Julius Caesar Summary

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    Julius Caesar One of the most influential political and military leaders in global history, Gaius Julius Caesar helped establish the vast empire ruled by Rome. Gaius Julius Caser was born in the year of 100 BC into a patrician family. At the time of his birth, Rome was still a republic and the empire was only really just beginning. The senators ruled, motivated by the greed of power in the hope of becoming, either, a consul or a praetor, the two senior posts which carried emporium, the legal right

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    Julius Caesar

    authors depict the life and accomplishments of Julius Caesar differently. After reading the article, “Julius Caesar” by Thomas K. Grose and an excerpt from Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures: A Concise History, multiple similarities and differences become visible. Following a thorough examination of both texts, it is apparent that Thomas K. Grose does a more efficient job presenting the material on the famous legend Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is definitely a man of many honorable achievements

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    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar Scrapbook Brutus By Carleigh Gifford For Mr. Young English Tuesday, November 8th, 2011 Act 1 Dear Diary, Caesar has returned from his victorious battle against Pompei. All of the commoners of Rome welcome Caesar back with great joy because they love him. On the other hand, I heard that the tribunes were very unhappy that Caesar was back and that they were destroying all of the decorations that were made to honour him. When Caesar entered with all of his friends

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    End of the Republic

    current form of government and opened many minds to the sentiment that some individuals could be trusted with governance more than the current leaders who could be manipulated by the aristocracy. This paper will compare key players like Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus in their rise to power, as well as their importance in the events leading to the end of the republic government. The role of Mark Antony and Egyptian Queen Cleopatra will be examined in the events leading up to the battle that ended

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    Julius Caesar Anthony and Brutus Comparison

    Compare and contrast Antony and Brutus. In the play Julius Caesar there are two main characters, Brutus and Mark Anthony. These characters have major differences between them. They are both opposites to each other. Brutus was an honest but naive man while Mark Antony was a persuasive, deceptive, and ambitious man. Antony used the art of deception to control people such as in his funeral speech for Julius. Antony used his words to turn the crowd against Brutus which made Brutus go up for his

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    Roles of Justice and Injustice in "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar"

    all part of point of view. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, justice and injustice both play huge roles in almost every aspect of the play. The goal of this essay is to identify some of the examples of justice and injustice throughout the play and to describe how those examples represent justice or injustice. In Act I, Scene II, Caesar shows the first sign of justice, or rather injustice, of the play. This act of injustice was, unknowingly by Caesar, aimed at himself and also caused because of

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    Generated Fears

    Generated Fears Julius Caesar educes fear in the real world. The events that take place in the tragedy allow the audience and readers to not only sympathize, but to think of the fearful possibilities that might occur in the real world. The story contains scenes where fear is targeted at the audience, allowing them to truly feel for the characters and have a tighter grasp to their own world. Julius Caesar induces the fear of chaos, trouble, panic, and war through the reactions of the people

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    The Determined Dictator

    The Determined Dictator Julius Caesar has been quoted to have said, “I love the name of honor, more than I fear death” (“Julius Caesar Quotes”). That one quote tells a lot about Caesar’s attitude and his character. More than once, this determination to receive honor risked his life, but it also gained him many achievement that he has been remembered for for hundreds and hundreds of years. In the end, that same desire for honor cost him his life. Julius Caesar deserved the honor he received

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    Pablo Ellison Mrs. O`Meara English 10 P-2 The story of Julius Caesar is very interesting. It’s a tale of many deaths and alliances. Now in an alliance you would need to have faith in the person you are in the alliance with. You would need to be able to rely on them and be able cooperate with them in a situation and most of all TRUST them. This is something Brutus does very well, he trusts others. Actually he does this too well and this is what leads to his downfall Brutus

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    Greeks vs Romans

    of Greece began as poleis, independent and self governing. Democracy was invented in Athens. Women, children and slaves were not allowed to contribute. Tyrants took over after the fall of the Kings. Government was known as a Republic until Julius Caesar began his rule in 48BC. The people were divided: Patricians (wealthy), Plebeians (common working class) and slaves (had no rights). Women and slaves were not allowed to vote. Tribunes were elected to ensure fair treatment. Art   

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