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Why Do People Need To Understand Ww1

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During WW1 they’re where different country that was battling each other for lands. That created a lot of confrontation between the different country leaving them to a bloody war. Many people need to take the time out to understand they’re history. People need to understand the WW1 and how it effected many people that was serving in it. That helped to protect their country by going to war with other countries. The event that was widely acknowledged to have sparked the outbreak of World War 1 occurred on June 28,1914, when Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was shot to death with his wife by the Bosnian Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. Over the weeks that followed, Austria- Hungary blamed the Serbian government for the attack, hoping to use the incident as justification for settling the problem of Slavic nationalism in the tumultuous Balkans region once and for all. However, as Russia supported Serbia, an Austria-Hungary declaration of war was delayed until its leaders received assurances from German leader Kaiser Wilhelm ll that Germany would support their cause in the event of a Russian intervention. This assurance came on July 5, Austria-Hungary subsequently …show more content…
When World War 1 erupted in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson pledged neutrality for the United States, a position that clear majority of Americans favored. The European powers felt the fear, of anxieties and ambitions. The reason for that war was that in the background of growing autonomy it boosts the militarism, imperial rivalry and battle for the power and authority. The leader of Europe decided to go to war to fight for or continue of national attention and their decisions was made by an arrangement of long and short terms different guidelines of goals constitutional burden at home permeable crises and the system of conflicting

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