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Women's Involvement In Terrorism Thesis

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This final chapter aims to answer the hypotheses stated in Chapter One concerning the cases. Those hypotheses are: women’s involvement in terrorism is more likely to be driven by emotional factors; women’s roles are more likely to be insignificant inside terrorist organizations and women are more likely to be successful. The thesis seeks to provide a comprehensive framework of terrorism and women’s involvement in terrorism. While terrorism is intrinsically grounded in historical context of societies, the phenomenon is not monolithic and it has emerged has a new modus operandi for numerous and diverse actors. The ambivalence about women and political violence have undermined their credibility and capacity as terrorists’ supporters and perpetrators. …show more content…
While the framework is designed to enhance cooperation between all actors present on the international stage, it must be built in the way that state’s legitimacy and sovereignty would not be undermined. As a result, use and practice of interpretation in international law define the power and authority of the state at the international level. Furthermore, the application and the interpretation of international laws is ultimately linked to the sovereign authority of states and their will. Consequently, when it comes to define a word such as “terrorism” the parameters considered differ from one state to another. So how can the international order possibly agree on a common efficient strategy to counterterrorism? Into what extend the international laws are relevant in regard to the changing nature of war? The future accountability of states or international organizations and their policies might depend on the role that laws will play in countering terrorism. The creation of a substitute legal system in response of and for the public opinion, for terrorism, inexorably carries with the danger of discrimination, stigmatization, fragmentation and compartmentalization. Ethical compass are the necessary parameters to determine when public international law and military response to terrorism are required. In the wake of terrorist attacks, states and non-state actors urge for the creation, implementation of exceptional legislative measures but it seems that the terminology of “terrorism” still did not find a consensus among the international community. Avoiding a general definition and addressing specific issues have always characterized the approach of international law towards terrorism, since the earliest years. It is rather used to express condemnation and stigmatization of certain acts committed by individuals or

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