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    Google's Pi Lab

    beneficial, a distraction from “real work” and tangible, goal-directed tasks.” (Garvin,2013) states David A. Garvin of the Harvard Business Review. Although this mentality is evident in many workplaces ranging from small startup companies to Fortune 500 corporations, one company set out to find if managers truly did matter. Google’s History and Culture Google was created in 1998 by two computer science students while attending Stanford University. The company has not celebrated its 18th

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    亚马逊   您好,大家好, 下面,由我来介绍一下美国亚马逊公司   亚马逊公司是一家财富500强公司,总部位于美国华盛顿州的西雅图。它创立于1995年,目前已成为全球商品品种最多的网上零售商和全球第3大互联网公司。亚马逊及其它销售商为客户提供数百万种独特的全新、翻新及二手商品,如图书、影视、音乐和游戏等等。 说到亚马逊,亚马逊书店最为出名,亚马逊可以提供的图书目录比全球任何一家书店的存书要多15倍以上。这里我们不得不提一下亚马逊的免费配送服务,到目前为止,亚马逊已经三次采取此种促销手段。前两次免费送货服务的门槛分别为99美元和49美元,2002年8月亚马逊又将免费送货的门槛降低一半,开始对购物总价超过25美元的顾客实行免费送货服务,奠定了此后迅速扩展的基础。 众所周知,好的配送服务离不开好的物流链,所以在电子商务中亚马逊将其国内的配送业务委托给美国邮政和UPS,将国际物流委托给国际海运公司等专业物流公司;当然还得归功于亚马逊完善的发货条款、灵活多样的送货方式及精确合理的收费标准(PPT展示图片)。 亚马逊书店成功还离不开它独特的营销方式,这个在

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    Mma Marketing and Finance Department

    To: Ashley Mercer and Donald Pate , Marketing and Finance Department (MMA) From: Ashley Graf (Senior Analyst) Date: December 4, 2004 Re: Considerations for 2005 Currently, there is a state of affairs that needs to be addressed. After reviewing the case of MMA, I am inclined to relay a few ideas on how to generate revenue and not end up in the negative margin for the 2005 year. First, I will point out a few things and work these ideas in as we go. We know that out of the members’ categories

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    Rudeness on the Rise

    stand at the movies, and when a new cash register opens up, people who just got in line rush to beat the people who have been waiting a long time. People jockey for positions in grocery store lines as if they and their grocery carts were in the Indy 500 and you wonder if rudeness is on the rise. The one thing all these incidents have in common is that they have been committed by strangers against other strangers. It is particularly ironic to see a rise in rudeness during the holiday rush. Whether

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    An Ethical Flaw

    “THE FORTUNE 500” The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies incur. The list includes publicly and privately held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955. 1) Walmart, is an American multinational retail corporation that runs

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    Art Museum Database

    Art Museum Database What is Needed and What Can Go Wrong Craig Hill University of Phoenix Analysis- A database needed to accomidate an art museum would be vary simple an very complicated at the same time. The database would need to have the names of the artists, name of the art and where it is located. Along with the entities stated above, there would also be the details that are unseen in the database. When the art was purchased or donated, the estimated value, the year it was painted

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    Walmart: the High Cost of Low Price

    I believe Walmart is a very successful company from a business standpoint. The company is the world's third largest public corporation list in 2012, the biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees, and is the largest retailer in the world. It has 8,500 stores in 15 countries and is the largest and most profitable retailer in the United States. However, from a moral standpoint Walmart may not be as successful as many may think. It has violated many human rights in some of

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    tried to make things disappear through their bankers and accountants. They tried to legalize all of the non-performing assets, and other illegal part taking, they eventually we caught. Ambition wise, their goal was to be number one on the Fortune 500 list. 3500 SPE’s were created, there was no real picture set, and they were breaking all the accounting rules. As for complexity, they had guarantees for their stocks. While in actuality, it was plummeting the entire time. In addition, the collaborators

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    Angie's List

    The Market Company’s Market Angie’s List is located in all 50 states in the United States and several markets in Canada. Though they are located in every state but they are not in every market within those states. Many states are missing some key markets but that would be a potential growth opportunity for them in the near future. Even in the current markets, Angie’s List can still improve their overall market share. Though there is not a true competitor to Angie’s List, there is still market penetration

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    The Impact of Diversity in Creating a High Performance Team

    issue through the use of diverse ideas and solutions. There are many times in life, whether at work or at school that one will encounter a diverse mix of personalities. Workplace diversity is everywhere, from the small corner business to the fortune 500 company, and is one of the most important challenges facing companies today. This mix of diverse personalities, gender, race, experience, and culture is what makes a team successful. This is an example of a heterogeneous team. On the other hand, a team

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