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What Does It Mean To Measure Pound?

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If anyone has every pondered the query as to why the unit of measurement “pound” is abbreviated lb, then the answer is about to be given to him or her for his or her own curious knowledge. It should be addressed that the proper way to symbolize “pound” would be to add lb after the particular unit of measurement, but why? This can simply be answered through quick research, which I have done accordingly. It is apparent that the ancient Romans took great interest in the stars and constellations, even going so far as to naming them. One particular constellation looked to them as a pair of scales, so they took the liberty to naming that constellation “Libra.” This makes sense because when the Romans were to discuss the topic of weight they would coin the phrase libra pondo, libra meaning “weight” and pondo meaning “pound. But, as we know the evolution of language greatly involves the shortening of language and words, they eventually shortened the phrase to just libra, abbreviation being “lb.” On the contrary, however, the English language derived the word “pound” from the word “pondo” but for some reason kept the abbreviation. There is no clear indication as to why English …show more content…
Especially since units of measurement remain important as different regions use different systems. Though different parts of the world may differ in this specific occasion, they both have a way of coming together and achieving the same result when needed through the process of translation. Which would be the reason why American math courses can teach one unit of measurement and European can use the more basic unit of measurement while students from each continent can still achieve the very same curriculum. To question math, is the first step in wanting to learn more about the world around

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