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Workplace Sustainable


Submitted By vandersantos
Words 1914
Pages 8
FALL 2013

FALL 2013

FALL 2013

NYU-Advanced Business Writing
FALL 2013
FALL 2013

NYU-Advanced Business Writing
FALL 2013
Hecht Group’s Sustainable Workplace Survey Report
Hecht Group’s Sustainable Workplace Survey Report

Professor Dunphy Professor Dunphy
Vander Dos Santos
Vander Dos Santos


Executive Summary
Sustainable Workplace Survey Contents
Sustainable Workplace Survey Findings
Table & Results
Analyzing and Evaluating the Employees’ View on Sustainable Workplace
Graph & Analyzes

Hecht Group’s Sustainable Workplace Survey Report

A sustainable workplace refers to workplace practices that aim to improve and maintain a safe, healthy and functional job environment. To create a sustainable workplace, it is important to consider several aspects that can affect employees’ health, safety, productivity and satisfaction. Moreover, sustainable workplace practices focus on employees’ endurance and overall wellbeing and the impact of production on the environment.
For the purpose of this report, a sustainable workplace is defined as the commitment by the Hecht Group to balance financial performance with investment to the quality of workplace and life of its employees, the society at large and the environment.

Executive Summary
The Hecht Group’s HR department developed a Sustainable Workplace Survey aimed at assessing and collecting employees’ information regarding their workplace safety, health and the quality of the internal environment. This information was processed, analyzed and evaluated to identify specific issues in the workplace, and create sustainable solutions for a better work environment. In addition, the specific issues found in the survey served to help the Hecht Group’s management define workplace practice standards, and implement

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