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Work Life Balance


Submitted By psaxena
Words 694
Pages 3


I am Tasnim S. Vohra, doing MBA at S. K Patel Institute of Management studies. As a part of my curriculum, I am doing a project on Stress and Work Life Balance among Indian working women with respect to I.T and Banking industry. For the completion of my project, I would like to gather some information from you. I would be obliged if you co-operate me in filling the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is being used for academic purpose, the information gathered will be strictly confidential.

Personal Information

A. Name of company: ________________________________________

B. Age: 20 - 25 yrs [ ] 25-40 yrs [ ] 40 – 60yrs [ ]

C. Education: _____________________

D. Marital Status: I) Married ii) Unmarried iii) Widow IV) Divorcee

E. If married, Do you have children? Yes / No

F. If Yes, Number of children: ______

G. Family type: Joint / Nuclear

H. Professional information

1. Number of years of work experience: _________yrs
2. Number of years in present organization: _________yrs I. Level in Management: Junior level ( ) Middle level ( ) Senior level ( )

Please read the following statements and give any one of the scores mentioned below:

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree

|Sr.No | |Score |
|1. |I worry about the lay offs and dismissal in the company. | |
|2. |I am able to meet out the demands of my

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Work Life Balance

...of doing”. An organisation may have the most employee-friendly policies in the form of health insurance, vacation time, various benefits, and possibly EAP or education programmes or flexible work policies but still these may not give positive results. In addition to laying down these policies, it is also important to have them implemented and put in place and ensure that they are working. As an enforcer of WLB policies, it is also important to keep on reinforcing on them. For this you need to: Reinforce through better communications what you are already doing. All the work-life benefits, procedures, and policies of the company need to be put together and communicated to the entire organisation rather than keeping them isolated. It is essential to publicise them as a package and post it on the web site of the company. It is advisable to give a half day off on Fridays ensuring that the individual has completed his work and has no other engagement with any stake holders Give a choice to the employee to work from home one day a week. Offer subsidies for off-site exercise. Provide one or two days off with pay for approved community involvement work. Create and encourage an annual or quarterly “bring your family to work” day. Encourage employees to have a mandatory “disconnect from work” vacation policy with no cell phones or laptops. Create a more accommodating “on- and off-ramp” policy for those who leave the firm, especially if it is to spend time with family. When they...

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