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What Does The Pig's Head Represent In Lord Of The Flies

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The lord of the flies is a classic tale full of symbolism and mystery, everything is used to represent something else, and that changes reader’s perspective on the novel. Three significant symbols in the book change how most people view the novel. The pig’s head which is set upon a spear, the lord of the flies, plays a big and small part in the novel. Then the character Simon, a loner, represents an iconic figure. Then the Character piggy is to be associated with people themselves. All the symbols play key roles in the true meaning of the novel, but the one most remember is the pig’s head.

The lord of the flies, the pig’s head, is the one that seems to play a big role in the novel. The character can be seen as the hidden antagonist or as a minor character. The character is meant to be Lucifer or the devil himself, which explains why he is the “mascot” of jack and his band of savage children, he is the ultimate evil. He changes throughout the novel by being a trophy, a prize pig that the hunters captured. Then a manipulative character, he convinces one boy to try to stop the savages and then the boy gets killed himself. Finally, back to the shadows, he goes as he never talks again. There are always two sides of the same coin though, a good and an evil always exists. …show more content…
He is meant to be Christ, the pure child not tempted by evil, and the character foil to the lord of the flies. Simon confronts the lord of the flies and finally realizes that the beast is fear and themselves, not some imaginary creature. Like Christ when he wanted to spread the good news he was killed by the people, Simon was killed by the savages. That was the turning point, Piggy and Ralph finally realized that their friends were gone forever when Simon was

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