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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been: Movie Analysis

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In “Where are you going, Where have you been” by Joyce Carol Oates the plot is set in multiple places including Connie’s house, the mall, and the burger joint in which she meets Eddie and first encounters Arnold friend. Connie is a self centered teen who has a knack for exploring a world not meant for teenagers. While Connie continues here acting of being older than she is in order to attract older men, she accidentally attracts a stalker whom later arrives at her house to take here away. The importance to read this story is to gain insight on the culture of teenagers, and does an exceptional job of portraying the rebellious nature embedded into teens from many generations. Additionally, the movie is important because it illustrates that being …show more content…
In the text it states, “ her looks were gone and that was why she was always after Connie”(Oates 323). This portrays why Connie and her mother has an ongoing conflict throughout the story. Without Connie’s character the message behind the story would be nonexistent and would make the interaction with Arnold friend, had the plot continued as it did without her wanting of attention from guys, unsymbolic in it’s original intention. Also, the continuity of rivalries between Connie and her mother help to emphasize Connie’s nature of rebelliousness being frowned upon by the family. The movie was successful in displaying the tension between Connie and her mother, conjuring up their peculiar relationship in a spectacular …show more content…
Two of these many differences between the flick and story is Connie meeting up with two guys instead of just Eddie as she did in the story. Whether or not this element of the movie is a poor or good adaptation is strictly a matter of opinion. Some may argue that Connie going with more than one guy builds up her rebellious nature more and therefore improves the quality of the story. However on the other hand one may argue that one time with a guy whom she is not supposed to be with is enough to transfer the importance of the idea of rebelliousness and

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