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Young Children Becoming Literate Research Paper

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In this essay, I will be identifying aspects of how young children become literate and how this knowledge informs teaching. I will be exploring three different topics such as: family literacy, reading development and writing development followed by a personal experience that relates to these topics.

What is literacy? Literacy is the ability to read, view, write, design, speak and listen, which lets us communicate well and to make sense of the world. For a child to be successful with their schooling and everyday life, literacy is essential. Family literacy is when adults and children learn together. This is when parents, family and community members make use of literacy at home and in their communities, becoming the children’s ‘first teachers.’ Families must think about how children raised in homes that encourage …show more content…
By encouraging early literacy in an early childhood environment, the most important necessity for families I recommend is for children to have lots of books. Reading for young children is essential and it would be a good idea for families at home to make a somewhat ‘library’ to store all their children’s books at home. This should be somewhere were children would be able to reach a book for easy access, somewhere on the bottom shelf or even placing books in a drawer for the children to reach. This is not only easy for the adult’s to choose a book from for their child, but also it allocates a place for your child’s books to demonstrate to your child that books are important and need to be in an organised place. By demonstrating how to organise books on the shelf or in the drawer, you will be teaching your child how to deal with books as a way to encourage ownership of their own ‘library.’ Nevertheless, families should be adding more things in the ‘library’ as your child gets more advanced in books. Young

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