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Submitted By pat2277
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Pages 58
FSU Winner
Florida State’s Caitlin Quinn has been named the NSCA’s Assistant Strength Coach of the Year. Critical Condition
A California high school football player is in critical condition after suffering neck and spinal cord injuries during a game. State Total
More than 4,400 middle and high school student-athletes in Massachusetts suffered head injuries last year, according to reports filed by the schools. Refueling Product
A new product can allegedly help athletes refuel during competition by providing precise carb and electrolyte recommendations based on a quick analysis of their sweat. Vegan Praise
Several top athletes credit veganism with playing a key role in their success. Baseline Challenges
Three new studies of baseline testing highlight the difficult of accurately assessing an athlete’s true baseline ability. Milk Lawsuit
A judge has provisionally approved a $5.3 million settlement in a lawsuit filed against Muscle Milk that alleges the company falsely markets its products as “healthy.”

Cognitive Recovery
Young athletes suffering concussion generally do not show improvements in cognitive assessment scores until 10 days after the injury, new research shows. ACL Surgery
Athletes undergoing ACL reconstructive surgery are more likely to need a second surgery within six years if a transtibial technique is used. Clavicle Fractures
Athletes suffering displaced midshaft clavicle fractures have a high return-to-play rate, but the time frame varies significantly, a new study shows. NHL Lawsuit
Ten former players are suing the NHL, alleging the league failed to protect them from head injuries and educate them on the dangers. Rose’s Options
A leading orthopedic surgeon talks about the knee surgery options NBA star Derrick Rose faced after suffering his second meniscus tear in as many seasons. Anemia Mystery
Researchers claim to have debunked the notion that the iron-regulating hormone hepcidin causes exercise-induced anemia, but admit real cause(s) is elusive. Too Active
Too much sport may be as detrimental to the health of youth athletes as too little, new research suggests. CPT Survey
The National Academy of Sports Medicine has released the results of its 2013 Certified
Personal Trainer survey. Better Odds
Elite male athletes have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, new research shows. Industry Report
A 2013 worldwide report on the sports medicine industry. Tough On The Knees
Football and female soccer players have the highest incidence of ACL injuries among high school athletes. Dangerous Exposure
Gymnasts have a higher exposure to potentially harmful flame-retardants than the general public Altitude Advantage
New research shows high school athletes playing collision sports at high altitudes are less likely to suffer concussions. Two-Week Window
Women who suffer a concussion within two weeks of their menstrual period may take longer to heal, new research suggests. Teens At Risk
Teen athletes are at heightened risk for medication misuse and abuse, a recent study finds.

Future Fads
An American College of Sports Medicine survey predicts the top 20 fitness trends of 2014. Gender-Neutral
A new study has debunked the long-held belief that ACL injuries are more common among female athletes. Another Alert
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is the latest group to warn against using the pre-workout sports supplement, OxyElite Pro. Most Dangerous
Cheerleading has the highest rate of catastrophic injuries of all women’s sports. Precision Boost
Researchers have created a computer algorithm that increases the accuracy of apps that track physical activity. Significant Finding
Two knee surgeons researching ACL tears have discovered a previously unknown knee ligament, which may signal a breakthrough in treatment of the injury. (a big one)

Mass Loss
Patients who had ACL reconstructive surgery lose bone mineral areal mass in their heels and hips, a new study reports. Digital Support
A leading manufacturer of athletic training equipment has developed a virtual fundraising tool to help schools equip their facilities. Strong Motivator
Strength training is safe for children and may boost their activity levels, according to a new study. Worldwide First
A former University of Connecticut strength and conditioning coach has invented the world's first and only automated personal training system. Beet Boost
A new study suggests beetroot juice may improve running times and enable people to exercise longer. Natural Alternative
With a high misuse of narcotic pain killers in the NFL, a natural, topical pain management product is gaining popularity in the league. Autografts Superior (or “Can I Get An Autograft?”)
A new study finds autograft procedures are more effective than allografts for ACL reconstruction.

Natural Alternative
With a high misuse of narcotic pain killers in the NFL, a natural, topical pain management product is gaining popularity in the league. Painful Record
Despite new rules designed to protect players, NFL players are being injured at a record pace. Effective Detection
A concussion test of rapid eye movement and number naming is a sound diagnostic tool, a new study finds. Higher Probability
Concussions are nearly twice as common in high school football players than in college football players and high school athletes in other sports, a new study reports. Strong App
Houston Astros players track their offseason workouts with a new app created by the team’s strength and conditioning coach. Reaction Important
Psychological response to injury plays a key role in an athlete’s return-to-play circumstances.

Metabolic Effects
Concussions can have a long-term effect on metabolism, according to a new study. A “culture of resistance” in the U.S. discourages youth athletes from reporting concussions and complying with treatment, new research reports. Back Injuries
Injuries to the lower back are the third most common in athletes under 18, behind only knee and ankle injuries, a new study reports. Jury’s Still Out
The benefits of barefoot running remain unproven and the shoe-less should tread cautiously, researchers conclude. Equipment Tested
New and more costly helmets and mouth guards touted to prevent concussion in youth football players are not effective, according to new research. Extended Boost
A new study reports that taking steroids even briefly may have long-term performance-enhancing effects.

Spit Diagnostics
A pair of George Mason professors are using saliva to test for concussions. Fitness Decline (“Xbox 360 lbs” “Technological Retreats”)
Children around the world are on average 15% less fit than their parents were at their age, according to new study review. CPT Survey
The National Academy of Sports Medicine has released the results of its 2013 Certified
Personal Trainer survey. Industry Report
A 2013 worldwide report on the sports medicine industry. Studying P.R.P.
A new study will attempt to end the debate regarding the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma therapy, or P.R.P. Gender-Neutral
A new study has debunked the long-held belief that ACL injuries are more common among female athletes. Student Breakthrough
A BYU student has invented a nanotechnology-based smart foam for the inside of football helmets that can measure the impact of a hit. High Risk
Brain surgeons warn that rugby and soccer players are at a higher risk of brain damage than previously thought. Hit Counts
A sports medicine specialist considers the idea of adopting “hit counts” in youth football.

In Agreement
The National Federation of State High School Associations responds to a recent report on concussions in youth athletes. Concussed in College
A look at concussions in college sports and how the NCAA may fare in a class-action lawsuit alleging it ignored the problem. Worldwide First
A former University of Connecticut strength and conditioning coach has invented the world's first and only automated personal training system. Natural Alternative
With a high misuse of narcotic pain killers in the NFL, a natural, topical pain management product is gaining popularity in the league. Trauma In 3D
A new sports injury app allows users to quickly access information about an injury as well as a 3D model of the human body. Healing Forecast
Predictive factors for prolonged concussion recovery include initial symptom severity but not age or loss of consciousness, new research finds. Higher Probability
Concussions are nearly twice as common in high school football players than in college football players and high school athletes in other sports, a new study reports. Concussion Report
A report on youth concussions recently released by the Institute of Medicine calls for further studies, national data collection. Reaction Important
Psychological response to injury plays a key role in an athlete’s return-to-play circumstances.

Cognition Safe?
New research suggests youth athletes experiencing multiple concussions may not experience marked cognitive decline. Female Concussions
A look at concussions in female athletes, who according to at least one study suffer more long-term physical symptoms than males Organizational Problems
Youth and adolescent athletes are more prone to injury if they spend twice as many hours per week in organized sports—especially a single sport—than in free play, new research shows. Emotional Effects
New research indicates that students suffering brain injuries are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression. Timing Important
Returning concussed students to an academic environment prematurely may worsen symptoms, according to a new clinical report. Saturation Point
Some experts believe the dangers of dehydration in athletes have been inflated, advocating drinking when thirsty instead. Problems Validated
A group of former NFL athletes claiming cognitive difficulties have pronounced abnormalities in brain activity, new research shows. Self-Reporting Problems
Forty-percent of college football players suffering concussion still have cognitive impairment after declaring themselves recovered, according to a new study. Hamstring Rehab
Rehabilitation focused on the long muscle-tendon groups is the most effective treatment for hamstring injuries in soccer players, a new study reports. Preventing Injury
A review of past studies reveals strength training and balance exercises are more likely to prevent injuries than stretching. Insects Examined
Fruit flies are the unlikely subjects in new research on traumatic brain injuries. Still Shocking
Shoes with greater shock-absorption do not reduce the risk of running injuries, a new study reports. Costs of Success
Soccer players are more likely to be injured when their team is winning, a new study reports.

Forecasting Success
Researchers attempt to create a predictive model of the effectiveness of physiotherapy for the treatment of musculoskeletal shoulder pain. Mixed Messages
A new study reports that an overwhelming majority of top-tier professional athletes endorse nutrient-poor foods and drinks. Heads Together
Youth, college, and professional sports organizations are forming a coalition to tackle concussions. Strong Stuff
Adding supplements containing Peak ATP to a resistance-training regimen may increase strength and prevent dips in performance, new research has found. Up to Date
Certified college cross country and distance running coaches are more likely to be aware of the latest strength and conditioning research than those without certifications, according to a new study. Contact Studied
Limiting contact practices may reduce the roughly 775 head impacts sustained by high school football players during a season, a new study reports. ER Visits Rise
Emergency room visits for children with sports-related brain injuries are rising significantly, new research has found. Going For Gold Teeth
A significant number of Olympians at London 2012 had extremely poor oral health, with many linking it to unsatisfactory performances, a new study shows. Warning Signs
Youth male ice hockey players with preseason neck pain, headaches, and/or dizziness are at greater risk for concussions during the season, new research has found. Powerful Genes
Elite athletes in “power sports” are three times more likely to have a specific gene variant than endurance-sport athletes. Post-concussion symptoms are not significantly different in middle- and high-school aged athletes compared to college athletes, researchers have found. Plan of Action
Schools in a Massachusetts town have adopted new policies regarding the prevention and treatment of sports-related concussions. Not the First Time
A new study has found that almost a third of patients at two leading sports concussion clinics sustained previous concussions that went unreported. New Padding
Western Pennsylvania is the latest region to test a new tool for diagnosing concussions that involves strapping an iPad to a player’s back. New App for Consults (“Very Smart Phone Consults”)
A new smartphone app allows athletic trainers at Mississippi State University to quickly and efficiently consult with team doctors and share pictures of an athlete’s injury.

Darwinian Athletes
A Duke University engineer’s sports evolution theory proves elite athletes in certain sports are bigger and stronger, and they always will be. Helmets Grow In Importance
Experts in neurological trauma are measuring the impact football has on the brain through technology imbedded in Purdue helmets. Reporting Symptoms Would Help
In the wake of a study showing only four out of ten high school players report concussions, a Drexel physician says education is key to reversing trend. Dr. Roboto
This fall the Mayo Clinic will be working with Northern Arizona University to test the effectiveness of a remotely controlled robot in diagnosing concussions during university football games. UCLA has selected a firm to design its football team’s future state-of-the-art, privately funded athletic- and strength-training facility, which will cost roughly $50 million. Auburn football’s first-year strength and conditioning coach is seen as key to the program’s sea change from a 3-9 record in 2012 to 10-1 and No. 6 in the BCS standings. The New Yorker examines the NFL’s current issues and looks at ways in which the league can get back on track. Howard Stern has deemed Alabama Strength Coach Scott Cochran “a baby looking for attention” in the wake of Cochran’s 60 Minutes Sports profile. Spare No Expense
Cutting-edge technology is the norm in NBA athletic training rooms. Capitol Concussions
A new concussion bill pushing baseline testing and threatening to withhold federal funding from negligent colleges and universities is being bandied about Capitol Hill. Sailing Simulator
A virtual sailing simulator designed to improve the quality-of-life in patients with spinal cord injuries was successfully tested recently. Anemia Mystery
Researchers claim to have debunked the notion that the iron-regulating hormone hepcidin causes exercise-induced anemia, but admit real cause(s) is elusive. Fitness Decline (“Xbox 360 lbs” “Technological Retreats”)
Children around the world are on average 15% less fit than their parents were at their age, according to new study review. Too Active
Too much sport may be as detrimental to the health of youth athletes as too little, new research suggests. Junior Retires
A junior safety on Navy’s football team has left the sport after suffering multiple concussions. Hit Counts
A sports medicine specialist considers the idea of adopting “hit counts” in youth football. In Agreement
The National Federation of State High School Associations responds to a recent report on concussions in youth athletes. Wellness Talks
A former Indy car driver joined a group of sports scientists and practitioners at Texas A&M to discuss health and wellness in athletics. CPT Survey
The National Academy of Sports Medicine has released the results of its 2013 Certified Personal Trainer survey. Bigger Ups
The Director of Sports Performance at Lafayette College is credited with improving, among other things, players’ vertical jumps and quickness. Charge Dropped
The assault charge against a former Arizona assistant strength and conditioning coach has been dropped. Company Sues Owner “Bread & Roses & Caviar” “I’ll Be Working From Home” “Toxic Workplace” “Awkward Meetings” “Lunching Alone” “Employee-Management Relations” “Everyday’s Payday” “Specializing In Athletic Tape and Auto Loans”
The part owner of an athletic training business is being sued for more than $100,000 by his own company for outstanding loans. Contesting Termination
Recently fired Texas A&M assistant athletics director and 30-year head athletic trainer, Karl Kapchinski, is fighting his termination. (Follow-up)

Industry Report
A 2013 worldwide report on the sports medicine industry. Envisioning Change
New research show visors could dramatically reduce eye injuries in the NHL, which cost franchises more than $30 million over the last 10 seasons. Better Odds
Elite male athletes have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, new research shows. Franchise Doctor
A team physician for the Denver Broncos and Colorado Rockies is crowned nation’s best in sports orthopedics. Football Care
A look at medical care in the NFL. Tough On The Knees
Football and female soccer players have the highest incidence of ACL injuries among high school athletes. Dangerous Exposure
Gymnasts have a higher exposure to potentially harmful flame-retardants than the general public Concussion Worries
Former NFL players express concerns over memory problems. Player Lawsuit
A former Kansas football player is suing the NCAA, claiming neurological damage due to four concussions sustained while playing. UNC To Treat NFL
The cognitive and physical functioning of former NFL players will be assessed and cared for at the University of North Carolina. Real Tough
A Michigan strength coach will be featured in a new reality TV show produced by Will Farrell’s comedy Web site, Funny or Die. Wow

Going Downhill
A running coach extols the benefits of downhill training. Multitasking
A New York high school athletic trainer is working with Team USA’s bobsled and skeleton teams ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Tragedy Remembered
A former athletic trainer that worked with the Marshall University football program in 1970 remembers the plane crash that killed 45 of the team’s players and staff members 43 years ago to the day. Colorado, USA
A Colorado doctor has been appointed Team USA’s chief medical officer in the lead-up to the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Altitude Advantage
New research shows high school athletes playing collision sports at high altitudes are less likely to suffer concussions. Noble Trot
A doctor participated in a 175-mile relay run to raise money for athletic training research and scholarships. Two-Week Window
Women who suffer a concussion within two weeks of their menstrual period may take longer to heal, new research suggests. Studying P.R.P.
A new study will attempt to end the debate regarding the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma therapy, or P.R.P. Teens At Risk
Teen athletes are at heightened risk for medication misuse and abuse, a recent study finds. Future Fads
An American College of Sports Medicine survey predicts the top 20 fitness trends of 2014. Veteran Mother Figure
An athletic trainer many athletes at St. Cloud State University refer to a “second mom” is celebrating 25 years at the school. Gender-Neutral
A new study has debunked the long-held belief that ACL injuries are more common among female athletes. Another Alert
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is the latest group to warn against using the pre-workout sports supplement, OxyElite Pro. Student Breakthrough
A BYU student has invented a nanotechnology-based smart foam for the inside of football helmets that can measure the impact of a hit. Multitasking
The Pittsburgh Penguins’ strength and conditioning coach has created a new workout machine with more than 100 exercises. Strong Influence
Michigan State football’s strength and conditioning coach is being lauded for his contribution to Michigan State’s successful season. Recovering Together
Wounded military personnel receive treatment alongside college and professional athletes at a Florida injury rehabilitation center. High Risk
Brain surgeons warn that rugby and soccer players are at a higher risk of brain damage than previously thought. Most Dangerous
Cheerleading has the highest rate of catastrophic injuries of all women’s sports. Dorsett Joins Lawsuit
Hall of Fame running back Tony Dorsett has joined the concussion lawsuit against the NFL after being diagnosed with signs of CTE. Orthopedic Surgeries
A list of 18 professional athletes that have recently had or are set to have orthopedic surgery. Cilladi Honored
The Arizona Fall League’s Medical Care Coordinator, Dave Cilladi, has been named the fall baseball league’s top executive for 2013. It’s Showtime
Alabama Football Strength and Conditioning Coach Scott Cochran was recently featured on Showtime’s 60 Minute Sports. Tighter Watch
The rise in suspensions in the NHL for targeting a player’s head during a hit is due to stricter regulations, not an upswing in violence, according to the league’s commissioner. Coach Scares
After two recent cardiac incidents, the health of NFL coaches is receiving more attention.,0,226525.story#axzz2jsqJfQcD Basketball Workout
Fitness celebrity Billy Blanks and the Denver Nuggets’ strength and conditioning coach have created a new workout video for basketball players. Precision Boost
Researchers have created a computer algorithm that increases the accuracy of apps that track physical activity. Significant Finding
Two knee surgeons researching ACL tears have discovered a previously unknown knee ligament, which may signal a breakthrough in treatment of the injury. (a big one)

Mass Loss
Patients who had ACL reconstructive surgery lose bone mineral areal mass in their heels and hips, a new study reports. Devices In Demand
The sports medicine devices market is estimated to reach $5.7 billion by 2017. Self-Less Celebration
A Kansas sports medicine facility celebrated National Physical Therapy Month by organizing a community food drive.

A sports medicine center exclusively for women has opened in Connecticut. “Football” Honor
A soccer medical facility in England has been named one of the best on the planet by the sport’s world governing body. Segway Damage (“Segway Strikes” “Two-Wheel Trauma” “Up And Down”)
Golfer Brandt Snedeker bruised a tibia and strained an anterior cruciate ligament when he attempted to step off a Segway in China. A Pennsylvania sports performance company is offering a preseason workout program to help area basketball players avoid injury. Concussed in College
A look at concussions in college sports and how the NCAA may fare in a class-action lawsuit alleging it ignored the problem. Digital Support
A leading manufacturer of athletic training equipment has developed a virtual fundraising tool to help schools equip their facilities. Strong Motivator
Strength training is safe for children and may boost their activity levels, according to a new study. Worldwide First
A former University of Connecticut strength and conditioning coach has invented the world's first and only automated personal training system. Trainer Released
Texas A&M’s head athletic trainer for football was fired after 31 years in the position. Beet Boost
A new study suggests beetroot juice may improve running times and enable people to exercise longer. Endurance Injuries
Strenuous exercise such as running a marathon can cause reversible myocardial changes. Runners’ Chiropractic
An examination of chiropractic treatment for running injuries. Rising Above
A quadruple amputee is defying the odds and representing a New Jersey high school on the soccer field. 10Ks Unique
Increasing popular 10-kilometer races are drawing a different crowd, new research reports. Healthy Choice
The Indiana Pacers have hired the team’s first sports nutritionist. Natural Alternative
With a high misuse of narcotic pain killers in the NFL, a natural, topical pain management product is gaining popularity in the league. Spatting in football is the practice of taping over the sock and shoe—and the shoe’s logo—and college sponsors aren’t happy. Overdoing It
An examination of exertional rhabdomyolysis, which can result from overtraining. Preventing Staph
A sports medicine expert provides tips on preventing staph infections in school athletics. Trauma In 3D
A new sports injury app allows users to quickly access information about an injury as well as a 3D model of the human body. Painful Record
Despite new rules designed to protect players, NFL players are being injured at a record pace. Athlete Tragedy
A Virginia high school football player who recently suffered a concussion died during practice. Autografts Superior (or “Can I Get An Autograft?”)
A new study finds autograft procedures are more effective than allografts for ACL reconstruction. Effective Detection
A concussion test of rapid eye movement and number naming is a sound diagnostic tool, a new study finds. ACL-Osteoarthritis Study
The Mayo Clinic is teaming up with an arthritis foundation to study the link between ACL injuries and osteoarthritis. Healing Forecast
Predictive factors for prolonged concussion recovery include initial symptom severity but not age or loss of consciousness, new research finds. Across-the-Board Recovery
New research shows the majority of active young adults fully recover from an ACL tear, with or without surgical reconstruction. Higher Probability
Concussions are nearly twice as common in high school football players than in college football players and high school athletes in other sports, a new study reports. Concussion Report
A report on youth concussions recently released by the Institute of Medicine calls for further studies, national data collection. Runner’s Knee
A New Jersey Sports Podiatrist offers tips on preventing runner’s knee. Endurance Training
An elite strength coach specializing in triathlons discusses his training routines for endurance athletes. Strong App
Houston Astros players track their offseason workouts with a new app created by the team’s strength and conditioning coach. Million-dollar Patients
An in-depth look at the process of returning NBA players to the game after serious injury. One-school Man
After 35 years serving the same high school, a Virginia athletic trainer is still going strong. Reaction Important
Psychological response to injury plays a key role in an athlete’s return-to-play circumstances. Cognition Safe?
New research suggests youth athletes experiencing multiple concussions may not experience marked cognitive decline. Metabolic Effects
Concussions can have a long-term effect on metabolism, according to a new study. “Stop Complaining”
A “culture of resistance” in the U.S. discourages youth athletes from reporting concussions and complying with treatment, new research reports. Back Injuries
Injuries to the lower back are the third most common in athletes under 18, behind only knee and ankle injuries, a new study reports. Endurance Diet
Fitness expert and triathlete Ben Greenfield credits his success to his ketogenic diet, which includes eating a half-stick of butter before a race. Female Concussions
A look at concussions in female athletes, who according to at least one study suffer more long-term physical symptoms than males Skill Over Strength
Many of the 32 rule changes for ACC women’s basketball are meant to curb the league’s physicality and move to a game of finesse. NCAA Lawsuits
Two former college athletes have filed separate lawsuits against the NCAA alleging inadequate brain injury-education and protection. Tragic Death
One of the nation’s top basketball prospects—a 15-year-old playing despite a heart condition—died during a game Sunday. Jury’s Still Out
The benefits of barefoot running remain unproven and the shoe-less should tread cautiously, researchers conclude. Running Tips
Experts share training and injury-prevention tips for long-distance runners. Organizational Problems
Youth and adolescent athletes are more prone to injury if they spend twice as many hours per week in organized sports—especially a single sport—than in free play, new research shows. Equipment Tested
New and more costly helmets and mouth guards touted to prevent concussion in youth football players are not effective, according to new research. Full Life
World War II veteran and ex-professional wrestler, nightclub bouncer, and college athletic trainer, Walt Swyers, dies at 91. Extended Boost
A new study reports that taking steroids even briefly may have long-term performance-enhancing effects. Emotional Effects
New research indicates that students suffering brain injuries are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression. Timing Important
Returning concussed students to an academic environment prematurely may worsen symptoms, according to a new clinical report. Spit Diagnostics
A pair of George Mason professors are using saliva to test for concussions. Doping Dispute
Sports medicine professionals come out for and against sports doping in a recent British Medical Journal article. Repercussions
Sacked a record 525 times over a 20-year career, retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre now claims to be suffering from serious memory loss. Medals In Sight
A look at how bobsledders and other U.S. Olympians are training for the 2014 Winter Games. Too Soon
Media speculation linking head injuries and chronic traumatic encephalopathy is premature, some experts say. Coming Together
The fusing of sports, medicine, and technology is the subject of a new magazine.,1 NY (’s ATCs
To promote sports safety, the New York State Athletic Trainers Association is holding its first annual “Athletic Training Recognition Week.” Mental Health
Syracuse’s assistant athletic director of sports medicine is spearheading the NCAA’s mental health awareness campaign. Lion’s Strength
Men’s Health magazine profiles Penn State director of strength and conditioning, Craig Fitzgerald. Talking ACLs
The team physician for the Houston Texans and Rockets—who performs nearly 400 ACL reconstructions a year—discusses his approach to the injury. Pinstripes Removed
The Yankees fire their strength and conditioning coach after 21 players spent time on the disabled list during last year’s playoff-less season. Pigskin Longevity
St. Louis Cardinals athletic trainer, Jim “The Machine” Shearer, retires after 40 seasons and just under 900 games with the organization. Saturation Point
Some experts believe the dangers of dehydration in athletes have been inflated, advocating drinking when thirsty instead. IVs Overrated
Costly intravenous hydration therapies are increasingly popular among athletes but experts say they’re risky and can adversely affect performance. Grambling Got Milk
Muscle Milk has donated more than 4,600 bottles of its protein shakes to Grambling’s disgruntled football players. Stranger Than Fiction
Massachusetts researchers help baseball players recovery from injury and enhance performance by creating 3-D “avatars” of the athletes. Trailblazer Departs
The first female head athletic trainer in American professional sports has stepped down after two years.,0,5466041.story?track=rss#axzz2iSi30xta Notable Absence
A legendary Kansas high school football program is forced to play many games without a certified athletic trainer. D-I Longevity
Syracuse football’s strength and conditioning coach looks back on a nearly 30-year career in Division I. Cost of Injuries
The Toronto Blue Jays have replaced their strength and conditioning coordinator after a rash of injuries. Strong Roots
New Milwaukee Bucks strength and conditioning coach Robert Hackett has returned to his hometown. Training Essentials
Proper diet and hydration are crucial when training for a marathon, according to a prominent sports dietician. Status Quo
Adding EEG tests to Minnesota’s current screening protocol for sudden cardiac death in young athletes is unnecessary, researchers conclude. Problems Validated
A group of former NFL athletes claiming cognitive difficulties have pronounced abnormalities in brain activity, new research shows. In-Season Training
Fresno State football’s in-season strength and conditioning workout is recognized as key to this season’s success. (Follow-up)
Tainting Denied
The manufacturer of a popular workout supplement disputes research showing high leves of a methamphetamine-like compound in the product. Self-Reporting Problems
Forty-percent of college football players suffering concussion still have cognitive impairment after declaring themselves recovered, according to a new study. Hamstring Rehab
Rehabilitation focused on the long muscle-tendon groups is the most effective treatment for hamstring injuries in soccer players, a new study reports. Heart Risk
High school and college endurance athletes are at increased risk of developing a certain heart disorder. Specialization Hazards
A trend toward focusing on one sport is increasing the risk of injury in youth athletes, experts say. Preventing Injury
A review of past studies reveals strength training and balance exercises are more likely to prevent injuries than stretching. Speaking From Experience
The University of Cincinnati’s director of sports medicine—a former steroid user—discusses performance-enhancing drugs in college sports.

Inspiring Pain
Western Kentucky’s football strength and conditioning coaches break paddles on their heads and each other to inspire players before games. Supplement Unsafe
Researchers have discovered dangerous methamphetamine levels in a popular workout supplement. Um/releases/267461.php

Insects Examined
Fruit flies are the unlikely subjects in new research on traumatic brain injuries. Insurance Mandatory
A new law requiring all Illinois high school districts to purchase catastrophic injury insurance will go into effect in January. Ethics Violation
A sports medicine doctor and former Alabama State University trustee violated the school’s conflict of interest policy, according to a government audit. Still Shocking
Shoes with greater shock-absorption do not reduce the risk of running injuries, a new study reports. Weightless
You don’t need weights to build muscle, fitness experts say. Walking the Talk
A profile of Chicago-based personal trainer and U.S. Weightlifting Team member, Oleg Danilov. Personal Space
A South Carolina high school husband-and-wife athletic training team are enjoying a new 3,000 square-foot workspace. Costs of Success
Soccer players are more likely to be injured when their team is winning, a new study reports. AEDs a Must
The Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society supports a pending bill requiring all public schools in the state to stock an automated external defibrillator. Full Coverage
A Dallas school district is aiming to sponsor an athletic trainer and athletic training room at each of its 23 schools. Three-pronged
George Washington University’s highly experienced new strength coach stresses assessment, sport-specificity training, and nutrition. Swing Student
Colorado State’s strength coach for women’s golf owes her expertise in part to the world’s leading golf-research institute. Professional Perspective
Colby College’s new assistant coach for men’s lacrosse has strength training experience in the sport’s professional league. Marathons

• Long-distance Risk Amateur marathon runners are increased risk for damage to the heart muscle, according to a new study.

• Running a marathon could cause immediate or future urinary stress incontinence, new research has found.

• The link between ill-fitting shoes and foot and ankle injuries in marathon runners is the subject of a new study.

Plasma Improvement
New research reveals that patients with large to massive rotator cuff tears had improved structural outcomes if platelet-rich plasma was added to their arthroscopic repair. Top Coach
A South Carolina high school strength and conditioning coach is the state’s 2013 Strength Coach of the Year. Stop Fighting
Eliminating fighting is key to preventing brain injuries, according to participants at the Mayo Clinic’s summit on ice hockey and concussions. Safety Program
The NATA and other groups have partnered with USA Football and the NFL in sponsoring a youth and high school football safety program. Lemieux Medicine
Mario Lemieux attended the groundbreaking ceremony for a new ice hockey-dedicated sports medicine complex that will bear his name. A Royal Calling
Retired Kansas City Royals Head Athletic Trainer, Nick Swartz, looks back at his 33-year career with the organization. Resources Needed
Many injuries in Oklahoma youth athletes could be prevented through better education and more athletic trainers, experts testify. Remain Calm
The Jacksonville Jaguars’ first and current Head Athletic Trainer talks about his approach to treating a serious injury on the field. Setting Standards
A Q&A with Michigan State University’s longtime Head Athletic Trainer and Big Ten pioneer, Sally Nogle, who last year became only the 12th woman inducted into the NATA Hall of Fame. Forecasting Success
Researchers attempt to create a predictive model of the effectiveness of physiotherapy for the treatment of musculoskeletal shoulder pain. Happy Horses
Colorado State University’s famous equine sports medicine program recently got a $6 million dollar injection from a horse-loving donor. The University of Tennessee has hired an athletic trainer to work as an associate director of sports medicine for women’s basketball. ICD-10 for Biking
Two researchers in Scotland have called for the creation of a new ICD-10 code specific to mountain biking injuries.

Stress Fractures
New research looks at the risk factors for stress fractures in the high-risk population of male and female high school runners. Back Exercises
A new study examines the effectiveness of back extension exercises for the treatment for low back pain. Higher Pain Threshold
Triathletes are less sensitive to pain than casual exercisers, new research has found. Mixed Messages
A new study reports that an overwhelming majority of top-tier professional athletes endorse nutrient-poor foods and drinks. Heads Together
Youth, college, and professional sports organizations are forming a coalition to tackle concussions. New Treatment Center
Marshall University is building a state-of-the-art athletic training and sports medicine center. Studying Youth Injuries
At UConn professor and athletic trainer is studying whether warm-ups and exercises can help prevent sports-related injuries in youth athletes. Last Resort
Platelet-rich plasma therapy is unproven and costly, a leading doctor reports. Make It Count
Baylor University will host the American College of Sports Medicine’s yearly one-stop-only Fall Lecture Tour. Concussion Summit
Top scientists, trainers, coaches, and retired professional players from around the world will gather to discuss concussion-related issues in the sport of ice hockey. Enjoying Success
A Tennessee high school athletic trainer has seen her team rattle off 8 state championships in her 13 years with the program. Strength Coach Suspended (or “Bad Debt”)
An assistant strength and conditioning coach for Alabama football has been put on administrative leave after lending money to a suspended player. Safety Award
A Westborough, Massachusetts high school has received NATA’s Safe Sports School Award. Firm Footing
The new strength and conditioning coach for the University of Michigan’s men’s ice hockey team is as comfortable working on the ice as he is in the gym. Strong Stuff
Adding supplements containing Peak ATP to a resistance-training regimen may increase strength and prevent dips in performance, new research has found. Beyond Their Years
Three California high school students used CPR and an automatic external defibrillator to revive a student basketball player after he suffered a cardiac arrest on the court and stopped breathing. Importance of Z’s
A leading sleep researcher will discuss the link between sleep and athletic performance as part of a sports medicine lecture series at Michigan’s Hope College. Not at Fault
The University of Florida’s football head coach defends the work of the strength and conditioning coaches after three ACL tears in two months.,0, Up to Date
Certified college cross country and distance running coaches are more likely to be aware of the latest strength and conditioning research than those without certifications, according to a new study. Contact Studied
Limiting contact practices may reduce the roughly 775 head impacts sustained by high school football players during a season, a new study reports. (study abstract)

Higher Risk
Throwing from a mound versus flat ground places increased stress on the shoulders and elbows of adolescent baseball pitchers, according to new research. Recruiting
An outreach initiative by the New York State Athletic Trainers’ Association is promoting partnerships between athletic trainers, doctors, and schools. Free Services
A Houston sports medicine clinic is offering some of its services free of charge every Saturday throughout October and November. (press release)

ER Visits Rise
Emergency room visits for children with sports-related brain injuries are rising significantly, new research has found. Going For Gold Teeth
A significant number of Olympians at London 2012 had extremely poor oral health, with many linking it to unsatisfactory performances, a new study shows. Outside-the-Court Thinking
As part of a performance-program overhaul, the Cleveland Cavaliers looked abroad for a cutting-edge new director, eventually signing up the Australian former strength coach for the United States Ski Team. High Honor for Chang
Longtime University of California at Berkeley head athletics physician, Cindy Chang, has received one of sports medicine’s highest honors. Business As Usual
An orthopedic physician and former Louisiana State University football lineman has returned to the state to open a clinic, despite battling brain cancer. Simply Too Expensive
More sports may be covered under a Vermont law requiring schools to provide medical coverage at all “contact sport” scrimmages and games, and the cost may become prohibitive for some. Big Sacrifice
Financial challenges force many schools in Tennessee’s Hamilton County to do without an athletic trainer. Another Level
An Arizona high school has added a second, more advanced sports medicine class to its curriculum. Warning Signs
Youth male ice hockey players with preseason neck pain, headaches, and/or dizziness are at greater risk for concussions during the season, new research has found. Better Not Skip Training
The University of Louisiana’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for football has been voted most intimidating in America. Top Tier
A University of Connecticut orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine expert has been recognized as one of the world’s best in his field. Northern Exposure
Grambling State University’s former football and basketball Head Athletic Trainer has joined the Alaska Aces minor league hockey team. Best Behavior
ATs at the University of Albany recently hosted New York State Legislators in an effort to gain their votes on recently introduced certification and licensure bills. Woman in the NFL
A little background information on the NFL’s only full-time female athletic trainer, 29-year-old Sonia Gysland. Valuable Vantage Point
Athletic trainers are in a unique position to pick up signs of mental health problems in college student-athletes, according to a panel of experts. Position Restated
NATA has re-released a position statement on top-of-the-head contact violations in football in the wake of two spine injury-related deaths. Powerful Genes
Elite athletes in “power sports” are three times more likely to have a specific gene variant than endurance-sport athletes. PA Strong in AK
Three Pennsylvania high school graduates form the football strength and conditioning staff at the University of Arkansas, including two brothers. Program Reopens
The University of Southern Mississippi has overhauled its dormant Athletic Training Program and admitted its first class of students since 2010. Similar Symptoms
Post-concussion symptoms are not significantly different in middle- and high-school aged athletes compared to college athletes, researchers have found. Plan of Action
Schools in a Massachusetts town have adopted new policies regarding the prevention and treatment of sports-related concussions. Bobsled Chiropractor
A Montana sports medicine chiropractor is interning with Team USA’s bobsled and skeleton teams and is a candidate to join their sports medicine team for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. Too Much of a Good Thing
Several sports medicine specialists issue a warning about sports-related overuse injuries in young people, which they say account for about half of all injuries in child and adolescent athletes. H.S. Sports—Big Business?
Hospitals are trying to buy into the business of high school sports, warns the team doctor for the Cincinnati Reds. Hot Start
The University of Washington football team’s so-far successful switch to an up-tempo offense is being credited in part to the summer workouts created by its strength and conditioning coach. Runners To the Core
An NATA- and NSCA-certified trainer emphasizes the importance of core work for runners and outlines his top four core exercises. Doubly Safe in PA
Ninety percent of secondary schools in Pennsylvania have access to an athletic trainer—more than double the national average, according to a recent survey. Less Standing Around
Two New Jersey athletic trainers extol the benefits of dynamic pre-game warm-ups that feature game-like movements in addition to stretching. Not the First Time
A new study has found that almost a third of patients at two leading sports concussion clinics sustained previous concussions that went unreported. Better Not Skip Training
A college football Web site examines the sport’s most intimidating strength coaches. New Padding
Western Pennsylvania is the latest region to test a new tool for diagnosing concussions that involves strapping an iPad to a player’s back. Concussion Lawsuit Settled
A New Jersey athletic trainer faced tough questions during a recently settled lawsuit involving the concussion-related death of a 16-year-old football player. Beating the Heat
The mild analgesic paracetamol can increase the length of time a person can exercise in hot conditions, according to a new study. Safety First
A Virginia high school has been awarded NATA’s Safe Sports School award. Unique Program
A new and unique sports medicine fellowship—the first in the nation not to receive government funding—graduates its inaugural class. New App for Consults (“Very Smart Phone Consults”)
A new smartphone app allows athletic trainers at Mississippi State University to quickly and efficiently consult with team doctors and share pictures of an athlete’s injury. Jump Training Examined
Experts weigh in on the safety and efficacy of plyometrics, or “jump training,” which forms the basis of many of today’s popular workouts. Skeletal Condition Examined
A leading expert looks at the risk of rhabdomyolysis in athletes and whether protein shakes might prevent the potentially fatal condition. New Board Member
Sports medicine and nutrition expert and former consultant to the Greek Olympic Team, Georgios Moulinos, PhD, has joined Herbalife’s Nutrition Advisory Board. Turf Less Hazardous
Female college soccer players sustain fewer injuries on a popular type of synthetic turf than on grass fields, a new study reports. Surprising Results
Elite volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy (jumper’s knee) suffer a loss of mechanics in the tendon, but have superior vertical jumping ability versus players without the condition, according to a new study. Top Speed Reached
Due to limitations in the human body, Major League Baseball pitchers will not be pushing much beyond the 100 miles-per-hour threshold, according to the American Sports Medicine Institute’s research director, Glenn Fleisig. Spinal Hazards
The Wall Street Journal examines the risk of injuries to the cervical spine in young athletes. Pack of Timberwolves Expands
The Minnesota Timberwolves have added Koichi Sato and Mark Kyger as the team’s Director of Sports Performance and Director of Athletic Therapy, respectively. Too Much of a Good Thing?
A review of the innovations on show at Canada’s Own the Podium sport science and technology summit, which can be data traps, according to one expert. Inside Information
After losing his job as Manny Pacquiao’s strength coach, Alex Ariza is training the next opponent of his legendary former boss. Four-Fold Female Balance
Female athletic trainers at Division I colleges employ four strategies to achieve a successful work-life balance, according to a new study. Bulls Promote Papendieck
Nick Papendieck has been named Head Strength Coach for the Chicago Bulls after two years as an assistant. CCSU Trainer Honored
Central Connecticut State University Head Athletic Trainer and Associate Professor of Athletic Training Education, Kathy Pirog, was honored with the university’s Distinguished Service Award after 28 years of service. Concussions Knock Out Trainers
Two former Pac-12 Conference athletic trainers describe how they lost their jobs after butting heads with coaches over concussion treatment. PB&J Power
Football players at the University of Arkansas get recharged at halftime with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, thanks to the inspiration of Strength Coach Ben Herbert. Off-Campus Living
University of Missouri’s new football strength and conditioning Assistant Director, Lee Williams, recently appeared on HGTV’s “House Hunters.”

ACL Tear Prevention
Every practice, the University of Missouri women’s soccer team players go through an exercise routine designed by their athletic trainer to prevent ACL injuries. Looks Can Be Deceiving
Despite being nearly identical, two softballs approved for amateur play have dramatically different effects when striking a player’s head, according to new research. Timing of Creatine Crucial
Creatine supplements can increase strength and lean body mass if taken post-workout, according to a new study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Medicine. HIIT Better For Women
Women may benefit more from high intensity interval training (HIIT) than men, new research indicates. Safer Curves and Landings For Men
Body type and landing technique may account for women being two to eight times more likely than men to suffer ACL tears, according to two new studies Darwinian Athletes
A Duke University engineer’s sports evolution theory proves elite athletes in certain sports are bigger and stronger, and they always will be. Speedy Service
An Alabama hospital will open a Friday night-only sports medicine clinic so injured athletes can head over right after the game. Masked Men
To prepare for the BYU’s thin air, University of Texas football players are sporting low-air-flow masks during training. Klossner Joins Maryland
Former NCAA Health and Safety Director, David Klossner, has been announced as Maryland’s new Associate Athletic Director for Sports Performance. Lower Torsion Leads to Higher Pain
Major League Baseball pitchers experience more severe upper extremity injuries if they have lower degrees of, and differences in, torsion, a new study reports. Herniations Not Plaguing NFL
A high rate of NFL players with cervical disc herniation have been able to return to the league, according to a new study. Huskies Walking on Air
The University of Washington has cut the tape on a new, state-of-the-art sports medicine facility, compete with anti-gravity treadmill. Jordan Vouches for Shaefer
Eleven-time NBA championship-winning strength and conditioning coach, Chip Shaefer, has joined the Sacramento Kings after endorsements from Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan. Athletic Trainer In Sexual Abuse Scandal
Three former student athletes at an Oregon high school student are claiming sexual abuse by the school’s former athletic trainer and are suing her, her private employer at the time, the school, and the school’s principal. Giant Among Giants
How two-time NATA Hall of Famer, Ronnie Barnes, became one of the most powerful members of the New York Giants organization during his 33-year career as the team’s Head Athletic Trainer Dehydration Puts Wrestlers in Critical Care
Two Darton State wrestlers remain in critical care units, with a third having been released from the hospital, after dehydration caused all three to collapse during outdoor workouts. Helmets Grow In Importance
Experts in neurological trauma are measuring the impact football has on the brain through technology imbedded in Purdue helmets. Benefits of Resistance
The fitness trainer for the Philadelphia Union soccer team discusses the benefits of resistance band training Staying Shoulders Above the Rest
Doctors from an Austin-based sports medicine clinic share their strategies for preventing and treating shoulder injuries. Pain, No Gain
A runner explains the difference between muscle and joint pain in runners and discusses the potential dangers of pushing through the latter. Not Beating the Heat
Only 2.5 percent of athletic trainers comply with all NATA guidelines for preventing the heat-related illnesses, according to two new studies. Yeast Keeps Doctors Away
A new study is reporting that daily doses of a baker’s yeast extract may boost immune health in athletes. 360-degree Evaluations
A leading provider of sports testing and analysis technologies is building a state-of-the-art sports medicine facility that would give any athlete access to innovations such as the 360-degree evaluation. Reporting Symptoms Would Help
In the wake of a study showing only four out of ten high school players report concussions, a Drexel physician says education is key to reversing trend. Wallace’s Wisdom
Orthopedic surgeon and leading sports medicine expert, Wallace Huff, MD, discusses total joint replacement and general orthopedics and sports medicine. Cool New Digs
Boise State athletic trainers are now enjoying a new, state-of-the-art athletic training facility, complete with hydrotherapy room. Bucks Reorganize
The Milwaukee Bucks’ organization has added a host of fresh faces, including a new head athletic trainer, director of physical therapy, and strength and conditioning coach. From Court to Clinic
Former University of Wisconsin head basketball strength and conditioning coach named manager of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Practice. A Giant Opportunity
Two athletic training graduate students reflect on their internship with the New York Giants. Stay Loose
Pennsylvania high school trainers discuss the prevention of cramps in young athletes. Scaling Safe
Research led by German national climbing team doctor, Volker Schoffl, shows that indoor rock climbing injuries are rare and less common than in sports such as skiing. (Some athletic training programs feature some rock climbing. Maybe there are rock climbing teams here as well?)

I couldn’t resist:
Athletes Anonymous
Violent behaviors and ditched family get-togethers could be a sign that your child is suffering from a debilitating sports addiction. Better Dunks
A leading expert attempts to debunk the myths surrounding basketball strength and conditioning techniques. 30 Years, Only One Miss
A South Carolina high school athletic trainer is celebrating 30 years at the helm, having missing only one football game during that time due to the birth of a son. Don’t Walk It Off
Untreated or mistreated ankle injuries can lead to reinjury, chronic pain and disability, and early arthritis, according to the NATA. Overdoing It
Iron-distance triathletes experience far more overuse problems than acute injuries, according to a new study. Flossing To Success
A Sports Dentist may be playing a leading role in the success of an English soccer team. Protecting Their Young
Two St. Louis universities are looking after local high school athletes by opening sports medicine clinics and sponsoring athletic trainers to be at certain high school practices and games. Dr. Roboto
This fall the Mayo Clinic will be working with Northern Arizona University to test the effectiveness of a remotely controlled robot in diagnosing concussions during university football games. (Whether or not it flies, I have to say I’m quite proud of this headline)

Low Intensity, High Success
New research shows that swimmers who participate in low-intensity, regenerative workouts between swims record faster times and have lower lactatemia levels than swimmers who rest. Reputation Restored
Curveballs do not increase a pitcher’s risk or injury compared to fastballs, according to new research. Injury Epidemic?
Experts, players, and the team’s athletic trainer weigh in on the raft of injuries that have dogged the United States Soccer Team in recent times. Keeping Them On Ice
A Q&A with the strength and conditioning coach of the 2013 Stanley Cup-winning Chicago Blackhawks.

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Freedom Writers

...Freedom Writers Self-concept is the entirety of one's beliefs and attitudes towards their personal existence. Many people, depending on life experience, feel they have superiority or are at a disadvantage because of the group they fall into. This is seen in the movie Freedom Writers, each and every student has their own perspective on their own self-concept. These students end up finding similarities between each other because they have some sort of connection but only find it once they learn and open up about their struggles. There are many concepts of the self that can be found throughout the entire film.   Empathy is one of the major concepts of The Freedom Writers.  Empathy is the ability to put yourself into another person’s experience and to completely understand the other’s thoughts, feelings and way of being. (P.78) An example of empathy is when Mrs. G reads the journals and can really put herself into their shoes and really understand their individual experiences.  If Mrs. G didn’t have a strong sense of empathy for the students, she never would have been able to help them conquer their personal demons.               Mrs. G used a strategy called identity management to connect with the students.  Identity management is when communicators use certain strategies to influence the way others view them. (P.81) An example of this is when Mrs. G plays Tupac in an effort to relate to the kids in the class.  She hopes to have them see that they may have something in common...

Words: 1639 - Pages: 7

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Personal Narrative: Me As A Writer

...June 30, 2017 ENTRY 1: Me, Writer Attitude: I do not like to write but I believe I can get to enjoy it. The only pressures I have are thinking of what to say and how to say it. In writing, every detail and consequence needs to be seen. Because anything has its place in writing and it can get confusing, for one, you must remember all the rules and standards in which an essay must be written. Inventory: I have learned that you have options to write or not to write. But if I want to make it in life I need to read and understand what I am doing. I am an independent and abstract type of learner. I’ve also learned what type of writer I am and that is: “a former writer.” the ways I would adjust as a writer would be to reach into another comfort zone....

Words: 305 - Pages: 2