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Who Is Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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The Crucible Essay In The Crucible , Arthur Miller shows unique character traits through the character’s personality, values and their feelings. Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor are great examples. Their personality traits and what they value are very different from each other. However, their feelings towards John Proctor are similar to a certain extinct. Arthur Miller shows the difference between their true feelings through their actions later on in the play.
Abigail displays different personality traits throughout the play. She is a liar, a bully, and a manipulative person. In Act Ⅰ, Abigail starts yelling and threatening the other girls if they told what really happened in the woods. She told Mary Warren to “Shut it”(Miller 468). …show more content…
She approved for John to tell the children she has “ . . . gone to visit someone sick.”(Miller 502) In Act Ⅱ John comes home late. Even though Elizabeth is upset she still “goes to the fireplace . . . to ladle up stew in the dish.”(Miller 487) She did not have to wait up for him to come home and still be nice enough to feed him.
Elizabeth thinks her husband is a good man, even though he seemed as though he turned away from her. Although they have bad days, she still loves him and wants to protect him. She told the judge that her husband “is a good and righteous man.” When judge Danforth asked Elizabeth if her husband was guilty of being a lercher she lied and said no. Proctor then exclaims, “she only thought to save my name!”(Miller 521). Little did she know if she had said yes, she might have been released but her main concern was to protect John despite the fact that their marriage is fair from perfect.
There is a huge difference between Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams. Miller portrays Elizabeth to be a good godly, loving mother and wife. Meanwhile, Abigail appears to readers as the bad person. If there was any good in her, it was not noticeable. By learning and understanding who Elizabeth and Abigail really are and why they did the things that they did, readers can now compare the two and create different opinions about

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