Does God Exist

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    Science or God

    Science and Religion April 12, 2012 Science or God? I thought if we question Gods authority in a religious school that we would be shunned, but the first question that was asked in the beginning of class was “Is there a God”? I smiled with relief; because that is the question I have been wondering almost my whole life. Coming from a religious background I was expected to believe that there is a God and we never question if he exists or not because the bible is all the proof we need. Since

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    Descartes's Method of Universal Doubt in the First Meditation

    bringing into doubt all the beliefs that come to us from the senses is to show that science rested on firm foundations and that these foundations lay in the mind and not the senses. He is not aimed to prove that nothing exists or that it is impossible for us to know if anything exists, but to show that all our knowledge of these things through the senses is open to doubt. We could not even be sure that anything outside of us existed, if our scientific knowledge came to us through the senses. Since sense

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    Design Argument

    DESIGN (TELEOLOGICAL) ARGUMENTS Design arguments are empirical, a posteriori and synthetic Telos = end/purpose Arguments state that order design purpose God William Paley – the divine watchmaker * This is an argument from analogy * If one came across a stone on a hill, one would conclude that it was there naturally. However, if one came across a watch, one would assume that it was not there naturally. * This is because the watch is complex, harmonious, planned, functional

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    Race and Ethnicity

    existence of God are good ones Which One (s)? Explain. 2. Does the problem of evil in the world influence your thinking about religion? Why or why not? If you have a belief in God, how do you reconcile the existence of evil with your concept of God? Would it be worth it to lose our freedom of the will in order to live in a perfect world? From all the reading assigned for this lesson, the one in ch 7, Section 7.4, Can We Prove The Existence of God, called

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    Fwefwf Wer Wer

    things, like arithmetic and geometry. Simple things can be doubted. God would not deceive. It is an evil demon’s work (Meditation 2- cogito ergo sum and sum res cogitans)He recalls Archimedes' famous saying that he could shift the entire earth given one immovable point: similarly, he hopes to achieve great things if he can be certain of just one thing. Recalling the previous meditation, he supposes that what he sees does not exist, that his memory is faulty, that he has no senses and no body, that

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    Sermon Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God Analysis

    On the Sermon Sinners in the Hands of an angry God by Jonathan Edwards he doesn’t agree with the idea of the puritans about pre-destination. When Jonathan Edwards gave this sermon in 1741 he emphasized the idea that God gives us a choice of free will, wether we decide what choice to make, heaven or hell. But this statement contradicts puritan beliefs in that time, Puritans believed that God already decides who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Signifying that Jonathan didn’t support puritan beliefs

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    Descartes First Meditation Analysis

    start building a new structure. For those meetings, he began questioning everything he can. However, it does not mean that everything he doubts was false. His technique was just to ensure conventions he chooses were correct without any doubt. This technique of challenging everything is

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    Philosophical Arguments Aganst God

    SARTRE AND DENNETT ARGUMENTS AGAINST GOD NAME: INSTITUTION: Sartre arguments In the first phase, the philosophical career of Jean Paul Sartre lays emphasis on the construction of a philosophy of existence known as existentialism. Existentialism considers human nature condition as a critical philosophical problem and in which this problem can be shared through ontology (Douglas, & George, 2003). Sartre’s philosophy is explained through his ontology in which he defines two types of reality,

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    Response Paper to Mccloskey Article

    believe in God as a result of reflecting on the proofs, but come to religion as a result of other reasons and factors.” (McCloskey, 62). Although there are many ways that one could come to believe in Gods existence, thinking cosmologically, I can’t help but to look at Gods splendor around me or think of the universe, and doubt that God does in fact exist. In “Approaching the Question of God’s existence, Foreman says, “There are certain effects we see in the universe that show God exists.” (Foreman)

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    Kalam Cosmological Argument

    The Cosmological Argument The cosmological argument is reasonable proof for the existence of God, with involving components of reasons including the fact that whatever begins to exist has a cause, no thing has placed itself in motion, and that everything that exists is either contingent or necessary. The Cosmological Argument involves many sub-arguments that help validate it and prove that it is correct. One of these arguments is entitled the ‘Kalam Cosmological Argument’. This argument is used

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