análisis empresariales se parte de premisas generales, que den base de comparación global para saber qué lugares tienen las condiciones idóneas para desarrollar un proyecto. Lo anterior se traduce a inversiones y, al menos en México, es benévolamente publicada toda la inversión extranjera. Se desarrollará entonces el presente desde una panorámica nacional con algunos indicadores numéricos comparativos a nivel mundial que ayuden a ejemplificar, desde el punto de vista particular, la observancia de la conducta de titularidad. PricewaterhouseCoopers en su estudio Saratoga1 publicado en febrero pasado indica que México es el país en Latinoamérica con el mayor porcentaje de rotación de personal con el 17.8%, mientras que 11.2% a nivel LATAM, 8.4% para EU y 10% para Europa, por resultado es de los más altos a nivel mundial. Con este dato acerca de rotación, a primera vista, es difícil de considerar que las empresas mexicanas tienen problemas de titularidad, pero a su vez, puede ser causa de la misma. En el contexto propio se aprecian los síntomas de titularidad en todos los órganos socio-económicos, esta conducta de estancamiento que parece estar infiltrada en la cultura. En la opinión poblacional hacia lo gubernamental se dice que la titularidad viene a destruir la mayoría de los intentos de...

Words: 901 - Pages: 4

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Historia Y Mas

...marginan, nos matan la memoria, nos queman las ideas, nos quitan las palabras... oh... Si la historia la escriben los que ganan, eso quiere decir que hay otra historia: la verdadera historia, quien quiera oir que oiga. Litto Nebbia “Quien quiera oir que oiga” Ejes: 1) fisiología del cerebro y fenómenos referidos a la memoria. 2) Filosófico: relación con Nietzsche y memoria colectiva, de la especie, etc. 3) Histórico-político: Políticas de olvido y memoria en Argentina. 1) Clasificación de las alteraciones de la memoria Amnesias orgánicas: subcorticales, corticales. Agnosias: visuales, auditivas, tactiles, corporales, motoras. - Amnesias funcionales: psicógenas. Hipermnesias: vision panorámica de la propia vida, prodigiosas Paramnesias a)alteraciones en el recuerdo - Confabulaciones - Falsos recuerdos delirantes - pseudología fantástica - fenómeno "punta de la lengua" - chequeo - b) alteraciones en el reconocimiento - deja vu, deja vecu - jamais vu - sindrome de capgras Síntesis de: La Memoria como propiedad de los sistemas cerebrales de Carlos Muñoz Gutierrez #En un texto clásico del año 1932, F. Bartlett ya nos advirtió de que considerar así nuestra memoria era un error, un error que se ha perpetuado hasta casi la década de los noventa. Detengámonos en un fragmento de la obra de Bartlett. "Recordar no es la reactivación de innumerables recuerdos fijados, fragmentarios y sin vida. Es una...

Words: 4290 - Pages: 18

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Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

...because we believe we don't have any options for anything better. Staying with a job merely because we've found a level of comfort there through familiar faces, routine tasks or a level of salary that we can survive on doesn't mean we've found what can ensure a lifetime of happiness. Many with a college degree who restricted their vision to openings only within their field of expertise have discovered that. Yet, you might be surprised to learn that the percentage of people who are actually working in the field they specifically received a degree in is quite small. In most cases, we major in that which we believe offers the greatest opportunity for success at the time. Newspapers report a severe shortage of engineers and suddenly many of those intent on success major in engineering. Or teaching. Or law. It becomes the 'soup of the day' syndrome. We spend four or more years studying a field and, with the cost involved, we assure ourselves we truly love this avocation. Five or ten years down the road, we discover it's lost its allure. But we allow whatever perks and salary we've achieved to convince us we are locked into this life. Our field of vision shrinks to only that which we currently do. It doesn't make us happy. It doesn't fulfill the dream of what we could be. We accept it because we believe that's the way life is. What we need to do is evaluate what we get out of work versus what we would like to get. Where does money rate on your scale? How about happiness? Work...

Words: 368 - Pages: 2

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...VISION DEL CAMBIO EN CURITIBA La visión de Jaime Lerner está basada en un desarrollo urbanista en el que las personas son el centro del desarrollo de las políticas de gobierno y un crecimiento de la ciudad que no padeciera la problemática de las urbanizaciones comunes. Implica: • Desarrollar iniciativas económicas, rápidas, sencillas, locales y enfocadas a las personas; sin afectar otros sistemas y así proporcionar los servicios necesarios para la comunidad. • Planear con una visión urbanista y desarrollar nuevos procedimientos acordes al crecimiento demográfico de la ciudad y de los problemas presentes. • Generar una conciencia de participación comunitaria en ciudadanos, empresas y gobierno, buscando como objetivo común el desarrollo de Curitiba. • Aprovechar los recursos disponibles. BREVES PROPUESTAS PARA EL LOGRO DEL CAMBIO El éxito del caso Curitiba se debe a que sus propuestas tuvieron un enfoque creativo que permitió dar propuestas integrales a los problemas prioritarios marcados por las necesidades de la ciudad. Principales propuestas: • Cambios y obras aprovechando la naturaleza y sus recursos en vez de ir contra ellos: conservación de áreas verdes, saneamiento de ríos y el uso eficiente del agua • Mejoras en el transporte y uso de suelo • Nuevos procedimientos de salud y los niños, la planeación familiar y el cuidado de los menores en el sector salud. • Asegurar un gobierno transparente y honesto. • Realizar campañas de reciclaje y separación...

Words: 266 - Pages: 2

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Best Yourself

...Reflecting Upon Your Best-Self All of us can recall our own extraordinary moments, those moments when we felt our best-self was brought to light, affirmed by others, and put into practice in the world. These memories are seared into our minds as moments or situations in which we have felt alive, true to our deepest selves, and pursuing our full potential as human beings. Think about three times in your life when you were at your very best. For each best-self episode, write the story of what happened, including how the episode got started, what kept it going, and how it came to an end. | | |Best Self Episode #1: | | | | | | | | | | ...

Words: 443 - Pages: 2

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Resource Based View also affected and reduced by the decrease in elastic property of eye muscles controlling the shape of the lens or the muscles that aid in contraction of lens. Therefore the efficiency of eyes is greatly reduced with increasing age. Ageing also causes changes in the near point of a person. More light is required with increasing age for improved contrast. Nearly double illumination is required for 40 years old people and triple for 60 years old when compared to the young people of about 20 years (Haigh, 1993). The problem of temporary vision impairment caused due to the bright light (glare) also increases with age only. The capability to prevent glare is usually reduced to half in 12 years. (Reuben et al., 1988). Visual Fields 1. About one in seven over 65 has abnormal visual fields (Johnson and Keltner, 1983). 2. Thirteen percent over 65 exhibit a field deficit; 3.5% had severe loss of visual fields 3. 57.6% of those with abnormal vision were previously unaware of this...

Words: 613 - Pages: 3

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...Lenguaje y cerebro: conexiones entre neurolingüística y psicolingüística M. Jesús Paredes Duarte y Carmen Varo Varo Universidad de Cádiz El estudio de las relaciones entre lenguaje y cerebro constituye un objeto que atañe a muchas y diversas disciplinas. Representa, sin duda, uno de los capítulos más relevantes en el desarrollo histórico de la Psicolingüística y conforma el núcleo principal de los actuales contenidos de la Neurolingüística y su estricta implicación en el tratamiento de los trastornos del lenguaje. Otras muchas perspectivas vienen a crear una visión polimórfica de estas relaciones entre el lenguaje y el cerebro, despertando, no sin inconvenientes, pues a veces se solapan aspectos temáticos en este estudio, una consideración muy completa si tenemos en cuenta los diferentes puntos de vista. Una explicación de por qué el ser humano, frente a otros animales, posee “lenguaje” procede necesariamente del hecho de estar dotado de un cerebro distinto al de otras especies. Por otra parte, desde la perspectiva inversa, podríamos especular que el cerebro humano es diferente al de otros animales como resultado del empleo del lenguaje. Teniendo en cuenta la complementariedad entre estos enfoques, a la hora de tratar la relación entre cerebro y lenguaje, nos parece especialmente ineludible la conexión entre Psicolingüística y Neurolingüística. El presente trabajo surge de la necesidad docente de delimitar el objeto de estudio de dos disciplinas cuya conexión principal se...

Words: 5626 - Pages: 23

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...Matt W. Moore / Andrew Pearce / Sarah Applebaum *************** Taller de Diseño Gráfico IV Escuela de Diseño, DuocUC Profesora / Marta Kiverstein Gurovich Alumno / Claudio Arias Baeza sensación, significado y aplicación del color Publicado en Chile por LFNT, La Opera 472, Maipú Santiago 2010. Tel: 9 6447457 Director editorial: karla castro atencio Textos, diagramación y diseño: Claudio Arias Baeza ISBN-13: 978-84-96774-52-9 Impreso en chile Agradecimientos a Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic por su tremendo aporte en recursos de aprendizaje de color. Por fomentar el estudio de este y compartir sus conocimientos libremente. Este libro, en gran parte es una recopilación de lo aprendido gracias a ella. Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic es Diseñadora Gráfica titulada en la Universidad de Chile. Miembro individual de la Asociación Internacional del Color (AIC). Miembro colaborativo del Study Group on Color Education de la AIC. Encargada de Extensión de la Asociación Chilena del Color. Miembro directivo del Grupo Color Santiago. También es docente en la Universidad de Chile y en el Instituto Profesional DuocUC. *************** Prólogo El mundo material es incoloro. Las teorías modernas del color engloban ahora las esferas físicas y perceptual, que se unen para vincular el color a una sensación. Está ampliamente aceptado que, en realidad, la hierba no es verde y que el cielo tampoco es azul. El color es algo...

Words: 12057 - Pages: 49

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Personal Effectiveness

...future of this country. Words like visions, goals and purpose may sound extremely familiar to us but there is a greater meaning to all of these words that most of us either do not realize, or do not bother to do so. To be honest, none of us group members, and maybe most of the students enrolled in this course in general, had any idea of how having an appropriate purpose and subsequently, a clear vision for it can make our lives an ideal example for the world around us. The first questions asked of us were that whether we think that our lives have been meaningful or not, and how do we want others to remember our life as an individual after we leave this world behind. I think the answers to the second question was pretty clear, but the first question, regardless of any answer chosen, definitely made us contemplate that whether we really have ever thought about doing anything meaningful. We have lived our lives in a state of utter wilderness up till now, without any clear sense of direction in which we want to take our lives. And how could we have decided our direction when we were clueless about our destination itself. Anyhow, it’s still not too late and we have been fortunate enough to realize that we can still follow our true destiny instead of losing out our potential to the system prevailing in this society. However, we can count ourselves amongst only a few handful ones who have had this opportunity to learn the importance of having a vision. The majority is still uninformed...

Words: 660 - Pages: 3

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What Type of Leader Is Oprah?

...a. I believe Oprah is a High Performance Leader. b. I would consider Oprah to be a Competent Manager. She is great at building teams and definitely gets results through others. Her leadership consists of: * Carefully selecting her team-she has highly qualified people in the areas that they need to be in and in the areas she is most weak in, such as the financial area. * She gathers trusted mentors and uses them for her benefit * She rewards her staff * She values her customers and more importantly she listens to them she shows she truly cares * She stays focused on a mission or vision * She communicates her vision to her staff and she has the innate ability to motivate them * She dreams big and is constantly looking for "what's next". * She knows herself and her beliefs and abilities * She remains resilient, she is constantly changing or looking for new things she has unbelieveable ambition, drive and focus * She learns from her mistakes and then right away moves on Reading about her employees though I would consider her to be more transactional to them than transformational, being very generous with pay and benefits. But other parts of the article stated how she praises but then right away she is on to the next new thing. c. Development Plan Development goals | Action -Who,What & How | Time Line | Criteria for Success | * What's next?Owning own network | 1. Set up meeting with top team leaders2. | Weekly | Staying competitive...

Words: 346 - Pages: 2

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...1.1: Identify the purposes of different types of organisation 1.1a: Legal structure MASCOT is family company. MASCOT was established in 1982 under the name the Scan Termo Konfektion Aps by John Kjaergaard Grosbøl to sell winter clothes . In 1989, workwear was launched. In 1995, Mascot International A/S. From 1992-2002 Mascot Mascot revenue has increased to 300. In 2002, Michael John john has replaced his father as president of the board to manage the Mascot International 1.1b: Vision The visions of MASCOT are: “What makes Mascot Workwear different from so many brands in the UK is their vision, drive and expertise at creating solutions which so many other brands fail to offer” ( “Becoming Europe’s number-one workwear brand”. ( 1.1c: Mission The mission of BP is “ to produce high-quality workwear at the lowest cost possible, with a high level of research and development ensuring innovative products to be made available to Mascot’s client base. Using a rational logistic system and expansive marketing efforts, Mascot will grow organically, increasing its coverage and reach through distribution via dealers.” ( ). 1.1d: Values BP’s values express our shared understanding of what we believe, how we aim to behave and what we aspire to be as an organization. In 2011, our management team set out refreshed values for BP, reflecting their view of the qualities that distinguish BP at its best (, n.d)....

Words: 309 - Pages: 2