Human Evolution

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    hominid is defined as ‘modern human and African apes and their direct ancestors. The term previously referred to humans and human ancestors only, under a phonetic taxonomy.’ The earliest well-accepted hominin is the Australopithecus, or Southern ape. Fossils, dated to 4.2 to 2.5 mya have been found in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Chad and South Africa. From these fossils, we know that these early humans walked fully upright on two legs, known as bipedalism. These early humans showed prognathism, the

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    the stone core by striking it at a precise angle which made it sharp from the edges. Also, they made spears to hunt big animals by fighting them up close. Moreover, after examining the Neanderthal genome, scientist found Foxp2 gene, which enables humans to speak language. The existence of Foxp2 gene in their genome shows that they had speaking ability and probably spoke some sort of language. Furthermore, after examining the Neanderthal habitant site in Croatia scientist believe that Neanderthals

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    Apes and Mid-Life Crisis

    studies have discovered that apes and orangutans face midlife problems just as certainly as humans beings do. Those discoveries, which were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, might upset tightly held faiths regarding the origins of human pleasure and the forces that cause impact on its peculiar route across the span of life (Jaques, 2002). If relatives of animals share human proclivity for grief, removal and irritation at the midpoint of life, most probably the midlife

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    Paleontology Paper

    million years ago. The Ardipithecus ramidus has some ape-like features but it also has human features as well which include smaller diamond shaped canines and some evidence of upright walking. There is a possibility that it is a descendant from an earlier species named, Ardipithecus kadabba. The fossils collected were that of a female, which is known as “Ardi”. The partial skeleton of “Ardi” is combined of both human and other primate traits. Her pelvis was shorter than other apes which indicate she

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    Anthropology in Action

    Anthropology in Action As we learned in our very first lecture video by Dr. Stacey Camp, anthropology is considered a holistic field- meaning anthropology encompasses almost every aspect of human life, whether it is in the past, present, or future. Anthropologists Study everything that was involved in a certain time period or in a certain place, or even with a certain group of people. There are four fields of anthropology; physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeological anthropology

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    Hey Whats Up

    Anthropology 201G Fall 2013 Four fields Cultural —ethnographers, ethnologists, (cultural Relativism, ethnocentrism) Physical (biological)—Paleontologists, primatologists, human biologists, Linguistics (Language studies) Archaeology (Past cultures) Evolution: Darwin, Lyell, Linneaus Genotypes, Phenotypes, Dominance, Recessive, Heterozygous, Homozygous, Punnett Squares Tt x Tt Evolutionary Theory—Four Forces --Mutation, Gene Drift, Gene Flow, Natural Selection

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    Evolution of Man

    Jade Finnecy 4th October 2012 The Evolution of Man In his 1871 book entitled The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, Charles Darwin speculated that fossils of the earliest humans and their immediate progenitors ultimately would be found somewhere in Africa.  He based this on the fact that the natural range of our nearest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas, is limited to Africa.  He concluded

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    Quest for Fire

    The movie Quest for Fire is a clear re-enactment of the struggle for the control of fire by early humans. The movie shows the importance of fire during the early evolution of humans, it creates competition between the early human species. The survival of these species depended on their ability obtain and maintain fire. The movies follows the two main early human groups as they go about their daily lives, indifferent form one another. The Main Group – Home Erectus – who are advanced to a certain degree

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    Essay On Forensic Odontology

    which in the interest of justice deals with the proper handling and examination of dental evidence and with the proper evaluation and presentation of the dental findings. Teeth are the most durable organs of vertebrates and mankind’s history of evolution depends hugely on remnants of dental evidence found on fossils. Teeth can persist long after other skeletal structures have succumbed to organic decay or destruction by some other agencies, such as fire [3] [4]. Rugoscopy (study of palatal rugae

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    The History of the Sewing Needle

    29). The Hand Sewing Needle. Retrieved 03 10, 2012, from Sewing with Trudy: Even a small thing like a hand sewing needle has had a role in the history of humans. Some facts and history about the hand sewing needle: The first sewing needles were made from bone and were used to sew animal hides together. The oldest known bone sewing needle was one found in what is now southwestern France and has been estimated

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