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Automotive Industry Analysis


Submitted By ychami
Words 13102
Pages 53

Submitted by Team A Donald Bradley Morgan Bruns Adam Fleming Jay Ling Lauren Margolin Felipe Roman

Presented to: Prof. Alan Flury December 5, 2005

ME 6753: Principles of Management for Engineers

Executive Summary
Chosen industry: This analysis focuses on the automotive industry, specifically, large-scale manufacturers of automobiles. The automotive industry is inherently interesting: it is massive, it is competitive, and it is expected to undergo major restructuring in the near future due to globalization and decreasing oil reserves. The analysis team members (we) feel qualified to perform this investigation due to our familiarity with the industry and our education—several of us have studied and worked on problems associated with automobile manufacturing and we are all mechanical engineering graduate students. Analysis Methodology: The report begins with a historical overview of the automotive industry. This is followed by an analysis of the industry’s structural characteristics using Porter’s 5 Forces Model as a framework, which provides an understanding of the automotive industry as a whole in its current state. Next, ten representative companies of varying sizes are analyzed and compared; the chosen companies and selection criteria follow. General Motors, Ford, and Toyota were chosen because they are the current market leaders. DaimlerChrysler, Nissan, Volkswagen, and Honda were chosen because of their status as stable international companies who have been in the automobile business for many years. Hyundai, Maruti Udyog, and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp., based in Korea, India, and China, respectively, were chosen based on their growth potential and their status as relatively new to the industry. These ten companies are analyzed in terms of their market position, their financial situation, and their management

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