Premium Essay

Why Do People Eat Fast Foods and What Are the Risks


Submitted By pocahontas
Words 1845
Pages 8
Americans have been eating more and more fast food every year. And we American citizens are paying for it money wise and health wise. Fast foods have been ands still are a staple of our country’s food and our countries economy and today we are hurting from all that fast food in our systems. Some say that fast food has given American citizens many health complications in today’s society. They say that fast foods will contribute to obesity and diabetes. Many people also suggest that eating these fast foods like mcdonalds or subway ect can give you more of a chance of having a stroke and high blood pressure. I would like to know, what are the risks that you will face from eating all these fast food restaurants, and also I would like to know how those health risks can affect Americas daily life. And if people do truly know that fast food restaurants are bad for you why do people still continue to consume their product.
Calories are the energy that comes from the foods that you eat. They are in every food we eat. From meat, to vegetables. Calories are the energy that helps keep are body running the way it is supposed to run. Too little of that energy basically robs yourself of life. But too much of that energy gets stored into fat around your body. The recommended calorie intake daily varies from person to person. Main factors are your weight and your daily activity level. The more you exercise the more you eat. The average recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 calories. Let’s start off with just the breakfast. We will use McDonalds as an example. There famous big breakfast with hotcakes. It has 1190 calories, 56 grams of fat, 111 grams of carbs, and 2150 milligrams of sodium (McDonalds food chart). Yes breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day but that is a little too big. That is over half your daily calories in one sitting. Note according to the

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