Ford Motors Organizational Study

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    Socialmedia for Informal Communication in Industries

    Informal communication styles benefit McDonald’s and Ford The way ahead in an era of social networking Anas Khan and Riad Khan A Anas Khan is based in Auckland, New Zealand. Riad Khan is based at the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. s communication methods evolve faster than ever, how can organizations adapt their communication styles to suit new business realities? Fast-food restaurant McDonald’s and vehicle-maker Ford provide examples. In formal bureaucracies, employees report

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    The Auto Industry

    performance. This case study covers the strategic, organizational, and operational decisions facing the environmental manager in charge of the two plants as she awaited the pending visit of her corporate boss from Tokyo, who had made it clear that environmental issues were of growing importance in Honda's overall direction. The shrinking is accelerating dramatically. Just yesterday Chrysler said it would ax 25% of its white-collar employees, about 5,000 people, next month. General Motors is cutting thousands

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    Promotional and Advertising Strategies

    Promotional and Advertising Strategies Author’s name Institution’s name Promotional and Advertising Strategies Abstract The automotive industry is a multi-billion industry. The dawn of the twentieth century witnessed the beginning of the automobile industry.entrpernuers in the United States and Europe made the first prototypes of vehicles by the end of the nineteenth century. Since then entrepreneurial activities has been booming in the industry that has been motivated by competition among

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    Ford - Managing for Change

    Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1 Abstract: ................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 4 3 Competitors:.........................................

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    Fordism and Taylorism are responsible for the early success and recent decline of the U.S. motor vehicle industry Ronald Jean Degan International School of Management Paris 2011 Working paper nº 81/2011 globADVANTAGE Center of Research in International Business & Strategy INDEA - Campus 5 Rua das Olhalvas Instituto Politécnico de Leiria 2414 - 016 Leiria PORTUGAL Tel. (+351) 244 845 051 Fax. (+351) 244 845 059 E-mail: Webpage: www.globadvantage.ipleiria

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    Toyota Recall Crisis

    Often automobile recalls are drawing media and public attention. Influenced by Toyota’s recent automobile recalls 2009-2010 this research conducts an empirical study on historical car recalls. The research uses secondary data from recall websites maintained by public and private organizations. For different car model year and manufacturer the study looks at frequency of recalls, recorded customer complaints, and yearly sales data. Analysis shows recalls are a common event with the majority of recalls

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    environment within which he failed to initiate an early recall of defective vehicles. A cognitive script analysis of the personal experience is then offered as an explanation of factors that led to a decision that now is commonly seen as a definitive study in unethical corporate behavior. IThe main analytical thesis is that script schemas that were guiding cognition and action at the time pre.cluded consideration of issues in ethical terms because the scripts did not include ethical dimensions. In

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    Autolatina Case Study

    range of distributors and dealers • Fast revenue growth • High Brand Equity • Big success in a market protected from foreign imports. • Offered inexpensive models, with different sizes. • Focus on Innovation o VW focused on building small cars o Ford focused on building bigger cars and pickup trucks o The two partners also produced shared products • The firms unified their marketing and sales staffs • Hired specialists and consultants to accommodate the two different company cultures. • Production

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    Conceptual Model of Corporate Moral Development

    A Conceptual Model of Corporate Moral Development Author(s): R. Eric Reidenbach and Donald P. Robin Source: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Apr., 1991), pp. 273-284 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/09/2013 07:44 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars,

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    Automotive Industry Analysis

    a framework, which provides an understanding of the automotive industry as a whole in its current state. Next, ten representative companies of varying sizes are analyzed and compared; the chosen companies and selection criteria follow. General Motors, Ford, and Toyota were chosen because they are the current market leaders. DaimlerChrysler, Nissan, Volkswagen, and Honda were chosen because of their status as stable international companies who have been in the automobile business for many years. Hyundai

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