Joyce Carol Oates

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    October 2, 2012 Comparison of Eveline and Connie “Eveline” and “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” are similar stories set in different eras. “Eveline” is a short story written by James Joyce. “Where are you going, Where have you been” is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. Eveline and Connie are two teenage girls who are ultimately trapped by the influences of their cultures. The church plays a heavy influence on Eveline throughout the story. Eveline is conflicted on

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    Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Rhetorical Analysis

    Analytical Paragraph In this short, daunting story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, Joyce Carol Oates utilizes Syntax and Imagery in order to emphasize Connie’s struggle to achieve dominance over Arnold Friend, which leads to her loss of innocence during turbulent times. The image of “…shaved for a day or two and his nose was long and hawk-like, sniffing as if she were a treat he was going to gobble up” (Oates, “Where are you going, where have you been”, page 4, lines 9-10). Depicts a state of fear

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    Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Character Analysis Essay

    Where Is Your ID Going Where Has Your Superego Been? Connie, the main character in Carol Oates’ short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is a self conscious teenage girl with a quirky personality. Her condescending mother constantly measures her up against her older sister June, which leads to resentment and tension between Connie and her otherwise admirable sister. On a night out with her friend, Connie has a strange encounter with a boy at a drive in restaurant which introduces

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    Analyzing "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"

    Been?” English 221 Westwood College “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates is a story with connections to Bob Dylan, has themes of control and family, and has an antagonist that is believed to have been based on a serial killer. It is one of many stories of the ages that will be discussed for years to come. Joyce Carol Oates dedicated this short story to Bob Dylan. Oates admitted in an interview that after hearing Bob Dylan’s “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” she

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    Film Into Fiction Essay

    1 English 103 Date: May 28th, 2008 Fiction into Film Even tough the film “Smooth Talk” & Joyce Carol Oates’s short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” are supposed to be the same story, one can only wonder if the same message is actually being presented. Through extensive research on the criticisms of both the story and the film, I have come to the realization that the overall moral & the characters of the story have been changed so much for the film version that at the end

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    A Good Man Is Hard To Find Foreshadowing Analysis

    Good Man is Hard to Find,” by Flannery O’ Conner, adumbrates disastrous occurrences throughout the duration of Bailey and his family’s seeking adventure. “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”, by Joyce Carol Oates, betokens the desperate and sexual actions desires towards Connie. O’ Conner and Oates sporadically introduce vague details which alter into essential content. For example, the swift interaction between Connie and Arnold Friend, or the consecutive acknowledgment of the Misfit were fundamental

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    Joyce Carol Oates Beast Analysis

    be hypersexual as a man is the norm, to do so as a women is crime. The standards for both genders have gradually changed overtime, subtly alleviating the more extreme ones while at the same time continuing the tradition of others. Beasts by Joyce Carol Oates evaluates these conditions in the American sixties under the lens of a female. Gillian, a teen of seventeen in her academic lifestyle at Catamount College, soon finds that she is attracted to her professor, Mr. Harrow, a situation that leads

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    Life Changes

    small, like making new friends. Other times these changes aremajor, like the transition between being a child, and becoming an adult. In Joyce Carol Oates “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” the author dramatizes the decisive moment people face when at the crossroads between the illusions and innocence of youth and the uncertain future. Joyce Carol Oates' message of life and transitions is best understood when the reader brings his or her interpretation to meet with the author's intention

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    Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Arnold Friend Character Analysis

    In the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates we are introduced to a character named Connie. Connie likes to sneak out with her friends and hangout with boys who are older than her. One night Connie was asked to go to dinner by a boy named Eddie. When they are walking through the parking lot they come across a man in a gold convertible that says “Gonna get you, baby” (Oates 862). Then a few days past by and Connie is home alone while her Mother and sister went

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    Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been: Movie Analysis

    In “Where are you going, Where have you been” by Joyce Carol Oates the plot is set in multiple places including Connie’s house, the mall, and the burger joint in which she meets Eddie and first encounters Arnold friend. Connie is a self centered teen who has a knack for exploring a world not meant for teenagers. While Connie continues here acting of being older than she is in order to attract older men, she accidentally attracts a stalker whom later arrives at her house to take here away. The importance

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