Lake October

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    Peace, Land and Bread

    Peace, Land, and Bread The Bolsheviks’ Rise to Power in Revolutionary Russia In January of 1917, Vladimir Lenin said that he did not believe that he would not live to see a socialist revolution. Indeed, Russia appeared to be comfortably transitioning in bourgeois democracy. Progressive leaders, Pavel Miliukov and Prince Lvov were taking control of the State Duma, both Leon Trotsky and Lenin were in exile, and their Bolshevik Party’s following had been decimated by conscription. Yet by the

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    Lenin and the Bolshevik Revoloution Essay

    Evaluate Lenin’s contribution to the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917? Lenin played a crucial role in the success of the November Revolution. He did not create the discontent which permeated Russian society in 1917, but he did devise slogans and strategies to win disaffected groups over to the Bolshevik Party. By the beginning of 1917, the Tsarist regime was facing insurmountable problems. The peasants were demanding land; the workers wanted higher wages and better working

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    “the Bolshevik State Under Lenin Between 1918 and 1924 Was a Ruthless Dictatorship, Caring Little the Russian People.” to What Extent Do You Agree with This Statement?

    “The Bolshevik state under Lenin between 1918 and 1924 was a ruthless dictatorship, caring little the Russian people.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? After having overthrown the weak Provisional Government in the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia. Although they were a quite small party, that at first only had power in Petrograd, they managed to gain support and power throughout the whole country, turning it into a Bolshevik dictatorship. (Oxford

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    公共决策中的公众参与 作者: 作者单位: 刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 被引用次数: 王预震, 周义程 苏州大学政治与公共管理学院,江苏 苏州 215021 广西社会科学 GUANGXI SOCIAL SCIENCES 2002(5) 24次 本文读者也读过(10条) 1. 何林生 公众参与与决策科学化民主化[期刊论文]-东南学术2003(4) 2. 涂晓芳 公共政策过程中的公众参与分析[期刊论文]-江西行政学院学报2005,7(1) 3. 李少惠.左霞 听证制度在公共决策中的作用[期刊论文]-生产力研究2008(9) 4. 马赛 公众参与公共政策的困境分析[期刊论文]-广西社会科学2003(4) 5. 李庆钧 论"以人为本"的公共决策观[期刊论文]-贵州社会科学2008,221(5) 6. 杨勇.张再生.YANG Yong.ZHANG Zai-sheng 过程监督对公共决策的作用机理研究[期刊论文]-天津大学学报(社 会科学版)2009,11(6) 7. 文新良.WEN Xin-liang 网络舆论与公共决策[期刊论文]-湖南师范大学社会科学学报2006,35(1) 8

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    How Far Do You Agree That the Main Reason for the Fall of the Provisional Government Was the Skill and Determination of Lenin in 1917?

    To an extent it is valid to say that Lenin's skill and determination as leader of the Bolsheviks was the main reason for the overthrow of the Provisional government. Although, there are significant other factors that contributed to the downfall of the government, such as the weakness the government it in itself possessed, the misjudgment and mistakes it made, and other contributing factors, such as the influential role of Trotsky, which helped impact on the eventual overthrow of the government.

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    从《海峡两岸服务贸易协议》探究 台湾服务业转型升级路径 南京大学 国际经济贸易系 乐济铭 121090081 2014年4月19日 从《海峡两岸服务贸易协议》探究 台湾服务业转型升级路径 南京大学 国际经济贸易系 乐济铭 121090081 摘要:加入WTO的十年来,中国的经济取得了举世瞩目的成就,而与之形成鲜明对比的是,台湾尽管是公认的发达经济体,有着占GDP比重高达70%的发达服务业,在这十年里却面临着市场饱和,过度竞争,结构僵化,改革转型乏力乃至经济衰退的困境。本文认为,造成这种困境的主要原因是岛内的封闭思想和受民意掣肘而无法顺利推进的政策施行导致的与大陆的贸易壁垒。近年来,在服贸协议等政策利好因素的推进下,台湾应抓紧机遇,与大陆进行服务业的充分分工与贸易,实现自身服务业的转型升级,促进经济增长,融入全球竞争。 关键词:服贸协议;台湾服务产业;转型升级 随着不可逆转的全球化浪潮以及海峡两岸的关系逐步缓和,大陆和台湾的经济联系日趋密切。两岸的经济合作随着贸易与

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    Bolshevik Consolidation of Power

    How did the Bolsheviks consolidate their power in the first few months after the October 1917 Revolution? (30 marks) Lenin’s Bolshevik takeover of power in Russia left the country confused and inquisitive into what the future may hold, with their recently adopted power only leaving them with a tenuous grip around the nation. The majority of Russia predicted that the Bolshevik’s would only last a matter of weeks, before worsening economic and social issues would leave their power insecure and prove

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    ‘The fall of the provisional government in October 1917 was entirely due to its own failings?’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. There are a lot of factors which contributed to the downfall of the provisional governments, some with a bigger impact but came from both inside and outside of the provisional government. After the Tsar’s own downfall in March the Provisional Government was introduced to fix all of Russia’s problems. Though Russia was still struggling from the aftermath

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    Asses the Reasons Why Lenin and the Bolsheviks Were Able to Seize Power in October 1917

    The Bolshevik seize of power in October 1917 was undoubtedly a turning point for Russia’s political situation and a point that would set the tone for the future rulings. It can be easily argued that the Bolsheviks were only able to take over as a result of the long term weaknesses and failures of the Provisional Government. However, as with all events in history, the final seizure in October would not have been possible had it not been for the more recent, trigger causes. The roles of Lenin and Trotsky

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    Nep Development

    Between 1917 and 1924 the Bolshevik party went through a baptism of fire which transformed it from a revolutionary splinter group into a party of government. During that period it faced intense opposition from a bewildering array of political, military, social and national groups. By the time of Lenin’s death, in January 1924, the regime was, despite all the odds, still in power – but at what cost was this success achieved and to what extent was it superficial rather than real? Political Opposition:

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